Reasons to be ashamed of the Shrub


New member
Today's reason for being ashamed of George W. Bush

His Beautiful Mind

This is scary and shameful:

In the administration's view, the new conflict is not just a crisis to be managed. It is also an opportunity to seriously degrade a big threat in the region, just as Bush believes he is doing in Iraq.

Each crisis is an opportunity to wage a war they wanted to wage. The president believes Iraq is a success story. No one will tell him anything else. He understands nothing, yet believes he knows better than everyone:

"He thinks he is playing in a longer-term game than the tacticians," said the former official, who spoke anonymously so he could discuss his views candidly.

Be afraid...and ashamed.


Be very afraid....and you are already very ashamed.



New member
The only reason you need to be ashamed of any politician is that they are politicians.


Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt! Wrong... I have seen GREAT politiCIANS (SINCE 1948).... and ending with Clinton....who was perhaps the best....

But the Shrub? He is satan personified and I will dance at his funeral.



New member
My family is all Military and it sucked during the Clinton years. Ya, during the Reagan era there was all kinds of things about him being Satan, his first, middle and last name all had 6 letters in it etc
99% of all the conflicts in the world involve islam. The other 1% involve old-style communist dictatorships and African ethnic cleansings.

Get rid of islam, and you will get peace.



New member
Nahhhh, it's prophecy well underway and it is exciting to watch though hateful and aggravating.... following it with the Word is in wonderful to know at my age! Hahahah... for I am soooooooooooooooo ready to meet the Master. Glory.

We can "blame" it on technology or anythiing we want... *** is bringing it all to pass... no matter how it gets here and we can watch it unfold daily now instead of yearly....



New member
99% of all the conflicts in the world involve islam. The other 1% involve old-style communist dictatorships and African ethnic cleansings.
Get rid of islam, and you will get peace.
Oh dear one, there shall BE no peace... for many will come and shout PEACE PEACE (as Shrub has even as he attacked a small country and eyes others) and there shall BE NO PEACE.



New member
Get Rid of Shrub and we will have peace for a season anyway... 2008 should be a good year.
We would have had peace with either Clinton or Gore in office (that is unless Clinton needed to bomb some more people to deflect his perjury case again).

Of course if Clinton or Gore were in office when we had 9/11, we'd all still be looking at the hole in the ground at Ground Zero, saying it sure looked better with those two buildings here, but what can you do about it. :cool:



New member
We would have had peace with either Clinton or Gore in office (that is unless Clinton needed to bomb some more people to deflect his perjury case again).
Of course if Clinton or Gore were in office when we had 9/11, we'd all still be looking at the hole in the ground at Ground Zero, saying it sure looked better with those two buildings here, but what can you do about it. :cool:
Hahahah guess so... if ya wanna say so... but I am sure either would have done a better job than Shrub did... without all the lies to accompany it... ad a fake war afterwards. 2550 soldiers would still be alive.



New member
Hahahah guess so... if ya wanna say so... but I am sure either would have done a better job than Shrub did... without all the lies to accompany it... ad a fake war afterwards. 2550 soldiers would still be alive.
After all your "Bush bashing" and "Republican bashing" posts, that had no substance to back them up, that's the best rebuttal you could come up with.

For a "supposed" former newspaper editor, you aren't very good at getting you point across.

Was it by chance, a high school newspaper? :confused:



New member
Why yes,it was.... and then it was local news, then it was military news, then back to commercial news and finally state/national news... and I will answer as I wish when I wish IF I wish.... I do not do LONG boring tribunals as some of you... just say what ya mean IF ya mean what ya say. It's called editing over crapping.

Bush and his ilk suck... no bashing is needed... they just DO.


Now - as per the forum, another reason to be ashamed of the head is that he cannot string 2 words together without a prompt.

Now back to YOUR foolishness....



New member
Another reason:

The drunken Shrub is responsible for the deaths of far more innocent civilians in his first 5 evil years in stolen office than Hitler was in his first 5 years in power.



New member
More reasons for embarrassment....Repugnants are always jumping back to Clinton to try to bolster the Shrub.... GMAB:

“You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? ... A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.” - Matthew 7:16,18

With that in mind I decided to compare the fruits of the two Presidents’ leadership.

Clinton: $200 billion surplus. Bush: $300 billion deficit.

Clinton, median family income went up 13%. Bush, median family income down 5% --so far.

Clinton: oil at $20/barrel & gas at $1.85. Bush: oil at $72/barrel & gas at $3.00.

Clinton: 22 million actual new jobs. Bush: 5 million supposed new jobs (Bush uses different criteria from every administration since 1947). Too bad there are 10 million new job seekers.

Clinton: number of uninsured Americans went down 1.1%. Bush: number of uninsured Americans went up 1.5% -- so far.

Clinton: % of people living in poverty went down 4%. Bush: % of people living in poverty went up 1.5% -- so far.

Clinton: uses force to stop ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe with no combat casualties. Bush: loses 2600 US troops in a dirt-water third world country -- so far -- in a war HE started.

Clinton: national foreclosures decline from previous administration. Bush: foreclosures double from previous administration -- so far.

Clinton: abortion rate declines for 8 straight years. Bush: abortion rate flat for first term and increasing each year of second.

Clinton: lied about consensual ***, his wife got mad. Bush: lied about WMD, tens of thousands die.

Clinton: lied about consensual ***, every country in the world loves the US. Bush: lied about WMD, torture, violates international law and the Geneva Conventions (per the Supreme Court ruling re GITMO) and the world hates the US.

Clinton: caught and punished every terrorist acting against the US during his terms in office. Bush: Osoma bin Who? and, according to Rumsfeld, creates more terrorists than we can kill.

Clinton: signed treaties extending the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, negotiates with N. Korea to halt their nuclear program. Bush: abrogated every non-proliferation treaty resulting in Russia MIRVing their ICBM fleet directing thousands more nuclear bombs at US targets, gives nuclear technology to India increasing tensions with Pakistan and allows N. Korea and Iran to develop nuclear technology.

Bush is an embarrassment, a war criminal and a fool who has put our country in greater peril from foreign attack, wrecked the strongest economy in the world and is the greatest threat to the survival of mankind in history. I think Jesus would know a bad tree when he saw it...and so do I.



New member
Since he has a small brain if any, Shrub is constantly doing the bidding of others. The entire republican controlled congress and every right-wing republican think tank has been salivating over doing all of this to America for decades. With Shrub they finally got their chance and they have done nearly everything they have always dreamed about. We will get rid of Shrub, thank ***; but unless we completely destroy the very idea of this idiotic right-wing republican ideology we'll be stuck with it for much longer. Shrub is bad, oooooooooooooo yes - but he's just a pitiful, putrid, druken, arrogant symptom of a much greater problem... be ashamed, then vote em all out!


New member
A quadrella of hate posts? I sense a fixation in the air.

Smells like teen angst. The cologne, that is.




New member
Clinton: uses force to stop ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe with no combat casualties. Bush: loses 2600 US troops in a dirt-water third world country -- so far -- in a war HE started.
Clinton's little, limited air campaign in the Balkans, didn't do **** to stop ethnic cleansing. You can't make a difference in any police action without putting boots on the ground.

Clinton: lied about consensual ***, his wife got mad. Bush: lied about WMD, tens of thousands die.
Clinton: lied about consensual ***, every country in the world loves the US. Bush: lied about WMD, torture, violates international law and the Geneva Conventions (per the Supreme Court ruling re GITMO) and the world hates the US.
I don't give a **** if Clinton lied about having ***. I do give a **** when the President commits a felony offense and perjurs himself (lying under oath is perjury).

Clinton: caught and punished every terrorist acting against the US during his terms in office. Bush: Osoma bin Who? and, according to Rumsfeld, creates more terrorists than we can kill.
Really? Because I was under the impression that Osama bin Lauden was involved with the World Trade Center bombing ing 1993.

As for the Oklahoma City bombing, that's still up for speculation as to wether they got all of the people involved, or even the correct people.

Also, do Janet Reno, the ATF and FBI count as domestic terrorist for their part in Waco?

Clinton: signed treaties extending the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, negotiates with N. Korea to halt their nuclear program. Bush: abrogated every non-proliferation treaty resulting in Russia MIRVing their ICBM fleet directing thousands more nuclear bombs at US targets, gives nuclear technology to India increasing tensions with Pakistan and allows N. Korea and Iran to develop nuclear technology.
That's funny because it was confirmed that India was ready to test their first nuclear device in 1995 and did so in 1998. I didn't know that W's administration has been around for more then 10 years.

Wait no, who was that, that was in office in 1995, that could have provided India with nuclear technology?

Bush is an embarrassment, a war criminal and a fool who has put our country in greater peril from foreign attack, wrecked the strongest economy in the world and is the greatest threat to the survival of mankind in history.
I don't know if I would deny most of this statement, but if you're going to rebut something try to use real facts, not just the liberal **** that oozes out of your pores.

Also, you never did refute that nothing would have been done if 9/11 happened during a Clinton/Gore administration. I must have been right about that too.

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