Report: Israel could get US-made F-35 jets by 2012



Shalom aleichem.
Israel has hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes
Report: Israel could get US-made F-35 jets by 2012

The United States has brought forward a planned sale of advanced F-35
warplanes to Israel as part of efforts by the two allies to maintain a
military advantage over Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on

Quoting unnamed defense officials, The Jerusalem Post said the
Pentagon had agreed to supply the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Israel
as early as 2012, when the US air force is scheduled to receive the
first of the supersonic, radar-evading jets.
Israel, which is not among eight countries partnered with
Washington in producing the F-35, had been expected to get the plane
in 2014 or 2015. Its buying rights were briefly suspended during
Pentagon protests over Israeli defense exports to China. Israel is
building up its arsenal for a possible showdown with arch-foe Iran,
which the United States accuses of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran
insists its atomic ambitions are peaceful.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud
Barak got US agreement to accelerate the F-35 sale during talks with
Pentagon chief Robert Gates in Washington last week.

"This plane can fly into downtown Tehran without anyone even
knowing about it since it can't be detected on radar," the
conservative daily quoted a defense official as saying.

Barak further overcame some US objections to Israel installing its
own technology on the F-35, a major point of contention in past talks,
the Jerusalem Post said. Israel's Defense Ministry and the US Embassy
in Tel Aviv had no immediate comment on the report.

Assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, Israel has
hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes to prevent Iran from
acquiring the bomb. Israel believes Iran could begin making nuclear
weapons by 2010. Western intelligence agencies say it would take
several years longer.


Reuters Jerusalem
"Raymond" <> wrote in message
> Shalom aleichem.
> Israel has hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes
> Report: Israel could get US-made F-35 jets by 2012
> The United States has brought forward a planned sale of advanced F-35
> warplanes to Israel as part of efforts by the two allies to maintain a
> military advantage over Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on
> Thursday.

What a silly move by the Govberment. Israel will sell the planes to China.

Report: Iran acquiring fighter jets that are based on Israeli technology

Iran has signed a deal with China to purchase 24 J-10 fighter jets between
2008 and 2010, Russian news agency Novosti reported. The jets were developed
based on the technology of Israel's Lavi fighter jet, whose technology was
sold to China against the wishes of the US.

The Israeli Lavi fighter jet was developed in the 1980s but the project was
canceled following pressure from America, which feared that the new jet
would compete with its F-16 in international markets. The US subsequently
sold F-16s to Israel at reduced costs.

Some analysts expressed criticism at what they called Israel's "short
sighted" and lax export policies.

This is not the first time Israeli components were part of weapons systems
aimed at Israel. Some reports claimed that China sold Saudi Arabia
long-range missiles containing Israeli know-how.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:
> Shalom aleichem.
> Israel has hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes
> Report: Israel could get US-made F-35 jets by 2012
> The United States has brought forward a planned sale of advanced F-35
> warplanes to Israel as part of efforts by the two allies to maintain a
> military advantage over Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on
> Thursday.
> Quoting unnamed defense officials, The Jerusalem Post said the
> Pentagon had agreed to supply the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Israel
> as early as 2012, when the US air force is scheduled to receive the
> first of the supersonic, radar-evading jets.
> Israel, which is not among eight countries partnered with
> Washington in producing the F-35, had been expected to get the plane
> in 2014 or 2015. Its buying rights were briefly suspended during
> Pentagon protests over Israeli defense exports to China. Israel is
> building up its arsenal for a possible showdown with arch-foe Iran,
> which the United States accuses of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran
> insists its atomic ambitions are peaceful.
> According to The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud
> Barak got US agreement to accelerate the F-35 sale during talks with
> Pentagon chief Robert Gates in Washington last week.
> "This plane can fly into downtown Tehran without anyone even
> knowing about it since it can't be detected on radar," the
> conservative daily quoted a defense official as saying.
> Barak further overcame some US objections to Israel installing its
> own technology on the F-35, a major point of contention in past talks,
> the Jerusalem Post said. Israel's Defense Ministry and the US Embassy
> in Tel Aviv had no immediate comment on the report.
> Assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, Israel has
> hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes to prevent Iran from
> acquiring the bomb. Israel believes Iran could begin making nuclear
> weapons by 2010. Western intelligence agencies say it would take
> several years longer.
> 26.10.2007
> Reuters Jerusalem

MK Eitam: 'Israel Will Have To Attack Iran'
"A klog tzu meineh sonim!" - A curse on my enemies!
"Israel has the right and the ability to defend itself and that day is
around the corner"
by Shauna Naghi

( The time will come that Israel will have to defend
itself and attack Iran to stop it from becoming a nuclear power,
Knesset Member Effie Eitam has warned.

Speaking recently at the town of Beit El in Samaria, he declared,
"Israel has the right and the ability to defend itself and that day is
around the corner" but expressed confidence that the United States
would stand by Israel. He said the Iranian threat is very real. "There
is no exaggeration and we should not underestimate that cloud which
hangs over the State of Israel."

MK Eitam, a decorated hero in the Yom Kippur War, commander in the
Gaza region during the first Intifada and an officer in the daring
1976 Entebbe rescue mission of Israeli hostages in Uganda, maintained
that Israel cannot rely only its military strength. Power by itself
will not end the threat that Israel faces in maintaining its true
strength of "morals and principals [that] lie in its Jewish
identity," he said. "The ultimate solution is education, awareness
[and] lifestyle of how Jews should be and live as individuals, as
communities and as a state."

Reflecting his strong position on the place of Israel for Jews, he
declared, "Israel is not a state of the Israelis. It is a state of the
Jewish people."
Israel is not a state of the Israelis. It is a state of the Jewish

His military career was highlighted with his receiving the Medal of
Distinguished Service during the Yom Kippur War, when he and his
sergeant stopped Syrian tanks in the Golan Heights and later rescued
wounded comrades. He retired from active service in the IDF in 2001
and the following year started his political career as chairman of the
National Religious Party, which ran in the last general elections with
the National Union party.

MK Eitam bitterly opposed the expulsion of Jews in Gush Katif, where
he moved with his family to reinforce the will of the Jewish
communities there.
On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:
> > Shalom aleichem.
> > Israel has hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes
> > Report: Israel could get US-made F-35 jets by 2012

> > The United States has brought forward a planned sale of advanced F-35
> > warplanes to Israel as part of efforts by the two allies to maintain a
> > military advantage over Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on
> > Thursday.

> > Quoting unnamed defense officials, The Jerusalem Post said the
> > Pentagon had agreed to supply the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Israel
> > as early as 2012, when the US air force is scheduled to receive the
> > first of the supersonic, radar-evading jets.
> > Israel, which is not among eight countries partnered with
> > Washington in producing the F-35, had been expected to get the plane
> > in 2014 or 2015. Its buying rights were briefly suspended during
> > Pentagon protests over Israeli defense exports to China. Israel is
> > building up its arsenal for a possible showdown with arch-foe Iran,
> > which the United States accuses of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran
> > insists its atomic ambitions are peaceful.

> > According to The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud
> > Barak got US agreement to accelerate the F-35 sale during talks with
> > Pentagon chief Robert Gates in Washington last week.

> > "This plane can fly into downtown Tehran without anyone even
> > knowing about it since it can't be detected on radar," the
> > conservative daily quoted a defense official as saying.

> > Barak further overcame some US objections to Israel installing its
> > own technology on the F-35, a major point of contention in past talks,
> > the Jerusalem Post said. Israel's Defense Ministry and the US Embassy
> > in Tel Aviv had no immediate comment on the report.

> > Assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, Israel has
> > hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes to prevent Iran from
> > acquiring the bomb. Israel believes Iran could begin making nuclear
> > weapons by 2010. Western intelligence agencies say it would take
> > several years longer.

> > 26.10.2007

> > Reuters Jerusalem

> MK Eitam: 'Israel Will Have To Attack Iran'
> "A klog tzu meineh sonim!" - A curse on my enemies!
> "Israel has the right and the ability to defend itself and that day is
> around the corner"
> by Shauna Naghi
> ( The time will come that Israel will have to defend
> itself and attack Iran to stop it from becoming a nuclear power,
> Knesset Member Effie Eitam has warned.
> Speaking recently at the town of Beit El in Samaria, he declared,
> "Israel has the right and the ability to defend itself and that day is
> around the corner" but expressed confidence that the United States
> would stand by Israel. He said the Iranian threat is very real. "There
> is no exaggeration and we should not underestimate that cloud which
> hangs over the State of Israel."
> MK Eitam, a decorated hero in the Yom Kippur War, commander in the
> Gaza region during the first Intifada and an officer in the daring
> 1976 Entebbe rescue mission of Israeli hostages in Uganda, maintained
> that Israel cannot rely only its military strength. Power by itself
> will not end the threat that Israel faces in maintaining its true
> strength of "morals and principals [that] lie in its Jewish
> identity," he said. "The ultimate solution is education, awareness
> [and] lifestyle of how Jews should be and live as individuals, as
> communities and as a state."
> Reflecting his strong position on the place of Israel for Jews, he
> declared, "Israel is not a state of the Israelis. It is a state of the
> Jewish people."
> Israel is not a state of the Israelis. It is a state of the Jewish
> people.
> His military career was highlighted with his receiving the Medal of
> Distinguished Service during the Yom Kippur War, when he and his
> sergeant stopped Syrian tanks in the Golan Heights and later rescued
> wounded comrades. He retired from active service in the IDF in 2001
> and the following year started his political career as chairman of the
> National Religious Party, which ran in the last general elections with
> the National Union party.
> MK Eitam bitterly opposed the expulsion of Jews in Gush Katif, where
> he moved with his family to reinforce the will of the Jewish
> communities there.

The only cloud which hangs over the State of Israel is Military
Contractors trying to make a quick buck.

Iran is pretty much minding it's own business while young Israelis are
and turning Neo-Nazi.

The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
line they could be obsolete.

How many families can one F 35 accomodate?

Can you have a swiming pool in it?

Defending one's nation starts with looking after their basic needs,
like food
housing education.
On Oct 26, 5:28 am, Raymond <> wrote:
> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:
> > Shalom aleichem.
> > Israel has hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes
> > Report: Israel could get US-made F-35 jets by 2012

> > The United States has brought forward a planned sale of advanced F-35
> > warplanes to Israel as part of efforts by the two allies to maintain a
> > military advantage over Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on
> > Thursday.

> > Quoting unnamed defense officials, The Jerusalem Post said the
> > Pentagon had agreed to supply the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Israel
> > as early as 2012, when the US air force is scheduled to receive the
> > first of the supersonic, radar-evading jets.
> > Israel, which is not among eight countries partnered with
> > Washington in producing the F-35, had been expected to get the plane
> > in 2014 or 2015. Its buying rights were briefly suspended during
> > Pentagon protests over Israeli defense exports to China. Israel is
> > building up its arsenal for a possible showdown with arch-foe Iran,
> > which the United States accuses of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran
> > insists its atomic ambitions are peaceful.

> > According to The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud
> > Barak got US agreement to accelerate the F-35 sale during talks with
> > Pentagon chief Robert Gates in Washington last week.

> > "This plane can fly into downtown Tehran without anyone even
> > knowing about it since it can't be detected on radar," the
> > conservative daily quoted a defense official as saying.

> > Barak further overcame some US objections to Israel installing its
> > own technology on the F-35, a major point of contention in past talks,
> > the Jerusalem Post said. Israel's Defense Ministry and the US Embassy
> > in Tel Aviv had no immediate comment on the report.

> > Assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, Israel has
> > hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes to prevent Iran from
> > acquiring the bomb. Israel believes Iran could begin making nuclear
> > weapons by 2010. Western intelligence agencies say it would take
> > several years longer.

> > 26.10.2007

> > Reuters Jerusalem

> MK Eitam: 'Israel Will Have To Attack Iran'
> "A klog tzu meineh sonim!" - A curse on my enemies!
> "Israel has the right and the ability to defend itself and that day is
> around the corner"
> by Shauna Naghi
> ( The time will come that Israel will have to defend
> itself and attack Iran to stop it from becoming a nuclear power,
> Knesset Member Effie Eitam has warned.
> Speaking recently at the town of Beit El in Samaria, he declared,
> "Israel has the right and the ability to defend itself and that day is
> around the corner" but expressed confidence that the United States
> would stand by Israel. He said the Iranian threat is very real. "There
> is no exaggeration and we should not underestimate that cloud which
> hangs over the State of Israel."
> MK Eitam, a decorated hero in the Yom Kippur War, commander in the
> Gaza region during the first Intifada and an officer in the daring
> 1976 Entebbe rescue mission of Israeli hostages in Uganda, maintained
> that Israel cannot rely only its military strength. Power by itself
> will not end the threat that Israel faces in maintaining its true
> strength of "morals and principals [that] lie in its Jewish
> identity," he said. "The ultimate solution is education, awareness
> [and] lifestyle of how Jews should be and live as individuals, as
> communities and as a state."
> Reflecting his strong position on the place of Israel for Jews, he
> declared, "Israel is not a state of the Israelis. It is a state of the
> Jewish people."
> Israel is not a state of the Israelis. It is a state of the Jewish
> people.
> His military career was highlighted with his receiving the Medal of
> Distinguished Service during the Yom Kippur War, when he and his
> sergeant stopped Syrian tanks in the Golan Heights and later rescued
> wounded comrades. He retired from active service in the IDF in 2001
> and the following year started his political career as chairman of the
> National Religious Party, which ran in the last general elections with
> the National Union party.
> MK Eitam bitterly opposed the expulsion of Jews in Gush Katif, where
> he moved with his family to reinforce the will of the Jewish
> communities there.

Israel would be lucky to survive another two years under the
Ziofascist thumb!
On Oct 26, 10:48 am, Colonel Sanders <>
> On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> > On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:

> > > Shalom aleichem.
> > > Israel has hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes
> > > Report: Israel could get US-made F-35 jets by 2012

> > > The United States has brought forward a planned sale of advanced F-35
> > > warplanes to Israel as part of efforts by the two allies to maintain a
> > > military advantage over Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on
> > > Thursday.

> > > Quoting unnamed defense officials, The Jerusalem Post said the
> > > Pentagon had agreed to supply the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Israel
> > > as early as 2012, when the US air force is scheduled to receive the
> > > first of the supersonic, radar-evading jets.
> > > Israel, which is not among eight countries partnered with
> > > Washington in producing the F-35, had been expected to get the plane
> > > in 2014 or 2015. Its buying rights were briefly suspended during
> > > Pentagon protests over Israeli defense exports to China. Israel is
> > > building up its arsenal for a possible showdown with arch-foe Iran,
> > > which the United States accuses of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran
> > > insists its atomic ambitions are peaceful.

> > > According to The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud
> > > Barak got US agreement to accelerate the F-35 sale during talks with
> > > Pentagon chief Robert Gates in Washington last week.

> > > "This plane can fly into downtown Tehran without anyone even
> > > knowing about it since it can't be detected on radar," the
> > > conservative daily quoted a defense official as saying.

> > > Barak further overcame some US objections to Israel installing its
> > > own technology on the F-35, a major point of contention in past talks,
> > > the Jerusalem Post said. Israel's Defense Ministry and the US Embassy
> > > in Tel Aviv had no immediate comment on the report.

> > > Assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, Israel has
> > > hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes to prevent Iran from
> > > acquiring the bomb. Israel believes Iran could begin making nuclear
> > > weapons by 2010. Western intelligence agencies say it would take
> > > several years longer.

> > > 26.10.2007

> > > Reuters Jerusalem

> > MK Eitam: 'Israel Will Have To Attack Iran'
> > "A klog tzu meineh sonim!" - A curse on my enemies!
> > "Israel has the right and the ability to defend itself and that day is
> > around the corner"

> >
> > by Shauna Naghi

> > ( The time will come that Israel will have to defend
> > itself and attack Iran to stop it from becoming a nuclear power,
> > Knesset Member Effie Eitam has warned.

> > Speaking recently at the town of Beit El in Samaria, he declared,
> > "Israel has the right and the ability to defend itself and that day is
> > around the corner" but expressed confidence that the United States
> > would stand by Israel. He said the Iranian threat is very real. "There
> > is no exaggeration and we should not underestimate that cloud which
> > hangs over the State of Israel."

> > MK Eitam, a decorated hero in the Yom Kippur War, commander in the
> > Gaza region during the first Intifada and an officer in the daring
> > 1976 Entebbe rescue mission of Israeli hostages in Uganda, maintained
> > that Israel cannot rely only its military strength. Power by itself
> > will not end the threat that Israel faces in maintaining its true
> > strength of "morals and principals [that] lie in its Jewish
> > identity," he said. "The ultimate solution is education, awareness
> > [and] lifestyle of how Jews should be and live as individuals, as
> > communities and as a state."

> > Reflecting his strong position on the place of Israel for Jews, he
> > declared, "Israel is not a state of the Israelis. It is a state of the
> > Jewish people."
> > Israel is not a state of the Israelis. It is a state of the Jewish
> > people.

> > His military career was highlighted with his receiving the Medal of
> > Distinguished Service during the Yom Kippur War, when he and his
> > sergeant stopped Syrian tanks in the Golan Heights and later rescued
> > wounded comrades. He retired from active service in the IDF in 2001
> > and the following year started his political career as chairman of the
> > National Religious Party, which ran in the last general elections with
> > the National Union party.

> > MK Eitam bitterly opposed the expulsion of Jews in Gush Katif, where
> > he moved with his family to reinforce the will of the Jewish
> > communities there.

> >

> The only cloud which hangs over the State of Israel is Military
> Industrial
> Contractors trying to make a quick buck.
> Iran is pretty much minding it's own business while young Israelis are
> starving
> and turning Neo-Nazi.
> The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
> production
> line they could be obsolete.
> How many families can one F 35 accomodate?
> Can you have a swiming pool in it?
> Defending one's nation starts with looking after their basic needs,
> like food
> housing education.

Israel will not last long enough to make the defense contractors smile
"Colonel Sanders" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
>> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:

> Iran is pretty much minding it's own business

Iran is providing IEDs to terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq.

Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

> The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
> production
> line they could be obsolete.


> How many families can one F 35 accomodate?

Who cares?

> Defending one's nation starts with looking after their basic needs,
> like food
> housing education.

And killing our Muslim enemies.
On Oct 26, 1:58 am, Raymond <> wrote:
> Shalom aleichem.
> Israel has hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes
> Report: Israel could get US-made F-35 jets by 2012
> The United States has brought forward a planned sale of advanced F-35
> warplanes to Israel as part of efforts by the two allies to maintain a
> military advantage over Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on
> Thursday.
> Quoting unnamed defense officials, The Jerusalem Post said the
> Pentagon had agreed to supply the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Israel
> as early as 2012, when the US air force is scheduled to receive the
> first of the supersonic, radar-evading jets.
> Israel, which is not among eight countries partnered with
> Washington in producing the F-35, had been expected to get the plane
> in 2014 or 2015. Its buying rights were briefly suspended during
> Pentagon protests over Israeli defense exports to China. Israel is
> building up its arsenal for a possible showdown with arch-foe Iran,
> which the United States accuses of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran
> insists its atomic ambitions are peaceful.
> According to The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud
> Barak got US agreement to accelerate the F-35 sale during talks with
> Pentagon chief Robert Gates in Washington last week.
> "This plane can fly into downtown Tehran without anyone even
> knowing about it since it can't be detected on radar," the
> conservative daily quoted a defense official as saying.
> Barak further overcame some US objections to Israel installing its
> own technology on the F-35, a major point of contention in past talks,
> the Jerusalem Post said. Israel's Defense Ministry and the US Embassy
> in Tel Aviv had no immediate comment on the report.
> Assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, Israel has
> hinted it could resort to preemptive strikes to prevent Iran from
> acquiring the bomb. Israel believes Iran could begin making nuclear
> weapons by 2010. Western intelligence agencies say it would take
> several years longer.
> 26.10.2007
> Reuters Jerusalem

By that time the AIPAC Trial will show Americans that Israel is a
bigger threat to US security than Iran and Israel will be history
shortly afterwards.

Americans are awaking from their slumber and are recognizing the
ZioNazis for the bastards that the truly are.
On Oct 26, 2:40 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "Colonel Sanders" <> wrote in message
> > On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> >> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:

> > Iran is pretty much minding it's own business

> Iran is providing IEDs to terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq.

Wrong, Iraq is producing its own IED's to fight against the American
invasion of their country. When the US invaded and occupied Iraq,
it was so concerned about gaining control of Iraq's oil that it forgot
to protect the Iraqi armory known as the Al Qaqaa complex. Because
of the US greed for Iraqi oil, they let the Iraqis resistance groups
rob the armory and get their hands on 380 tons of raw RDX along with
everything that they needed to construct the IED's that are being used
against US occupation forces. The complex was Iraq's main armory and
was well supplied by the US weapons industry before Saddam suddenly
became the enemy, and with over 700,000 pounds of one of the most
powerful explosive along with the tools and materials in the armory,
they Iraqis do not need military aid from Iran to build weapons to
fight against the US occupation, they have all they need and probably
could sell some to Iran for a good price.

> Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

Another lie, the IAEA has inspected Iran's program many times over,
and has found no evidence of a weapons program or even a secret one
like ZioNazistan has, and they are only refining Uranium to the level
needed for nuclear fuel. If anyone should be bombed, it is Israel
clandestine Dimona reactor and its hidden WMD manufacturing facility
given that Israel is the biggest threat to world peace according to
recent worldwide polls

> > The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
> > production
> > line they could be obsolete.

> Wrong.

Israel will never get a single one once the AIPAC spy scandal exposes
the threat that Israel poses to US security.

Nazi Israel and its army of jack booted thugs will be soon defeated
and will disappear from the pages of time.
On Oct 26, 5:40 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "Colonel Sanders" <> wrote in message
> > On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> >> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:

> > Iran is pretty much minding it's own business

> Iran is providing IEDs to terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq.
> Iran is developing nuclear weapons.
> > The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
> > production
> > line they could be obsolete.

> Wrong.
> > How many families can one F 35 accomodate?

> Who cares?
> > Defending one's nation starts with looking after their basic needs,
> > like food
> > housing education.

> And killing our Muslim enemies.

Muslims are not the enemies of United States, ZioNazis are
"Theodore Herzl" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 26, 2:40 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "Colonel Sanders" <> wrote in message
>> > On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
>> >> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:
>> > Iran is pretty much minding it's own business

>> Iran is providing IEDs to terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq.

> Wrong, Iraq is producing its own IED's to fight against the American
> invasion of their country.

Feel free to PROVE that.

>> Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

> Another lie, the IAEA has inspected Iran's program many times over,
> and has found no evidence of a weapons program or even a secret one

Enriching uranum beyond the need of nuclear power IS evidence, that's why
the United Nations Security Council slapped Sanctions on Iran, TWICE.

>> > The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
>> > production
>> > line they could be obsolete.

>> Wrong.

> Israel will never get a single one once the AIPAC spy scandal exposes
> the threat that Israel poses to US security.
> Nazi Israel and its army of jack booted thugs will be soon defeated
> and will disappear from the pages of time.

How many Muslim dicks have you serviced today?
"Theodore Herzl" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 26, 2:40 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "Colonel Sanders" <> wrote in message
>> > On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
>> >> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:
>> > Iran is pretty much minding it's own business

>> Iran is providing IEDs to terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq.

> Wrong, Iraq is producing its own IED's to fight against the American
> invasion of their country.

Feel free to PROVE that.

>> Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

> Another lie, the IAEA has inspected Iran's program many times over,
> and has found no evidence of a weapons program or even a secret one

Enriching uranum beyond the need of nuclear power IS evidence, that's why
the United Nations Security Council slapped Sanctions on Iran, TWICE.

>> > The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
>> > production
>> > line they could be obsolete.

>> Wrong.

> Israel will never get a single one once the AIPAC spy scandal exposes
> the threat that Israel poses to US security.
> Nazi Israel and its army of jack booted thugs will be soon defeated
> and will disappear from the pages of time.

How many Muslim dicks have you serviced today?
"Venceremos" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 26, 5:40 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "Colonel Sanders" <> wrote in message
>> > On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
>> >> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:
>> > Iran is pretty much minding it's own business

>> Iran is providing IEDs to terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq.
>> Iran is developing nuclear weapons.
>> > The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
>> > production
>> > line they could be obsolete.

>> Wrong.
>> > How many families can one F 35 accomodate?

>> Who cares?
>> > Defending one's nation starts with looking after their basic needs,
>> > like food
>> > housing education.

>> And killing our Muslim enemies.

> Muslims are not the enemies of United States

Yes they are.
"Venceremos" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 26, 5:40 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "Colonel Sanders" <> wrote in message
>> > On Oct 26, 7:28 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
>> >> On Oct 26, 4:58?am, Raymond <> wrote:
>> > Iran is pretty much minding it's own business

>> Iran is providing IEDs to terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq.
>> Iran is developing nuclear weapons.
>> > The F 35's don't come cheap and by the time they pop out of the
>> > production
>> > line they could be obsolete.

>> Wrong.
>> > How many families can one F 35 accomodate?

>> Who cares?
>> > Defending one's nation starts with looking after their basic needs,
>> > like food
>> > housing education.

>> And killing our Muslim enemies.

> Muslims are not the enemies of United States

Yes they are.