Remember, Obamacare Won't Affect Your Level of Care


New member
Doctor shortage? 28 states may expand nurses' role
By CARLA K. JOHNSON, AP Medical Writer Carla K. Johnson, Ap Medical Writer – Tue Apr 13, 9:33 pm ET

CHICAGO – A nurse may soon be your doctor. With a looming shortage of primary care doctors, 28 states are considering expanding the authority of nurse practitioners. These nurses with advanced degrees want the right to practice without a doctor's watchful eye and to prescribe narcotics. And if they hold a doctorate, they want to be called "Doctor."

For years, nurse practitioners have been playing a bigger role in the nation's health care, especially in regions with few doctors. With 32 million more Americans gaining health insurance within a few years, the health care overhaul is putting more money into nurse-managed clinics.

Those newly insured patients will be looking for doctors and may find nurses instead.



New member
So exactly what part of this totally unrelated to the new law story you have posted has anything to do with Obamacare? Is this shortage you are showing everyone an all of a sudden thing that has happened with the new law that's less then a month old?

What's the phrase you like to use?

Oh yeah...


"Oh look, I found a story about a hospital in anytown USA that is facing a Dr. shortage, gee, think I'll blame it on Obama."

"Gee, now why doesn't the new law have a magic wand clause to make that problem a thing of the past"

"Gee, why doesn't Obama just pull the required number of Dr's we need out of his *** with one signing statement"

Same guy that ******* that the government is taking over our lives because they now made it easier for college kids to get professions as Dr's. :rolleyes:

"Oh Gee, let's blame THIS PARTICULAR ARTICLE on Obamacare... yeah... lets do that"





New member
The states should ban licensing requirements for all professions.
Will you be my first open heart surgery? I'm running a discount this week.. 2 valves for the price of 1..I'll throw in a free T shirt..

I do know that some Nurse Practitioners can get autonomous prescriptive authority in several states already.. why not? If doctors don't wanna work in small rural areas we can't force them.. This has nothing to do with Obamacare.. what's the connection?



New member
Will you be my first open heart surgery? I'm running a discount this week.. 2 valves for the price of 1..I'll throw in a free T shirt..
No, I would pick someone well qualified to do that. They would most likely have a medical license. Now, I know what blood pressure medicine I need and have no need to consult a doctor, nurse practitioner or pharmacist.



New member
No, I would pick someone well qualified to do that. They would most likely have a medical license. Now, I know what blood pressure medicine I need and have no need to consult a doctor, nurse practitioner or pharmacist.

Why would they have a medical license. You want to ban professional licensing.



New member
Why would they have a medical license. You want to ban professional licensing.
I support voluntary licensing as a credential, similar to electricians. The AMA is the second most powerful trade union in the country. The key word was requirements.



New member
She is obviously joking and being sarcastic... now for some truth:

A couple with 10 kids all on medicaid was quoted

The couple, who rely on Medicaid for their health care, were also upset about the nation’s new health reforms.
When asked why her family used state-subsidized health care when she criticized people who take handouts, Valerie Shirk said she did not want to stop having children, and that her husband’s income was not enough to cover the family with private insurance.

“I know there’s a dichotomy because of what we get from the state,’’ she said. “But I just look at each of my children as a blessing.’’
A guy on VA benefits was quoted:

Gene Theroux, of Springfield, held up a sign that read “Against Progressivism,’’ which he said meant he was protesting “the movement to socialism’’ and the United Nations’ “sovereignty violations’’ against the United States. The 57-year-old retired Air Force chief master sergeant said he likes his government-run health care administered by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, but he worries about what will happen when some 30 million newly insured Americans enter the system
For sure, the T(errorist) party, is nothing but a bunch of fukking hypocrites..

When THEY are getting the benefits... oh that's OK... when someone else might be getting benefits... well... THAT'S SOCIALISM.. :rolleyes:

What's even funnier are the literally HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS of news stories out there about Tea baggers protesting "BIG GOVERNMENT" while they themselves are collecting socialist benefits.

Someone should oblige them and their fake *** complaints, and cut off their socialism.

Don't these people have jobs? Shouldn't they be out looking for work instead of protesting all that "BIG GOVERNMENT"?





New member
The results from the HHS report that was released more than a month after the vote were devastating for Barack Obama and democrats. It is not likely they would have been able to ram their health care bill through Congress if the American public knew the bill would actually increase the cost of health care and impose higher costs on Americans.

The report released by Medicare and Medicaid actuaries predicted that medical costs will skyrocket, rising $389 billion 10 years. 14 million will lose their employer-based coverage. Millions of Americans will be left without insurance and millions more may be dumped into the already overwhelmed Medicaid system. 4 million American families will be hit with tax penalties under this new law.



New member
Friday night news dump: White House says 51 percent of company health plans won't meet Obamacare guidelines

By: Mark Hemingway

Commentary Staff Writer

06/11/10 10:17 PM EDT

At Investor's Business Daily, Sean Higgins and David Hogberg have a doozy of a story:

Internal White House documents reveal that 51% of employers may have to relinquish their current health care coverage by 2013 due to ObamaCare. That numbers soars to 66% for small-business employers.

The documents — product of a joint project of the Labor Department, the Health and Human Services Department and the IRS — examine the effects new regulations would have on existing, or “grandfathered,� employer-based health care plans.

Draft copies of the documents were reportedly leaked to House Republicans earlier in the week. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., posted them on his Web site Friday afternoon. (View the full report here.)

The Associated Press is also on the story. Even they can't ignore the dishonesty that was used to sell the health care overhaul:

Over and over in the health care debate, President Barack Obama said people who like their current coverage would be able to keep it.

But an early draft of an administration regulation estimates that many employers will be forced to make changes to their health plans under the new law. In just three years, a majority of workers — 51 percent — will be in plans subject to new federal requirements, according to the draft.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

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