Red State Morons Poisoning Own Kids - Analysis Shows Tainted Beef Sold Primarily To GOP Districts, R


Peter Principle

Gee, I wonder who was buying all of that tainted beef from a processor owned
by GOPhool supporters?

You remember, the largest food recall in US history?

The one that began because of a video showing seriously ill cows, animals
that couldn't even stand up, being shoveled onto the slaughterhouse floor
with forklifts?

Yeah, THAT tainted beef. The millions of pounds of it that was sold to
schools across the country.

Well, guess what? An analysis of the list of schools that bought the tainted
beef shows almost all of them are either in heavily Republidolt districts or
are religious schools, other than Catholic.

That's right, folks, it's the conservadolts who rushed to buy bad beef for
their kids.

Just one ore example of rightard stupidity...

Oh, BTW, here's the link to the complete list of schools that purchased the
bad beef:

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?