Repugs havin' a tough time marketing "Bomb Bomb Bomb" McBush


Harry Hope

The campaign's general-election strategy is to sell the McCain brand
to show voters that he is distinct from President Bush and other


The selling of McCain is rooted in one of the oldest theories of
product marketing: that a successful brand identity, once established
in the American psyche, is virtually impossible to blunt or damage.


The firms also concluded that McCain's brand has weaknesses:

a striking lack of warmth and personal charm.

And Democrats insist that there are opportunities to attack the
building blocks of the McCain brand, especially his assertion that he
is a moderate.


In a recent Gallup poll on presidential weaknesses, 40 percent of
voters said they "least wanted" McCain to be elected.

Of those, most cited his position on Iraq and his similarity to Bush.

From The Washington Post, 4/12/08:

Marketing McCain

Campaign Plays Up a Political Brand That Stands for Independence From

By Michael D. Shear and Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writers

Saturday, April 12, 2008; Page A01

Republican Sen. John McCain is a champion of an unpopular war, he is
trying to succeed an unpopular GOP president, and he is a member of an
increasingly unpopular party in a year when the historic race of his
rivals has caused hundreds of thousands of voters to register as


Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran

Warmonger Johnny McBush
