Remove Windows Live OneCare file



  I am trying to delete a "Live OneCare Backup" from my external hard drive.  The file was created by a PC using XP Media Center 2005, SP2, or possibly SP3.  I am accessing that external hard drive using my laptop with Win 7 Pro (64 bit).  Everytime I try
removing the file, an "Access Denied" error appears.  Alternatively, I get a message that says "You need Administrator Priveleges, etc."
  I have tried: 1) changing the file permissions.  I get no error message, but the file still won't delete.  2) I have tried the instructions in MS Article ID: 943904 "How to delete a Windows Live OneCare Backup file," and that didn't work.
  Below, is a copy of the command-line window after my last attempt at using the "Iacls" command:
<span>    G:>Icacls G:"Windows OneCare Backup" /t</span>
    G:Windows OneCare Backup BUILTINAdministrators:(OI)(CI)(F)
    G:Windows OneCare BackupYOUR-45C550F850: Access is denied.
    Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 1 files
  I know that Windows Live OneCare is no longer supported, but hope that someone can help me with this.
Thanks, Terry

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