"Religious right" sets up hate and election theft as christian values


Joe S.


During the Cold War and Ronald Reagan's presidency the religious right
enthusiastically enlisted in his crusade to derail what he called "The Evil
Empire" meaning the Soviet Union and its godless tyranny.
How interesting it is to see that the religious right has enthusiastically
practiced one of the basic precepts of Marxism-Leninism. The religious
right has embraced the concept of "the end justifies the means" in its quest
to perpetuate George W. Bush's devotion to right wing theocracy through
suppressing votes in elections.

It was Vladimir Lenin, the first premier of the Soviet regime, who said that
in order to make an omelet it was necessary to break some eggs. The
religious right, proclaiming paradoxically to be following the teachings of
Christ, believes it necessary, in order to repel what it conceives to be
godless invaders from the left, also known as Democrats, to engage in full
scale character assassination, lying, cheating and vote fraud.

Jerry Falwell turned the death of White House aide Vince Foster into a
crusade for righteousness, turning out a film proclaiming that Bill and
Hillary Clinton were responsible for Foster's untimely death. When it
became obvious that Foster had not been murdered, Falwell then denied having
anything to do with the film or the view that the Clintons were linked to

Mark Crispin Miller in Fooled Again devotes an entire chapter, perhaps the
most fascinating of a book filled with perceptive, well researched gems on
how the Republicans stole the 2004 presidential election.
Miller details how the religious right dogmatically and self-righteously set
out to suppress votes. The action was zealously performed in the name of
perpetuating Christian virtue through a continuation of the Bush-Cheney
tandem in the White House.

In that Democrats sought to count all Florida votes following the 2000
presidential election this did not set well with those on the religious
right. This view was expressed with appropriate "godly vitriol" by Dr. Val
Finnell, a major in the Army Medical Corps and Chief of Clinical Pathology
at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas.

From February 2001 to November 2003, Dr. Finnell delivered his spiritual
view with regular essays on the website of the Chalcedon Foundation, a group
dedicated to Christian Reconstructionism. This is a pre-millennialist
doctrine positing that End Times must occur, as envisioned in the Book of
Revelation, prior to Christ's return.

Christian Reconstructionists ardently identify with Israel while believing
that all Jews who fail to believe in Christ are doomed to hell. In the
interim, however, Jews fulfill a purpose under Revelation by being part of
the unfolding scenario ending with Armageddon, the bloody conflict that will
end the world and enable Christ to return.

While mere mortals seek to prevent a nuclear holocaust, the truly
enlightened Christian Reconstructionists rejoice. It is easy to see why
they identify with the aggressively militaristic policies of Cheney and

After all, it was Bush, who proclaims to talk directly to God, who lifted
his clenched right fist as the first bombs were falling on Baghdad in Donald
Rumsfeld's "shock and awe" attack and declared, "Feels good!"

Here is how Dr. Finnell sized up the national political scene circa 2001:

"The Florida elections have taught us that the Democrats with their
liberal/socialistic worldview will stop at nothing to seize control of the
government. For the government is the instrument whereby the legislator and
the courts shape man into what they want.

"Instead of half-hearted and compromising responses from so-called
conservatives, we need an explicitly Christian response to politics that has
its own worldview, an agenda, and courageous men to implement it

What intellectual clarity! This essay was written shortly after President
Bill Clinton left power. His reign was so socialistic that he secured the
passage of NAFTA to propel World Bank globalism, a pursuit that converts
other nations to privatization and enables multi-national corporations such
as Halliburton and Bechtel to reign.

Who was the mastermind behind "socialist" Clinton's 1996 re-election
triumph? That was Dick Morris, who had previously worked for that notable
"left wing extremist" Senator Jesse Helms. Morris employed the tactic of
triangulation, which essentially meant stealing Senator Bob Dole's
Republican playbook out of his hands.

Yes, and those references to Florida. There were those decaying voting
machines and the chads they spat out. Those were decreed as non-votes and
hence there was no need to recount them.

Presumably the clear-minded Dr. Finnell saw Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris as
righteous emissaries of God for removing minorities from the Florida voting
roles. There is nothing like "born again election fraud" delivered with
"hallelujahs" and sounds of tambourines.

Dr. Finnell was only getting warmed up. A later salvo informed that America
was all about indelibly stamping his brand of Christian fundamentalism on
society. If you held another view, well, take your French fries, er freedom
fries, and move to France!

Here is Dr. Finnell's jaundiced view of what America is all about:

"We believe that the whole Word of God must be applied to all of life. It
is not only our duty as individuals, families and churches to be Christian,
but it is also the duty of the state, the school, the arts and sciences,
law, economics, and every other sphere to be under Christ the King. Nothing
is exempt from His dominion. We must live by His Word, not our own."

Here is a man who does not beat around the bush. This is good old red meat
theocracy and here is how he spells it out:

"The Christian worldview is the answer. We need Christian statesmen who
press for the Crown Rights of Jesus Christ in all areas of life. This isn't
political salvation or an overnight fix. It will take decades of
mobilization and confrontation to undo a century of godless socialism."

Where is the godless socialism? Does Dr. Finnell spell it out? With the
religious right you need to take a lot on faith, as we are constantly
reminded by listeners to the fact free, venom-soaked diatribes of
self-acknowledged drug addict Rush Limbaugh.

Travis Fell, who goes by the name of Texas Tommy in his Internet blogs,
answered the call and enlisted in the righteous multitude:

"On a personal note, reigning in out of control courts was a big part of the
reason I joined the `Mighty Texas Strike Force' and ventured from warm, cozy
Texas to cold, rainy Iowa last November to campaign for President Bush. I'm
expecting the GOP to use the political advantage I helped win them to combat
evil, both in the War on Islamic Fascism and the War on Judicial Activism."

I guess they haven't been holding enough executions in Huntsville to please
Texas Tommy. Oh yes, judicial activism! Are you referring, Tommy, to
handing over the 2000 election to George W. Bush with those deciding votes
from loyal Federalist Society members Scalia and Thomas?

Were Gitmo and Abu Ghraib examples of judicial left wing extremism run amok,
Tommy? How about preventive detention? Spying in libraries by seeing who
is reading what? Is this all part of a socialist agenda, Tommy?

Ah, and how the religious right extended its cancerous venom in the 2004
presidential election. There is nothing quite like the shirtsleeve, born
again intellectual Anthrax brigade in action.

From Arizona and New Mexico to Ohio and Wisconsin the devout minions of
Christianity employed the dirty tricks. It is all documented and we will be
taking a look at some of the more interesting cases.

Yes, and Ohio, what a perfect example. Secretary of State Ken Blackwell saw
that enough polling stations in Cleveland precincts with large black
populations were removed. They had to stand in long lines in cold and
biting rain, risking pneumonia.

Blackwell is an African American himself, but after all, he is also a born
again, ardent Christian rightist and all is fair in God's holy war to
destroy the infidels, meaning those insufferable heathens in the opposing

Blackwell is probably convinced that Satan dominated Ohio politics back last
November. How else can you explain the rousing defeat Blackwell suffered at
the hands of Ohio's voters when he ran for governor with the blessings of
his patrons Bush, Cheney and Rove?


On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 20:34:35 -0400, "Joe S." <no_one@nowhere.net>

>During the Cold War and Ronald Reagan's presidency the religious right
>enthusiastically enlisted in his crusade to derail what he called "The Evil
>Empire" meaning the Soviet Union and its godless tyranny.
>How interesting it is to see that the religious right has enthusiastically
>practiced one of the basic precepts of Marxism-Leninism. The religious
>right has embraced the concept of "the end justifies the means" in its quest
>to perpetuate George W. Bush's devotion to right wing theocracy through
>suppressing votes in elections.
>It was Vladimir Lenin, the first premier of the Soviet regime, who said that
>in order to make an omelet it was necessary to break some eggs. The
>religious right, proclaiming paradoxically to be following the teachings of
>Christ, believes it necessary, in order to repel what it conceives to be
>godless invaders from the left, also known as Democrats, to engage in full
>scale character assassination, lying, cheating and vote fraud.
>Jerry Falwell turned the death of White House aide Vince Foster into a
>crusade for righteousness, turning out a film proclaiming that Bill and
>Hillary Clinton were responsible for Foster's untimely death. When it
>became obvious that Foster had not been murdered, Falwell then denied having
>anything to do with the film or the view that the Clintons were linked to
>Mark Crispin Miller in Fooled Again devotes an entire chapter, perhaps the
>most fascinating of a book filled with perceptive, well researched gems on
>how the Republicans stole the 2004 presidential election.
>Miller details how the religious right dogmatically and self-righteously set
>out to suppress votes. The action was zealously performed in the name of
>perpetuating Christian virtue through a continuation of the Bush-Cheney
>tandem in the White House.
>In that Democrats sought to count all Florida votes following the 2000
>presidential election this did not set well with those on the religious
>right. This view was expressed with appropriate "godly vitriol" by Dr. Val
>Finnell, a major in the Army Medical Corps and Chief of Clinical Pathology
>at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas.
>From February 2001 to November 2003, Dr. Finnell delivered his spiritual
>view with regular essays on the website of the Chalcedon Foundation, a group
>dedicated to Christian Reconstructionism. This is a pre-millennialist
>doctrine positing that End Times must occur, as envisioned in the Book of
>Revelation, prior to Christ's return.
>Christian Reconstructionists ardently identify with Israel while believing
>that all Jews who fail to believe in Christ are doomed to hell. In the
>interim, however, Jews fulfill a purpose under Revelation by being part of
>the unfolding scenario ending with Armageddon, the bloody conflict that will
>end the world and enable Christ to return.

That's bullshit. I'm not a Christian, strictly speaking, and
even I know that Armageddon doesn't happen on this Earth, Biblically
Of course, the whole point of your idea is wrong to begin
with. I have some bad news for you Joe; Bush isn't in the White House
because a few of the people YOU identify as the "radical religious
right" support him. He's there because his criminal gang (of which
some in the supreme court were/are a part) appointed him to that
office. The fact that there are very few people among the religious
with the character traits you rail against doesn't dissuade you
though; you're a shill, and you seem happy to be one.

>While mere mortals seek to prevent a nuclear holocaust, the truly
>enlightened Christian Reconstructionists rejoice. It is easy to see why
>they identify with the aggressively militaristic policies of Cheney and

Cheney and Bush certainly are aggressively militaristic, so
I'm glad to see you can lay SOME blame where it belongs.

>After all, it was Bush, who proclaims to talk directly to God, who lifted
>his clenched right fist as the first bombs were falling on Baghdad in Donald
>Rumsfeld's "shock and awe" attack and declared, "Feels good!"
>Here is how Dr. Finnell sized up the national political scene circa 2001:
>"The Florida elections have taught us that the Democrats with their
>liberal/socialistic worldview will stop at nothing to seize control of the
>government. For the government is the instrument whereby the legislator and
>the courts shape man into what they want.
>"Instead of half-hearted and compromising responses from so-called
>conservatives, we need an explicitly Christian response to politics that has
>its own worldview, an agenda, and courageous men to implement it
>What intellectual clarity! This essay was written shortly after President
>Bill Clinton left power. His reign was so socialistic that he secured the
>passage of NAFTA to propel World Bank globalism, a pursuit that converts
>other nations to privatization and enables multi-national corporations such
>as Halliburton and Bechtel to reign.
>Who was the mastermind behind "socialist" Clinton's 1996 re-election
>triumph? That was Dick Morris, who had previously worked for that notable
>"left wing extremist" Senator Jesse Helms. Morris employed the tactic of
>triangulation, which essentially meant stealing Senator Bob Dole's
>Republican playbook out of his hands.
>Yes, and those references to Florida. There were those decaying voting
>machines and the chads they spat out. Those were decreed as non-votes and
>hence there was no need to recount them.
>Presumably the clear-minded Dr. Finnell saw Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris as
>righteous emissaries of God for removing minorities from the Florida voting
>roles. There is nothing like "born again election fraud" delivered with
>"hallelujahs" and sounds of tambourines.

Idiot. You found one guy who claims to be a Christian who
supports election misdeeds. On the other hand, the question now is
"Why would you be so upset?". You know damned well that Hillarys'
senate seat was as stolen as Bush's White House, so I guess you aren't
always so against election fraud, are you?

>Dr. Finnell was only getting warmed up. A later salvo informed that America
>was all about indelibly stamping his brand of Christian fundamentalism on
>society. If you held another view, well, take your French fries, er freedom
>fries, and move to France!
>Here is Dr. Finnell's jaundiced view of what America is all about:
>"We believe that the whole Word of God must be applied to all of life. It
>is not only our duty as individuals, families and churches to be Christian,
>but it is also the duty of the state, the school, the arts and sciences,
>law, economics, and every other sphere to be under Christ the King. Nothing
>is exempt from His dominion. We must live by His Word, not our own."
>Here is a man who does not beat around the bush. This is good old red meat
>theocracy and here is how he spells it out:
>"The Christian worldview is the answer. We need Christian statesmen who
>press for the Crown Rights of Jesus Christ in all areas of life. This isn't
>political salvation or an overnight fix. It will take decades of
>mobilization and confrontation to undo a century of godless socialism."
>Where is the godless socialism? Does Dr. Finnell spell it out? With the
>religious right you need to take a lot on faith, as we are constantly
>reminded by listeners to the fact free, venom-soaked diatribes of
>self-acknowledged drug addict Rush Limbaugh.

Seems to me you're never upset at any of the idiocy of Al
Franken, the left's own Limbaugh.

>Travis Fell, who goes by the name of Texas Tommy in his Internet blogs,
>answered the call and enlisted in the righteous multitude:
>"On a personal note, reigning in out of control courts was a big part of the
>reason I joined the `Mighty Texas Strike Force' and ventured from warm, cozy
>Texas to cold, rainy Iowa last November to campaign for President Bush. I'm
>expecting the GOP to use the political advantage I helped win them to combat
>evil, both in the War on Islamic Fascism and the War on Judicial Activism."
>I guess they haven't been holding enough executions in Huntsville to please
>Texas Tommy. Oh yes, judicial activism! Are you referring, Tommy, to
>handing over the 2000 election to George W. Bush with those deciding votes
>from loyal Federalist Society members Scalia and Thomas?
>Were Gitmo and Abu Ghraib examples of judicial left wing extremism run amok,
>Tommy? How about preventive detention? Spying in libraries by seeing who
>is reading what? Is this all part of a socialist agenda, Tommy?
>Ah, and how the religious right extended its cancerous venom in the 2004
>presidential election. There is nothing quite like the shirtsleeve, born
>again intellectual Anthrax brigade in action.
>From Arizona and New Mexico to Ohio and Wisconsin the devout minions of
>Christianity employed the dirty tricks. It is all documented and we will be
>taking a look at some of the more interesting cases.

According to a lot of what we see on TV, many paranoid people
are quite intelligent. Thanks for showing us how the other half lives.
You complain about a lot of things that should be complained
about, but you lay blame at the feet of the people the left wants
blamed rather than who's actually blameable. That makes you a shill.

>Yes, and Ohio, what a perfect example. Secretary of State Ken Blackwell saw
>that enough polling stations in Cleveland precincts with large black
>populations were removed. They had to stand in long lines in cold and
>biting rain, risking pneumonia.
>Blackwell is an African American himself, but after all, he is also a born
>again, ardent Christian rightist and all is fair in God's holy war to
>destroy the infidels, meaning those insufferable heathens in the opposing
>Blackwell is probably convinced that Satan dominated Ohio politics back last
>November. How else can you explain the rousing defeat Blackwell suffered at
>the hands of Ohio's voters when he ran for governor with the blessings of
>his patrons Bush, Cheney and Rove?