Re: You call Hillary phony? Take a good look at Obama!



On Sat, 19 Jan 2008 14:28:28 -0800, towanda wrote:

> On Jan 7, 5:54 pm, AirRaid <> wrote:
>> laughing my ****ing ass off -  Hitlery Rotten ****on ckokes up and
>> cries through a pathetic attempt to sound soft hearted and emotional.
>> She must KNOW she's completely ****ed now with Obama opening up a HUGE
>> double digit lead over her in New Hampshire.
>> most people strongly DISLIKE Clinton because of her dishonesty,
>> deceitfulness, lies, untruths, cold calculating nature and because
>> she's a phoney, a socialist, a communist, part of the
>> new world order elite. overall Hillary is a disgusting, sickening
>> control freak who hates American freedoms.
>> **** HILLARY.

> You call Hillary phony? Have you even been watching Obama at all? He
> started his run saying that he is going to be a different sort of
> candidate, no negative politics, talking about the issues. He has
> turned out to be as negative as anyone, which proves him to be a huge
> hypocrite. He also looks more like an impersonator than a candidate.
> Just compare the way he talks at different functions. Lately he
> sounds like he is doing an impersonation of MLK, Jr. He is as bad as
> any politician has ever been for telling people what they want to
> hear. More than anything, people want change. So he just throws out
> his version of the "I Have a Dream" speech, talks about what a "hope-
> monger" he is, and hopes that no one notices that there is no depth or
> substance to anything he says. This guy is an empty suit, who has
> figured out what people want to hear and has given us that. But, it
> is all rhetoric.

If the choice is between Barack "Glib Nothing" Obama and Hilary "Let's
Make National Health-Care a Corporate Entitlements Program for the
Insurance Companies" Clinton, this long-time nose-holding Independent
Democratic voter may well stay home on Election Day for the first time
since '76.

(OTOH, if it comes down to staying home or voting against Huckabee, who
frankly scares me . . . .)

If the Democrats nominate anyone but Edwards, or the Republicans anyone
but McCain (and I don't _even_ want to get into the rest of _that_ field),
they're total mouth-breathing drooling idiots.

McCain-Edwards would in fact be a highly-attractive Independent ticket . . . .


Conservatism = plutocracy + theocracy + hypocrisy
Liberalism = plutocracy + psychosociocracy + hypocrisy