First off, Diana died in what appears to be an accident. Not only that but she is only one person. I know she was a princess and people loved her, but shes not better than anyone else... so I mean after the first 10 years I think the whole "Untold stories and scandals" of Diana should have finally been put to rest. However, 9.11 is still very fresh. It is also much more tragic in its very nature. If you ever watch some footage of the people just jumping off the buildings falling to their death. Also, here in America we only cover it for generally about the week it happens. Then we let it rest. Unlike Diana where I swear it was like a week before her death it was everywhere. And all they do is go on about this whole controversy about was it planned? Was she cheating? I mean let the woman die in peace!
Anyways what schools are you talking about stenners?