So exactly what part of this totally unrelated to the new law story you have posted has anything to do with Obamacare? Is this shortage you are showing everyone an all of a sudden thing that has happened with the new law that's less then a month old?
What's the phrase you like to use?
Oh yeah...
"Oh look, I found a story about a hospital in anytown USA that is facing a Dr. shortage, gee, think I'll blame it on Obama."
"Gee, now why doesn't the new law have a magic wand clause to make that problem a thing of the past"
"Gee, why doesn't Obama just pull the required number of Dr's we need out of his *** with one signing statement"
Same guy that ******* that the government is taking over our lives because they now made it easier for college kids to get professions as Dr's.
"Oh Gee, let's blame THIS PARTICULAR ARTICLE on Obamacare... yeah... lets do that"