death panels[/b].Great Britain is looking to cut billions from their broken nationalized health care system by cutting millions of operations. Of course, the elderly will be hardest hit.
The Daily Mail reported:
Millions of patients face losing NHS care as bosses prepare to axe treatments to make £20billion of savings by 2014, a top doctor has warned.
Among procedures being targeted by health trusts are hernias, joint replacements, ear and nose procedures, varicose veins and cataract surgery.
Dr Mark Porter, chairman of the British Medical Association’s consultants committee, warned NHS bosses wanted ‘wholesale reductions in budgets’.
He said primary care trusts – which commission care – are already compiling lists of ‘low value’ operations that would no longer be provided.
These include hip replacements for obese patients and some operations for hernias and gallstones. Procedures for varicose veins, ear and nose problems including grommets in children are also not funded in some areas.
Dr Porter said it was wrong to impose blanket bans on such procedures when some patients might benefit.
The Blog Prof has posted Dr. Ezekial’s death panel chart that explains how the elderly will be hardest hit.