Remember the good 'ol times.


New member
haha my birthday =)

i got a whole thread to myself from azem and salmanlp photoshopped me a birtday cake lmao

that would be the funniest time on lpf...

saddest memories woody,sniper and treeves getting banned, but they all went down in a fight.

treeves :( miss that old dawg

woody and chainer rocked too

*sigh* I MISS AUSSIGAL most of all

I remember when everyone used to think woody was a guy...but that was ages and ages ago



New member
I miss treeves to.

The best memory of LPF I have is when I first joined in here and every1 was so nice with me,also when I became an elite and then a mod.

Another good memory was when I made a lot of kool friends in here and another one is that I used to think that ShinodaBear was a girl rofl:p.

Dunno,there are a lot of good old times in here.



New member
I don't remember those times lol, I wasn't there :(

My best memory was my 17th birthday lol. I won the guitar *Gosh, I thank EVERYONE who voted and made me win that* and also turning green on that day too. Probably the kindest and most awesome thing anything has ever happened to me online! Umm also when Sniper was here. Poor dude, I miss him loads :) And then the newscaster thing, I felt very priviledged. I love the place, I've made loadsa cool friends from this place, they know who they are :) And some other random stuff but eh :) Here we are reminising!


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New member
yeah on the forums over all i suppose for the most part lol

but you get some really creepy people that get your email address from off here.



New member
Lmao! Yes your right ss1 once someone IMed me saying he was Chester lol. Well umm I dont really have a specific memory but its always fun to talk to LPFers. :D


Active Members
When I became a mod, because I suddenly realized that everyone actually cared about me on here in some way. Before that, I considered myself to not be of any importance at all, just some guy who just typed his opinion and occasionally got into trouble for it.

The funniest memory would have to be this:

My first reaction when I saw my name in yellow was hitting the refresh to see if the mistake would go away. XD



New member
everything here is awesome but the best part was making new friends who had something in comon with me. that and meeting vash n_n

Hybrid Soldier

New member
i remember lpf with 40 members

well, becomming a newscaster for me, i come back from a 4 day vacation and see that my name has a strangeass orange color and go to find out what it was.



New member
becoming and elite was my greatest experience. It felt good because I got chosen out of so many other people.. so that made me realize that people actually knew i was here lmao

Suicide King

New member
I would have to go with the day I became a mod. I remember the PM Chris sent me:


I need to talk to you. Please contact me now"

I was freaking out, I had no idea what to expect. I thought I had broken a major rule or something.

I also enjoyed all the talks I've had with various LPF members. Good times indeed.



New member
For me I guess being Elite. Cause I hadn't been on LPF for a couple days cause I was out of town and I came back the first day I turned green and I was really confused. But then I found out it was a good thing so it was kinda happy. Also went Sniper was here. He was awesome. And Treeves too. I miss them. :(
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