Record 132 Million Flu Shot Doses Planned for Fall


Patriot Games


Record 132 Million Flu Shot Doses Planned for Fall Wires Thursday, April 19, 2007

ATLANTA -- Flu vaccine manufacturers expect to have a record 132 million
doses ready for the 2007-2008 flu season, and there could be even more
available if a fifth company joins their ranks, officials said Thursday.

CSL Biotherapies, and Australian company, applied last month for federal
approval to sell its inactivated flu vaccine in the United States this fall.

The vaccine estimates were announced at an Atlanta meeting of flu vaccine
manufacturers, health care providers and public health officials.

If approved, CSL would join four other companies providing flu vaccine in
the United States. Three make flu shots - Sanofi Pasteur Inc., which
projects 50 million doses; Novartis Vaccines, which expects to make up to 40
million doses; and GlaxoSmithKline, which is planning 30 million to 35
million doses.

In addition, MedImmune Vaccines Inc. plans to manufacture about 7 million
doses of FluMist, a nasal mist recommended only for healthy people between 5
and 49. It contains live virus and carries a slight chance of causing flu