Repug political consultant forced to resign for making threatening phone call.


Harry Hope

Lawyers representing the governor's father said the caller -- recorded
on an answering machine -- told the 83-year-old real estate developer
that he was going to be subpoenaed to testify before the state Senate
investigations committee about 1994 campaign loans to his son, then
threatened his arrest if he didn't appear, and used expletives and
insults referring to the governor, a Democrat.

Letters about the call was sent to the state Ethics Commission and the
chairman of the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government
Operations, attorney Jeffrey Moerdler said.

He told the Times Union of Albany that he didn't request an
investigation but that the matter is now with government

Gov. Spitzer's spokeswoman, Christine Anderson, said the governor
would have no comment.

Stone, 55, worked for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, which
helped President Nixon beat George McGovern in 1972 and was at the
center of the Watergate scandal.

He also worked for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, and in 2000, helped
George W. Bush win the presidential vote recount in Florida.

From The Associated Press, 8/22/07:,0,3866051.story

By MICHAEL VIRTANEN | Associated Press Writer


A prominent political consultant for the state Senate Republicans
agreed to resign Wednesday after reports surfaced that he had made a
threatening phone call to Gov. Eliot Spitzer's father.

Roger Stone, who in the 1970s worked on President Nixon's re-election
effort and has also done work for Presidents Bush and Reagan, denied
making the call and said he was "set up."


Two other items not mentioned about this guy Roger Stone:

He was involved in sending Dan Rather fake memos about Bush's military

He and his were (are) swingers

"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message

Another scumball Repug bites the dust.

The tide is turning.

> Lawyers representing the governor's father said the caller -- recorded
> on an answering machine -- told the 83-year-old real estate developer
> that he was going to be subpoenaed to testify before the state Senate
> investigations committee about 1994 campaign loans to his son, then
> threatened his arrest if he didn't appear, and used expletives and
> insults referring to the governor, a Democrat.
> Letters about the call was sent to the state Ethics Commission and the
> chairman of the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government
> Operations, attorney Jeffrey Moerdler said.
> He told the Times Union of Albany that he didn't request an
> investigation but that the matter is now with government
> investigators.
> Gov. Spitzer's spokeswoman, Christine Anderson, said the governor
> would have no comment.
> Stone, 55, worked for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, which
> helped President Nixon beat George McGovern in 1972 and was at the
> center of the Watergate scandal.
> He also worked for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, and in 2000, helped
> George W. Bush win the presidential vote recount in Florida.
> From The Associated Press, 8/22/07:
> By MICHAEL VIRTANEN | Associated Press Writer
> ALBANY, N.Y. -
> A prominent political consultant for the state Senate Republicans
> agreed to resign Wednesday after reports surfaced that he had made a
> threatening phone call to Gov. Eliot Spitzer's father.
> Roger Stone, who in the 1970s worked on President Nixon's re-election
> effort and has also done work for Presidents Bush and Reagan, denied
> making the call and said he was "set up."
> ___________________________________________________
> Two other items not mentioned about this guy Roger Stone:
> He was involved in sending Dan Rather fake memos about Bush's military
> service.
> He and his were (are) swingers
> Harry
ROFLMAO Another liberal senile liberal shill paid off by the DNC to

What we find is that the surge has troops going into areas, where for 4 1/2
years we have not seen our military in action. Naturally, they are routing
out al Qaeda in those areas. That's a good thing.
-- Sen. Dick Durbin

"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
> Lawyers representing the governor's father said the caller -- recorded
> on an answering machine -- told the 83-year-old real estate developer
> that he was going to be subpoenaed to testify before the state Senate
> investigations committee about 1994 campaign loans to his son, then
> threatened his arrest if he didn't appear, and used expletives and
> insults referring to the governor, a Democrat.
> Letters about the call was sent to the state Ethics Commission and the
> chairman of the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government
> Operations, attorney Jeffrey Moerdler said.
> He told the Times Union of Albany that he didn't request an
> investigation but that the matter is now with government
> investigators.
> Gov. Spitzer's spokeswoman, Christine Anderson, said the governor
> would have no comment.
> Stone, 55, worked for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, which
> helped President Nixon beat George McGovern in 1972 and was at the
> center of the Watergate scandal.
> He also worked for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, and in 2000, helped
> George W. Bush win the presidential vote recount in Florida.
> From The Associated Press, 8/22/07:
> By MICHAEL VIRTANEN | Associated Press Writer
> ALBANY, N.Y. -
> A prominent political consultant for the state Senate Republicans
> agreed to resign Wednesday after reports surfaced that he had made a
> threatening phone call to Gov. Eliot Spitzer's father.
> Roger Stone, who in the 1970s worked on President Nixon's re-election
> effort and has also done work for Presidents Bush and Reagan, denied
> making the call and said he was "set up."
> ___________________________________________________
> Two other items not mentioned about this guy Roger Stone:
> He was involved in sending Dan Rather fake memos about Bush's military
> service.
> He and his were (are) swingers
> Harry
On Aug 22, 2:51 pm, Harry Hope <> wrote:
> Lawyers representing the governor's father said the caller -- recorded
> on an answering machine -- told the 83-year-old real estate developer
> that he was going to be subpoenaed to testify before the state Senate
> investigations committee about 1994 campaign loans to his son, then
> threatened his arrest if he didn't appear, and used expletives and
> insults referring to the governor, a Democrat.
> Letters about the call was sent to the state Ethics Commission and the
> chairman of the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government
> Operations, attorney Jeffrey Moerdler said.
> He told the Times Union of Albany that he didn't request an
> investigation but that the matter is now with government
> investigators.
> Gov. Spitzer's spokeswoman, Christine Anderson, said the governor
> would have no comment.
> Stone, 55, worked for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, which
> helped President Nixon beat George McGovern in 1972 and was at the
> center of the Watergate scandal.
> He also worked for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, and in 2000, helped
> George W. Bush win the presidential vote recount in Florida.
> From The Associated Press, 8/22/07:
> By MICHAEL VIRTANEN | Associated Press Writer
> ALBANY, N.Y. -
> A prominent political consultant for the state Senate Republicans
> agreed to resign Wednesday after reports surfaced that he had made a
> threatening phone call to Gov. Eliot Spitzer's father.
> Roger Stone, who in the 1970s worked on President Nixon's re-election
> effort and has also done work for Presidents Bush and Reagan, denied
> making the call and said he was "set up."
> ___________________________________________________
> Two other items not mentioned about this guy Roger Stone:
> He was involved in sending Dan Rather fake memos about Bush's military
> service.
> He and his were (are) swingers
> Harry

They will put you into a jail for reading an email also.
"Harry Dope" <> wrote in message
> ROFLMAO Another senile Repubicrap shill bites the dust

Truthisized for your rejection.

> --
> What we find is that the surge has troops going into areas, where for 4
> 1/2 years we have not seen our military in action. Naturally, they are
> routing out al Qaeda in those areas. That's a good thing.
> -- Sen. Dick Durbin
> "Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
>> Lawyers representing the governor's father said the caller -- recorded
>> on an answering machine -- told the 83-year-old real estate developer
>> that he was going to be subpoenaed to testify before the state Senate
>> investigations committee about 1994 campaign loans to his son, then
>> threatened his arrest if he didn't appear, and used expletives and
>> insults referring to the governor, a Democrat.
>> Letters about the call was sent to the state Ethics Commission and the
>> chairman of the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government
>> Operations, attorney Jeffrey Moerdler said.
>> He told the Times Union of Albany that he didn't request an
>> investigation but that the matter is now with government
>> investigators.
>> Gov. Spitzer's spokeswoman, Christine Anderson, said the governor
>> would have no comment.
>> Stone, 55, worked for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, which
>> helped President Nixon beat George McGovern in 1972 and was at the
>> center of the Watergate scandal.
>> He also worked for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, and in 2000, helped
>> George W. Bush win the presidential vote recount in Florida.
>> From The Associated Press, 8/22/07:
>> By MICHAEL VIRTANEN | Associated Press Writer
>> ALBANY, N.Y. -
>> A prominent political consultant for the state Senate Republicans
>> agreed to resign Wednesday after reports surfaced that he had made a
>> threatening phone call to Gov. Eliot Spitzer's father.
>> Roger Stone, who in the 1970s worked on President Nixon's re-election
>> effort and has also done work for Presidents Bush and Reagan, denied
>> making the call and said he was "set up."
>> ___________________________________________________
>> Two other items not mentioned about this guy Roger Stone:
>> He was involved in sending Dan Rather fake memos about Bush's military
>> service.
>> He and his were (are) swingers
>> Harry

In article <>,
>Lawyers representing the governor's father said the caller -- recorded
>on an answering machine -- told the 83-year-old real estate developer
>that he was going to be subpoenaed to testify before the state Senate
>investigations committee about 1994 campaign loans to his son, then
>threatened his arrest if he didn't appear, and used expletives and
>insults referring to the governor, a Democrat.
>Letters about the call was sent to the state Ethics Commission and the
>chairman of the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government
>Operations, attorney Jeffrey Moerdler said.
>He told the Times Union of Albany that he didn't request an
>investigation but that the matter is now with government
>Gov. Spitzer's spokeswoman, Christine Anderson, said the governor
>would have no comment.
>Stone, 55, worked for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, which
>helped President Nixon beat George McGovern in 1972 and was at the
>center of the Watergate scandal.
>He also worked for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, and in 2000, helped
>George W. Bush win the presidential vote recount in Florida.
>From The Associated Press, 8/22/07:

>By MICHAEL VIRTANEN | Associated Press Writer
>A prominent political consultant for the state Senate Republicans
>agreed to resign Wednesday after reports surfaced that he had made a
>threatening phone call to Gov. Eliot Spitzer's father.
>Roger Stone, who in the 1970s worked on President Nixon's re-election
>effort and has also done work for Presidents Bush and Reagan, denied
>making the call and said he was "set up."
>Two other items not mentioned about this guy Roger Stone:
>He was involved in sending Dan Rather fake memos about Bush's military
>He and his were (are) swingers

I would not hold the second item against him :)

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