

New member
Not sure if this belongs here but does anyone have a record of anything? I do i've been single since was born!!!! But idk if that's good or bad.


New member
my record of "without sleep" stands for 44 hours

my record of "how long i can play tennis for" stands at like...9 hours ish, i played almost nonstop, taking breaks between sets and opponents(5-10 minutes)



New member
well for those 44 hours i was running around an army base camp doing orienteering and paintball stuff

i woulda kept going but the "game" "ended" at 43 ours and we spent an hour tracking back, i fell on my feet and got carried home lol

as far as just doing average stuff, i went through my entire HSC(well, HSC aint average, but it was hardly physically exhausting reading books and doing equations) without sleep=a week

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