Real Surge In Violence Overtakes McBush Fake Surge - Cease Fire Over, Battles Erupt All Over Iraq


Peter Principle

Boy, that "surge" the presidunce and McBush keep pushing sure is working


Across Iraq, battles erupt

Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army fought US, Iraqi forces in Baghdad and Basra on

By Sam Dagher | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
from the March 26, 2008 edition

Baghdad - The Mahdi Army's seven-month-long cease-fire appears to have come

Rockets fired from the capital's Shiite district of Sadr City slammed into
the Green Zone Tuesday, the second time in three days, and firefights
erupted around Baghdad pitting government and US forces against the militia
allied to the influential Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

At the same time, the oil-export city of Basra became a battleground Tuesday
as Iraqi forces, backed by US air power, launched a major crackdown on the
Mahdi Army elements. British and US forces were guarding the border with
Iran to intercept incoming weapons or fighters, according to a senior
security official in Basra.

The US blames the latest attacks on rogue Mahdi Army elements tied to Iran,
but analysts say the spike in fighting with Shiite militants potentially
opens a second front in the war when the American military is still doing
battle with the Sunni extremists of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
<more at URL>

A second front. More attacks. More violence. More deaths. More billions, and
perhaps trillions of dollars wasted. No end in sight.

Welcome to the reality of Bush's dirty little war...

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?