Repug Duncan Hunter sez get those wounded vets off their asses and over to the embassy


Harry Hope

Last week the State Department called a "town hall meeting" to explain
to U.S. diplomats that they have to go to Iraq or else.

Which, not surprisingly, didn't go down too well.

According to MSNBC:

Several hundred U.S. diplomats vented anger and frustration Wednesday
about the State Department's decision to force foreign service
officers to take jobs in Iraq, with some likening it to a "potential
death sentence."

In a contentious hour-long "town hall meeting" called to explain the
step, these workers peppered the official who signed the order with
often hostile complaints about the largest diplomatic call-up since

Announced last week, it will require some diplomats - under threat of
dismissal - to serve at the embassy in Baghdad and in so-called
Provincial Reconstruction Teams in outlying provinces.

Many expressed serious concern about the ethics of sending diplomats
against their will to serve in a war zone.


"It's one thing if someone believes in what's going on over there and
volunteers, but it's another thing to send someone over there on a
forced assignment," (foreign service veteran Jack) Crotty said.

"I'm sorry, but basically that's a potential death sentence and you
know it. Who will raise our children if we are dead or seriously

"You know that at any other (country) in the world, the embassy would
be closed at this point," Crotty said to loud and sustained applause
from the about 300 diplomats who attended the meeting in a large State
Department auditorium.

It's okay though, because Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Obviously) has a
smashing solution - he wants to fire the diplomats and replace them
with wounded soldiers from Walter Reed hospital.

I'm not kidding.

U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA), ranking Republican on the House
Armed Services Committee, will be meeting with President Bush today
regarding his Wounded Warrior proposal to Congress.

During today's meeting, Congressman Hunter intends to also suggest
that State Department personnel who refuse deployment to Baghdad be
replaced with wounded veterans at Walter Reed and Bethesda hospitals.

"When the State Department appears to be filled with reluctant
personnel, let's turn to those who have bravely followed the American
flag in the most dangerous of assignments," said Congressman Hunter.

"The U.S. Marines, soldiers, airmen and Navy personnel presently
recovering at our national military hospitals have all the character
required by the Department of State. They are brave, loyal,
intelligent and fiercely determined to win the War on Terror.

"They are veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters and you can be
sure that when called on for difficult assignments, they won't convene
a town meeting to protest.

Especially for those whose mobility has been impaired by wounds, State
Department positions, not only in Baghdad but around the world, will
provide excellent jobs as well as availing our nation of their
enormous talent."

What on earth is Hunter thinking?

No wait, don't tell me...

Hey you guys - thanks for your service to our country, now get back
out there and relive your horrendous traumatic experience all over

Come on, what's the matter?

Let's face it, it's got to be better than recuperating in this
shithole, right?

I mean, you know we've slashed your benefits so you're once you get
out of Walter Reed, you're screwed.

And let's be realistic - the chances are quite good that you'll come
back from Iraq with your one remaining leg still attached.

Three cheers for our brave troops!

We promise we'll give you another round of applause when you get back
(unless you decide to run for president as a Democrat, of course, in
which case we'll say you're a coward who doesn't deserve your medals
and probably shot yourself to get out of combat).

Best of luck!

By EarlG
Democratic Underground

More lies from the left. Guess they are running scared shitless

Quote Of The Week
"The Clintons Are A Terminally Unethical And Vulgar Couple, And They?ve
Betrayed Everyone Who Has Ever Believed In Them." - Bob Herbert, Columnist
NY Times Clinton

"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
> Last week the State Department called a "town hall meeting" to explain
> to U.S. diplomats that they have to go to Iraq or else.
> Which, not surprisingly, didn't go down too well.
> According to MSNBC:
> Several hundred U.S. diplomats vented anger and frustration Wednesday
> about the State Department's decision to force foreign service
> officers to take jobs in Iraq, with some likening it to a "potential
> death sentence."
> In a contentious hour-long "town hall meeting" called to explain the
> step, these workers peppered the official who signed the order with
> often hostile complaints about the largest diplomatic call-up since
> Vietnam.
> Announced last week, it will require some diplomats - under threat of
> dismissal - to serve at the embassy in Baghdad and in so-called
> Provincial Reconstruction Teams in outlying provinces.
> Many expressed serious concern about the ethics of sending diplomats
> against their will to serve in a war zone.
> (snip)
> "It's one thing if someone believes in what's going on over there and
> volunteers, but it's another thing to send someone over there on a
> forced assignment," (foreign service veteran Jack) Crotty said.
> "I'm sorry, but basically that's a potential death sentence and you
> know it. Who will raise our children if we are dead or seriously
> wounded?"
> "You know that at any other (country) in the world, the embassy would
> be closed at this point," Crotty said to loud and sustained applause
> from the about 300 diplomats who attended the meeting in a large State
> Department auditorium.
> It's okay though, because Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Obviously) has a
> smashing solution - he wants to fire the diplomats and replace them
> with wounded soldiers from Walter Reed hospital.
> I'm not kidding.
> U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA), ranking Republican on the House
> Armed Services Committee, will be meeting with President Bush today
> regarding his Wounded Warrior proposal to Congress.
> During today's meeting, Congressman Hunter intends to also suggest
> that State Department personnel who refuse deployment to Baghdad be
> replaced with wounded veterans at Walter Reed and Bethesda hospitals.
> "When the State Department appears to be filled with reluctant
> personnel, let's turn to those who have bravely followed the American
> flag in the most dangerous of assignments," said Congressman Hunter.
> "The U.S. Marines, soldiers, airmen and Navy personnel presently
> recovering at our national military hospitals have all the character
> required by the Department of State. They are brave, loyal,
> intelligent and fiercely determined to win the War on Terror.
> "They are veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters and you can be
> sure that when called on for difficult assignments, they won't convene
> a town meeting to protest.
> Especially for those whose mobility has been impaired by wounds, State
> Department positions, not only in Baghdad but around the world, will
> provide excellent jobs as well as availing our nation of their
> enormous talent."
> What on earth is Hunter thinking?
> No wait, don't tell me...
> Hey you guys - thanks for your service to our country, now get back
> out there and relive your horrendous traumatic experience all over
> again!
> Come on, what's the matter?
> Let's face it, it's got to be better than recuperating in this
> shithole, right?
> I mean, you know we've slashed your benefits so you're once you get
> out of Walter Reed, you're screwed.
> And let's be realistic - the chances are quite good that you'll come
> back from Iraq with your one remaining leg still attached.
> Three cheers for our brave troops!
> We promise we'll give you another round of applause when you get back
> (unless you decide to run for president as a Democrat, of course, in
> which case we'll say you're a coward who doesn't deserve your medals
> and probably shot yourself to get out of combat).
> Best of luck!
> By EarlG
> Democratic Underground
> Harry
"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
> "When the State Department appears to be filled with reluctant
> personnel, let's turn to those who have bravely followed the American
> flag in the most dangerous of assignments," said Congressman Hunter.
> "The U.S. Marines, soldiers, airmen and Navy personnel presently
> recovering at our national military hospitals have all the character
> required by the Department of State. They are brave, loyal,
> intelligent and fiercely determined to win the War on Terror.
> "They are veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters and you can be
> sure that when called on for difficult assignments, they won't convene
> a town meeting to protest.
> Especially for those whose mobility has been impaired by wounds, State
> Department positions, not only in Baghdad but around the world, will
> provide excellent jobs as well as availing our nation of their
> enormous talent."

What a ****head.

I have a better idea: let's send the GOP chickenhawks to man the
Vatican-sized embassy we built.

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