Repugs will be EATING STEAMING PILES of **** on election day



Unpopular Bush risks little by staying course

Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau

Friday, July 13, 2007

(07-13) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Facing rock-bottom poll numbers and
the judgment of history, President Bush has little to lose politically
in using the last 18 months of his presidency to try to prove critics
of his war policy wrong. The president followed that path Thursday,
finding promise in a "young democracy" in Iraq despite descriptions by
his own administration of a deeply fractured society.

The rest of his Republican Party, however, is looking at something
entirely different: elections for the House, Senate and the presidency
that, absent a miraculous turnaround in Iraq or a suicidal stumble by
Democrats, are headed for a debacle.

Republicans are watching their private poll numbers plunge, said Larry
Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of

"They just simply cannot let the status quo continue for much longer,
or they are cooked gooses," he said. Unless things change by November
2008, he predicted, Republicans "lose seats in both houses, and even
the weakest of the major Democrats, probably Hillary Clinton, will
win" the presidency.

The poll landscape shows "Republicans who ought to be completely
secure that are maybe in the upper 40s, low 50s," Sabato said, "and
then you have the weaker ones ... being blown away in landslides."

As the Senate debated and the House passed another troop withdrawal
plan on Thursday, Bush saw cause for optimism in an interim report by
his National Security Council that showed mixed military results from
the surge of 30,000 troops to Baghdad and surrounding provinces. But
the report showed scant progress on the political reconciliation that
Bush said is the goal of the troop increase and "essential to lasting
security and stability" in Iraq.

Bush said political progress is a "lagging indicator" that would
improve only after military stability has been achieved. He also
praised the "bottom-up reconciliation" that relies on local, not
national leaders, modeled on the Sunni tribal sheikhs of Anbar
province who have joined U.S. forces against the Sunni terrorists who
call themselves al Qaeda in Iraq.

Bush acknowledged that he worried "whether or not the American people
are in this fight." But he said the full troop increase has been in
place only for a month and would wait until a final report in
September by Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and
Ambassador Ryan Crocker to judge its progress.

Jim Pinkerton, a top political aide to former President George H.W.
Bush's administration, now at the center-left New America Foundation,
said the president might be "the only one in Washington who still
talks the language of 'freedom changes people.' The neocons have given
up on that, the neocons have become in their own way realists -- the
Arabs and especially the Iranians are the enemy. And we have to fight
them. And Bush is still talking the language of 'no, we're going to
transform the world through democracy.' "

"As he said in past, 'If it's just Laura and Barney who are sticking
with me, I'm going to do this,' " Pinkerton said of the president's
view of Iraq. "I wouldn't at all be surprised if we're in a situation
extremely similar to what we see now on Jan. 20, 2o09."

Democrats have expressed rising outrage and astonishment at what they
call Bush's refusal to face reality and have said the only thing
likely to change between now and mid-September is that more American
troops will die in a war that is in its fifth year.

"The president has his head in the sand," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-
Calif. "The Iraqis have not met a single of the 18 benchmarks we laid
out, and yet this president has the audacity to ask for more patience
while our troops are getting killed every day policing a civil war."

Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, defeated by Bush in 2004,
said the Iraqi government has shown no indication it can unify the

"No general, no administration official has come to us ... in our
secret briefings and said this is a winning strategy," Kerry said.
"What we have is a hope, a wing and a prayer that somehow these Iraqis
are going to come together and make some decisions."

Republicans have so far largely stuck with Bush on major votes and
many defend the war despite its cost of more than 3,600 American lives
and $500 billion. Democrats remain four votes short of the 60 senators
needed to break the procedural hurdles in the Senate and gain approval
of legislation setting dates to withdraw American forces from Iraq.

Pinkerton believes Bush knows he can hang on because no one wants to
be tagged with losing the war.

"What the Dick Lugar, Pete Domenici-type Republicans and the Nancy
Pelosi, Steny Hoyer-type Democrats would love, is some sort of
bipartisan deal that backs us out of Iraq, even if we lose, because
then it would be bipartisan and nobody will get blamed," Pinkerton
said, referring to two prominent Senate Republicans who have broken
with Bush on Iraq and the Democratic House speaker and majority
leader. "But that bipartisanship has to include Bush."

Lugar, of Indiana, and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., are working on a
measure calling for a change in the U.S. force posture and mission in

A clearly frustrated Warner said the interim report showed the Iraqi
government "is simply not providing leadership worthy of the
considerable sacrifice of our forces, and this has to change

House Republicans remained unified behind Bush, though Minority Leader
John Boehner called the waverers "wimps" in a closed-door caucus.

Boehner on Thursday slammed Democrats for undercutting the military
with another withdrawal vote.

"To just pull the rug out on Gen. Petraeus ... is absolutely the most
negligent action yet I've seen the House take on this issue," Boehner

The House voted 223-201 for the proposal to begin withdrawing troops
within 120 days and pull out all American combat forces by April 2008
except those charged with hunting terrorists, defending the U.S.
Embassy in Baghdad and training Iraqi forces. The bill is similar to a
measure Democrats hope to push to a vote in the Senate next week,
although neither is likely to override a promised Bush veto.

But Pelosi promised to keep forcing votes to end the war "until
pressure from the American people causes the president to change his
mind and change his policy."

Bruce Schulman, a political historian at Boston University, said
support for the war remains in the South, a GOP stronghold.
Republicans "don't want to admit that it's a failure, that's the
dynamic here. They don't want to take responsibility for losing."

"As a historian, I can't help but draw a comparison with the Johnson
and Nixon administrations," Schulman said. "They were constantly
trotting out new initiatives, more troops, more bombings, expanding
the conflict to nearby countries, asking to give it time to turn
around. It didn't -- and the same kind of process is at work here."
And what about Pelosi, Reid and the democratic controlled congress having
the worst favorability poll number in US history?

On November 8, 1923, Hitler held a rally at a Munich beer hall and
proclaimed a revolution. The following day, he led 2,000 armed
"brown-shirts" in an attempt to take over the Bavarian government. The small
Nazi Party first won national attention in the Beer Hall Putsch of November
1923, when the Ruhr crisis and the great inflation were at their height
"thats@fact" <> wrote in message
> Unpopular Bush risks little by staying course
> Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau
> Friday, July 13, 2007
> (07-13) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Facing rock-bottom poll numbers and
> the judgment of history, President Bush has little to lose politically
> in using the last 18 months of his presidency to try to prove critics
> of his war policy wrong. The president followed that path Thursday,
> finding promise in a "young democracy" in Iraq despite descriptions by
> his own administration of a deeply fractured society.
> The rest of his Republican Party, however, is looking at something
> entirely different: elections for the House, Senate and the presidency
> that, absent a miraculous turnaround in Iraq or a suicidal stumble by
> Democrats, are headed for a debacle.
> Republicans are watching their private poll numbers plunge, said Larry
> Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of
> Virginia.
> "They just simply cannot let the status quo continue for much longer,
> or they are cooked gooses," he said. Unless things change by November
> 2008, he predicted, Republicans "lose seats in both houses, and even
> the weakest of the major Democrats, probably Hillary Clinton, will
> win" the presidency.
> The poll landscape shows "Republicans who ought to be completely
> secure that are maybe in the upper 40s, low 50s," Sabato said, "and
> then you have the weaker ones ... being blown away in landslides."
> As the Senate debated and the House passed another troop withdrawal
> plan on Thursday, Bush saw cause for optimism in an interim report by
> his National Security Council that showed mixed military results from
> the surge of 30,000 troops to Baghdad and surrounding provinces. But
> the report showed scant progress on the political reconciliation that
> Bush said is the goal of the troop increase and "essential to lasting
> security and stability" in Iraq.
> Bush said political progress is a "lagging indicator" that would
> improve only after military stability has been achieved. He also
> praised the "bottom-up reconciliation" that relies on local, not
> national leaders, modeled on the Sunni tribal sheikhs of Anbar
> province who have joined U.S. forces against the Sunni terrorists who
> call themselves al Qaeda in Iraq.
> Bush acknowledged that he worried "whether or not the American people
> are in this fight." But he said the full troop increase has been in
> place only for a month and would wait until a final report in
> September by Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and
> Ambassador Ryan Crocker to judge its progress.
> Jim Pinkerton, a top political aide to former President George H.W.
> Bush's administration, now at the center-left New America Foundation,
> said the president might be "the only one in Washington who still
> talks the language of 'freedom changes people.' The neocons have given
> up on that, the neocons have become in their own way realists -- the
> Arabs and especially the Iranians are the enemy. And we have to fight
> them. And Bush is still talking the language of 'no, we're going to
> transform the world through democracy.' "
> "As he said in past, 'If it's just Laura and Barney who are sticking
> with me, I'm going to do this,' " Pinkerton said of the president's
> view of Iraq. "I wouldn't at all be surprised if we're in a situation
> extremely similar to what we see now on Jan. 20, 2o09."
> Democrats have expressed rising outrage and astonishment at what they
> call Bush's refusal to face reality and have said the only thing
> likely to change between now and mid-September is that more American
> troops will die in a war that is in its fifth year.
> "The president has his head in the sand," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-
> Calif. "The Iraqis have not met a single of the 18 benchmarks we laid
> out, and yet this president has the audacity to ask for more patience
> while our troops are getting killed every day policing a civil war."
> Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, defeated by Bush in 2004,
> said the Iraqi government has shown no indication it can unify the
> country.
> "No general, no administration official has come to us ... in our
> secret briefings and said this is a winning strategy," Kerry said.
> "What we have is a hope, a wing and a prayer that somehow these Iraqis
> are going to come together and make some decisions."
> Republicans have so far largely stuck with Bush on major votes and
> many defend the war despite its cost of more than 3,600 American lives
> and $500 billion. Democrats remain four votes short of the 60 senators
> needed to break the procedural hurdles in the Senate and gain approval
> of legislation setting dates to withdraw American forces from Iraq.
> Pinkerton believes Bush knows he can hang on because no one wants to
> be tagged with losing the war.
> "What the Dick Lugar, Pete Domenici-type Republicans and the Nancy
> Pelosi, Steny Hoyer-type Democrats would love, is some sort of
> bipartisan deal that backs us out of Iraq, even if we lose, because
> then it would be bipartisan and nobody will get blamed," Pinkerton
> said, referring to two prominent Senate Republicans who have broken
> with Bush on Iraq and the Democratic House speaker and majority
> leader. "But that bipartisanship has to include Bush."
> Lugar, of Indiana, and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., are working on a
> measure calling for a change in the U.S. force posture and mission in
> Iraq.
> A clearly frustrated Warner said the interim report showed the Iraqi
> government "is simply not providing leadership worthy of the
> considerable sacrifice of our forces, and this has to change
> immediately."
> House Republicans remained unified behind Bush, though Minority Leader
> John Boehner called the waverers "wimps" in a closed-door caucus.
> Boehner on Thursday slammed Democrats for undercutting the military
> with another withdrawal vote.
> "To just pull the rug out on Gen. Petraeus ... is absolutely the most
> negligent action yet I've seen the House take on this issue," Boehner
> said.
> The House voted 223-201 for the proposal to begin withdrawing troops
> within 120 days and pull out all American combat forces by April 2008
> except those charged with hunting terrorists, defending the U.S.
> Embassy in Baghdad and training Iraqi forces. The bill is similar to a
> measure Democrats hope to push to a vote in the Senate next week,
> although neither is likely to override a promised Bush veto.
> But Pelosi promised to keep forcing votes to end the war "until
> pressure from the American people causes the president to change his
> mind and change his policy."
> Bruce Schulman, a political historian at Boston University, said
> support for the war remains in the South, a GOP stronghold.
> Republicans "don't want to admit that it's a failure, that's the
> dynamic here. They don't want to take responsibility for losing."
> "As a historian, I can't help but draw a comparison with the Johnson
> and Nixon administrations," Schulman said. "They were constantly
> trotting out new initiatives, more troops, more bombings, expanding
> the conflict to nearby countries, asking to give it time to turn
> around. It didn't -- and the same kind of process is at work here."
"Harry Dope" <> wrote in message
> And what about Pelosi, Reid and the democratic controlled congress having
> the worst favorability poll number in US history?

It's being driven down by the obstructionist Republicans
> --
> On November 8, 1923, Hitler held a rally at a Munich beer hall and
> proclaimed a revolution. The following day, he led 2,000 armed
> "brown-shirts" in an attempt to take over the Bavarian government. The
> small Nazi Party first won national attention in the Beer Hall Putsch of
> November 1923, when the Ruhr crisis and the great inflation were at their
> height
> "thats@fact" <> wrote in message
>> Unpopular Bush risks little by staying course
>> Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau
>> Friday, July 13, 2007
>> (07-13) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Facing rock-bottom poll numbers and
>> the judgment of history, President Bush has little to lose politically
>> in using the last 18 months of his presidency to try to prove critics
>> of his war policy wrong. The president followed that path Thursday,
>> finding promise in a "young democracy" in Iraq despite descriptions by
>> his own administration of a deeply fractured society.
>> The rest of his Republican Party, however, is looking at something
>> entirely different: elections for the House, Senate and the presidency
>> that, absent a miraculous turnaround in Iraq or a suicidal stumble by
>> Democrats, are headed for a debacle.
>> Republicans are watching their private poll numbers plunge, said Larry
>> Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of
>> Virginia.
>> "They just simply cannot let the status quo continue for much longer,
>> or they are cooked gooses," he said. Unless things change by November
>> 2008, he predicted, Republicans "lose seats in both houses, and even
>> the weakest of the major Democrats, probably Hillary Clinton, will
>> win" the presidency.
>> The poll landscape shows "Republicans who ought to be completely
>> secure that are maybe in the upper 40s, low 50s," Sabato said, "and
>> then you have the weaker ones ... being blown away in landslides."
>> As the Senate debated and the House passed another troop withdrawal
>> plan on Thursday, Bush saw cause for optimism in an interim report by
>> his National Security Council that showed mixed military results from
>> the surge of 30,000 troops to Baghdad and surrounding provinces. But
>> the report showed scant progress on the political reconciliation that
>> Bush said is the goal of the troop increase and "essential to lasting
>> security and stability" in Iraq.
>> Bush said political progress is a "lagging indicator" that would
>> improve only after military stability has been achieved. He also
>> praised the "bottom-up reconciliation" that relies on local, not
>> national leaders, modeled on the Sunni tribal sheikhs of Anbar
>> province who have joined U.S. forces against the Sunni terrorists who
>> call themselves al Qaeda in Iraq.
>> Bush acknowledged that he worried "whether or not the American people
>> are in this fight." But he said the full troop increase has been in
>> place only for a month and would wait until a final report in
>> September by Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and
>> Ambassador Ryan Crocker to judge its progress.
>> Jim Pinkerton, a top political aide to former President George H.W.
>> Bush's administration, now at the center-left New America Foundation,
>> said the president might be "the only one in Washington who still
>> talks the language of 'freedom changes people.' The neocons have given
>> up on that, the neocons have become in their own way realists -- the
>> Arabs and especially the Iranians are the enemy. And we have to fight
>> them. And Bush is still talking the language of 'no, we're going to
>> transform the world through democracy.' "
>> "As he said in past, 'If it's just Laura and Barney who are sticking
>> with me, I'm going to do this,' " Pinkerton said of the president's
>> view of Iraq. "I wouldn't at all be surprised if we're in a situation
>> extremely similar to what we see now on Jan. 20, 2o09."
>> Democrats have expressed rising outrage and astonishment at what they
>> call Bush's refusal to face reality and have said the only thing
>> likely to change between now and mid-September is that more American
>> troops will die in a war that is in its fifth year.
>> "The president has his head in the sand," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-
>> Calif. "The Iraqis have not met a single of the 18 benchmarks we laid
>> out, and yet this president has the audacity to ask for more patience
>> while our troops are getting killed every day policing a civil war."
>> Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, defeated by Bush in 2004,
>> said the Iraqi government has shown no indication it can unify the
>> country.
>> "No general, no administration official has come to us ... in our
>> secret briefings and said this is a winning strategy," Kerry said.
>> "What we have is a hope, a wing and a prayer that somehow these Iraqis
>> are going to come together and make some decisions."
>> Republicans have so far largely stuck with Bush on major votes and
>> many defend the war despite its cost of more than 3,600 American lives
>> and $500 billion. Democrats remain four votes short of the 60 senators
>> needed to break the procedural hurdles in the Senate and gain approval
>> of legislation setting dates to withdraw American forces from Iraq.
>> Pinkerton believes Bush knows he can hang on because no one wants to
>> be tagged with losing the war.
>> "What the Dick Lugar, Pete Domenici-type Republicans and the Nancy
>> Pelosi, Steny Hoyer-type Democrats would love, is some sort of
>> bipartisan deal that backs us out of Iraq, even if we lose, because
>> then it would be bipartisan and nobody will get blamed," Pinkerton
>> said, referring to two prominent Senate Republicans who have broken
>> with Bush on Iraq and the Democratic House speaker and majority
>> leader. "But that bipartisanship has to include Bush."
>> Lugar, of Indiana, and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., are working on a
>> measure calling for a change in the U.S. force posture and mission in
>> Iraq.
>> A clearly frustrated Warner said the interim report showed the Iraqi
>> government "is simply not providing leadership worthy of the
>> considerable sacrifice of our forces, and this has to change
>> immediately."
>> House Republicans remained unified behind Bush, though Minority Leader
>> John Boehner called the waverers "wimps" in a closed-door caucus.
>> Boehner on Thursday slammed Democrats for undercutting the military
>> with another withdrawal vote.
>> "To just pull the rug out on Gen. Petraeus ... is absolutely the most
>> negligent action yet I've seen the House take on this issue," Boehner
>> said.
>> The House voted 223-201 for the proposal to begin withdrawing troops
>> within 120 days and pull out all American combat forces by April 2008
>> except those charged with hunting terrorists, defending the U.S.
>> Embassy in Baghdad and training Iraqi forces. The bill is similar to a
>> measure Democrats hope to push to a vote in the Senate next week,
>> although neither is likely to override a promised Bush veto.
>> But Pelosi promised to keep forcing votes to end the war "until
>> pressure from the American people causes the president to change his
>> mind and change his policy."
>> Bruce Schulman, a political historian at Boston University, said
>> support for the war remains in the South, a GOP stronghold.
>> Republicans "don't want to admit that it's a failure, that's the
>> dynamic here. They don't want to take responsibility for losing."
>> "As a historian, I can't help but draw a comparison with the Johnson
>> and Nixon administrations," Schulman said. "They were constantly
>> trotting out new initiatives, more troops, more bombings, expanding
>> the conflict to nearby countries, asking to give it time to turn
>> around. It didn't -- and the same kind of process is at work here."

"Harry Dope" <> wrote in message
> And what about Pelosi, Reid and the democratic controlled congress having
> the worst favorability poll number in US history?

And what about the results on the November 2006 election???

Or maybe you'd like to forget about that one.

> --
> On November 8, 1923, Hitler held a rally at a Munich beer hall and
> proclaimed a revolution. The following day, he led 2,000 armed
> "brown-shirts" in an attempt to take over the Bavarian government. The
> small Nazi Party first won national attention in the Beer Hall Putsch of
> November 1923, when the Ruhr crisis and the great inflation were at their
> height
> "thats@fact" <> wrote in message
>> Unpopular Bush risks little by staying course
>> Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau
>> Friday, July 13, 2007
>> (07-13) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Facing rock-bottom poll numbers and
>> the judgment of history, President Bush has little to lose politically
>> in using the last 18 months of his presidency to try to prove critics
>> of his war policy wrong. The president followed that path Thursday,
>> finding promise in a "young democracy" in Iraq despite descriptions by
>> his own administration of a deeply fractured society.
>> The rest of his Republican Party, however, is looking at something
>> entirely different: elections for the House, Senate and the presidency
>> that, absent a miraculous turnaround in Iraq or a suicidal stumble by
>> Democrats, are headed for a debacle.
>> Republicans are watching their private poll numbers plunge, said Larry
>> Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of
>> Virginia.
>> "They just simply cannot let the status quo continue for much longer,
>> or they are cooked gooses," he said. Unless things change by November
>> 2008, he predicted, Republicans "lose seats in both houses, and even
>> the weakest of the major Democrats, probably Hillary Clinton, will
>> win" the presidency.
>> The poll landscape shows "Republicans who ought to be completely
>> secure that are maybe in the upper 40s, low 50s," Sabato said, "and
>> then you have the weaker ones ... being blown away in landslides."
>> As the Senate debated and the House passed another troop withdrawal
>> plan on Thursday, Bush saw cause for optimism in an interim report by
>> his National Security Council that showed mixed military results from
>> the surge of 30,000 troops to Baghdad and surrounding provinces. But
>> the report showed scant progress on the political reconciliation that
>> Bush said is the goal of the troop increase and "essential to lasting
>> security and stability" in Iraq.
>> Bush said political progress is a "lagging indicator" that would
>> improve only after military stability has been achieved. He also
>> praised the "bottom-up reconciliation" that relies on local, not
>> national leaders, modeled on the Sunni tribal sheikhs of Anbar
>> province who have joined U.S. forces against the Sunni terrorists who
>> call themselves al Qaeda in Iraq.
>> Bush acknowledged that he worried "whether or not the American people
>> are in this fight." But he said the full troop increase has been in
>> place only for a month and would wait until a final report in
>> September by Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and
>> Ambassador Ryan Crocker to judge its progress.
>> Jim Pinkerton, a top political aide to former President George H.W.
>> Bush's administration, now at the center-left New America Foundation,
>> said the president might be "the only one in Washington who still
>> talks the language of 'freedom changes people.' The neocons have given
>> up on that, the neocons have become in their own way realists -- the
>> Arabs and especially the Iranians are the enemy. And we have to fight
>> them. And Bush is still talking the language of 'no, we're going to
>> transform the world through democracy.' "
>> "As he said in past, 'If it's just Laura and Barney who are sticking
>> with me, I'm going to do this,' " Pinkerton said of the president's
>> view of Iraq. "I wouldn't at all be surprised if we're in a situation
>> extremely similar to what we see now on Jan. 20, 2o09."
>> Democrats have expressed rising outrage and astonishment at what they
>> call Bush's refusal to face reality and have said the only thing
>> likely to change between now and mid-September is that more American
>> troops will die in a war that is in its fifth year.
>> "The president has his head in the sand," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-
>> Calif. "The Iraqis have not met a single of the 18 benchmarks we laid
>> out, and yet this president has the audacity to ask for more patience
>> while our troops are getting killed every day policing a civil war."
>> Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, defeated by Bush in 2004,
>> said the Iraqi government has shown no indication it can unify the
>> country.
>> "No general, no administration official has come to us ... in our
>> secret briefings and said this is a winning strategy," Kerry said.
>> "What we have is a hope, a wing and a prayer that somehow these Iraqis
>> are going to come together and make some decisions."
>> Republicans have so far largely stuck with Bush on major votes and
>> many defend the war despite its cost of more than 3,600 American lives
>> and $500 billion. Democrats remain four votes short of the 60 senators
>> needed to break the procedural hurdles in the Senate and gain approval
>> of legislation setting dates to withdraw American forces from Iraq.
>> Pinkerton believes Bush knows he can hang on because no one wants to
>> be tagged with losing the war.
>> "What the Dick Lugar, Pete Domenici-type Republicans and the Nancy
>> Pelosi, Steny Hoyer-type Democrats would love, is some sort of
>> bipartisan deal that backs us out of Iraq, even if we lose, because
>> then it would be bipartisan and nobody will get blamed," Pinkerton
>> said, referring to two prominent Senate Republicans who have broken
>> with Bush on Iraq and the Democratic House speaker and majority
>> leader. "But that bipartisanship has to include Bush."
>> Lugar, of Indiana, and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., are working on a
>> measure calling for a change in the U.S. force posture and mission in
>> Iraq.
>> A clearly frustrated Warner said the interim report showed the Iraqi
>> government "is simply not providing leadership worthy of the
>> considerable sacrifice of our forces, and this has to change
>> immediately."
>> House Republicans remained unified behind Bush, though Minority Leader
>> John Boehner called the waverers "wimps" in a closed-door caucus.
>> Boehner on Thursday slammed Democrats for undercutting the military
>> with another withdrawal vote.
>> "To just pull the rug out on Gen. Petraeus ... is absolutely the most
>> negligent action yet I've seen the House take on this issue," Boehner
>> said.
>> The House voted 223-201 for the proposal to begin withdrawing troops
>> within 120 days and pull out all American combat forces by April 2008
>> except those charged with hunting terrorists, defending the U.S.
>> Embassy in Baghdad and training Iraqi forces. The bill is similar to a
>> measure Democrats hope to push to a vote in the Senate next week,
>> although neither is likely to override a promised Bush veto.
>> But Pelosi promised to keep forcing votes to end the war "until
>> pressure from the American people causes the president to change his
>> mind and change his policy."
>> Bruce Schulman, a political historian at Boston University, said
>> support for the war remains in the South, a GOP stronghold.
>> Republicans "don't want to admit that it's a failure, that's the
>> dynamic here. They don't want to take responsibility for losing."
>> "As a historian, I can't help but draw a comparison with the Johnson
>> and Nixon administrations," Schulman said. "They were constantly
>> trotting out new initiatives, more troops, more bombings, expanding
>> the conflict to nearby countries, asking to give it time to turn
>> around. It didn't -- and the same kind of process is at work here."

"thats@fact" <> wrote in message

Sorry , no mate rhow much we despise you democraps, we wont be eating you
On Jul 13, 1:59 pm, "Harry Dope" <> wrote:

> And what about Pelosi, Reid and the democratic controlled congress having
> the worst favorability poll number in US history?

Read the story BITCH - Repug's own internal poll numbers are going
right down the **** pipe! Pugs will be speed-eating FRESH, STEAMING
PILES of EXCREMENT left for them by the winning Democratic candidates!
it shows how much Americans value Democrat by needing Republicans to be
cooked in order to win...

"thats@fact" <> wrote in message
> Unpopular Bush risks little by staying course
> Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau
> Friday, July 13, 2007
> (07-13) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Facing rock-bottom poll numbers and
> the judgment of history, President Bush has little to lose politically
> in using the last 18 months of his presidency to try to prove critics
> of his war policy wrong. The president followed that path Thursday,
> finding promise in a "young democracy" in Iraq despite descriptions by
> his own administration of a deeply fractured society.
> The rest of his Republican Party, however, is looking at something
> entirely different: elections for the House, Senate and the presidency
> that, absent a miraculous turnaround in Iraq or a suicidal stumble by
> Democrats, are headed for a debacle.
> Republicans are watching their private poll numbers plunge, said Larry
> Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of
> Virginia.
> "They just simply cannot let the status quo continue for much longer,
> or they are cooked gooses," he said. Unless things change by November
> 2008, he predicted, Republicans "lose seats in both houses, and even
> the weakest of the major Democrats, probably Hillary Clinton, will
> win" the presidency.
> The poll landscape shows "Republicans who ought to be completely
> secure that are maybe in the upper 40s, low 50s," Sabato said, "and
> then you have the weaker ones ... being blown away in landslides."
> As the Senate debated and the House passed another troop withdrawal
> plan on Thursday, Bush saw cause for optimism in an interim report by
> his National Security Council that showed mixed military results from
> the surge of 30,000 troops to Baghdad and surrounding provinces. But
> the report showed scant progress on the political reconciliation that
> Bush said is the goal of the troop increase and "essential to lasting
> security and stability" in Iraq.
> Bush said political progress is a "lagging indicator" that would
> improve only after military stability has been achieved. He also
> praised the "bottom-up reconciliation" that relies on local, not
> national leaders, modeled on the Sunni tribal sheikhs of Anbar
> province who have joined U.S. forces against the Sunni terrorists who
> call themselves al Qaeda in Iraq.
> Bush acknowledged that he worried "whether or not the American people
> are in this fight." But he said the full troop increase has been in
> place only for a month and would wait until a final report in
> September by Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and
> Ambassador Ryan Crocker to judge its progress.
> Jim Pinkerton, a top political aide to former President George H.W.
> Bush's administration, now at the center-left New America Foundation,
> said the president might be "the only one in Washington who still
> talks the language of 'freedom changes people.' The neocons have given
> up on that, the neocons have become in their own way realists -- the
> Arabs and especially the Iranians are the enemy. And we have to fight
> them. And Bush is still talking the language of 'no, we're going to
> transform the world through democracy.' "
> "As he said in past, 'If it's just Laura and Barney who are sticking
> with me, I'm going to do this,' " Pinkerton said of the president's
> view of Iraq. "I wouldn't at all be surprised if we're in a situation
> extremely similar to what we see now on Jan. 20, 2o09."
> Democrats have expressed rising outrage and astonishment at what they
> call Bush's refusal to face reality and have said the only thing
> likely to change between now and mid-September is that more American
> troops will die in a war that is in its fifth year.
> "The president has his head in the sand," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-
> Calif. "The Iraqis have not met a single of the 18 benchmarks we laid
> out, and yet this president has the audacity to ask for more patience
> while our troops are getting killed every day policing a civil war."
> Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, defeated by Bush in 2004,
> said the Iraqi government has shown no indication it can unify the
> country.
> "No general, no administration official has come to us ... in our
> secret briefings and said this is a winning strategy," Kerry said.
> "What we have is a hope, a wing and a prayer that somehow these Iraqis
> are going to come together and make some decisions."
> Republicans have so far largely stuck with Bush on major votes and
> many defend the war despite its cost of more than 3,600 American lives
> and $500 billion. Democrats remain four votes short of the 60 senators
> needed to break the procedural hurdles in the Senate and gain approval
> of legislation setting dates to withdraw American forces from Iraq.
> Pinkerton believes Bush knows he can hang on because no one wants to
> be tagged with losing the war.
> "What the Dick Lugar, Pete Domenici-type Republicans and the Nancy
> Pelosi, Steny Hoyer-type Democrats would love, is some sort of
> bipartisan deal that backs us out of Iraq, even if we lose, because
> then it would be bipartisan and nobody will get blamed," Pinkerton
> said, referring to two prominent Senate Republicans who have broken
> with Bush on Iraq and the Democratic House speaker and majority
> leader. "But that bipartisanship has to include Bush."
> Lugar, of Indiana, and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., are working on a
> measure calling for a change in the U.S. force posture and mission in
> Iraq.
> A clearly frustrated Warner said the interim report showed the Iraqi
> government "is simply not providing leadership worthy of the
> considerable sacrifice of our forces, and this has to change
> immediately."
> House Republicans remained unified behind Bush, though Minority Leader
> John Boehner called the waverers "wimps" in a closed-door caucus.
> Boehner on Thursday slammed Democrats for undercutting the military
> with another withdrawal vote.
> "To just pull the rug out on Gen. Petraeus ... is absolutely the most
> negligent action yet I've seen the House take on this issue," Boehner
> said.
> The House voted 223-201 for the proposal to begin withdrawing troops
> within 120 days and pull out all American combat forces by April 2008
> except those charged with hunting terrorists, defending the U.S.
> Embassy in Baghdad and training Iraqi forces. The bill is similar to a
> measure Democrats hope to push to a vote in the Senate next week,
> although neither is likely to override a promised Bush veto.
> But Pelosi promised to keep forcing votes to end the war "until
> pressure from the American people causes the president to change his
> mind and change his policy."
> Bruce Schulman, a political historian at Boston University, said
> support for the war remains in the South, a GOP stronghold.
> Republicans "don't want to admit that it's a failure, that's the
> dynamic here. They don't want to take responsibility for losing."
> "As a historian, I can't help but draw a comparison with the Johnson
> and Nixon administrations," Schulman said. "They were constantly
> trotting out new initiatives, more troops, more bombings, expanding
> the conflict to nearby countries, asking to give it time to turn
> around. It didn't -- and the same kind of process is at work here."
On Jul 13, 2:10 pm, "Go Mavz" <> wrote:
> it shows how much Americans value Democrat by needing Republicans to be
> cooked in order to win...

Translation: Repugs of the last 7 years are the biggest failures in
U.S. history and ANYthing else looks WAY better by comparison.

That's just common sense - something you Repug voters are missing the
gene for.
"thats@fact" <> wrote in message
> On Jul 13, 1:59 pm, "Harry Dope" <> wrote:
>> And what about Pelosi, Reid and the democratic controlled congress
>> having
>> the worst favorability poll number in US history?

> Read the story BITCH - Repug's own internal poll numbers are going
> right down the **** pipe! Pugs will be speed-eating FRESH, STEAMING
> PILES of EXCREMENT left for them by the winning Democratic candidates!

Can you say "Veto Proof Majority" in the Senate? Not that the Democrats
will need it since the White House will be held by a Democrat, but
removing the filibuster option from the repugs will be quite nice.

The following Repug Senators are already lame ducks: Allard, Collins,
Vitter, Coleman, Stevens, Sununu, Smith. Dole and Domenici are
probables. Landrieu is the only Democrat who stands even a remote
chance of losing, but the Democrats will have such a monetary advantage
that even in her case it seems very unlikely, especially given the fact
that whoremonger Vitter isn't doing the Repugs any favors in LA.
"thats@fact" <> wrote in message
> On Jul 13, 2:10 pm, "Go Mavz" <> wrote:
>> it shows how much Americans value Democrat by needing Republicans to
>> be
>> cooked in order to win...

> Translation: Repugs of the last 7 years are the biggest failures in
> U.S. history and ANYthing else looks WAY better by comparison.
> That's just common sense - something you Repug voters are missing the
> gene for.

When a normal person sees someone hitting themselves in the head with a
baseball bat, the tendancy is to try and get them to stop. Reichtards
like towel boy BloMavs ask them if they have another bat.
"Go Mavz" <> wrote in message news:6ePli.31$gC5.15@trnddc04...
> it shows how much Americans value Democrat by needing Republicans to be
> cooked in order to win...

To an extent you are right. The American public gave the Republicans a
chance because the spun such a great story out of rhetoric. But the
majority of those supporters, myself included, have realized that EVERYTHING
that they have said is a bunch of lies!!! They have realized that the
republicans will destroy the American worker for a little extra profit.
They will go as far as bankrupting the USA to payoff their supporters and at
the same time eliminate any safety net for the workers of our great country.
As bad as the democrats are - they are a much better choice then the
"Joe S." <> wrote in message
> "Harry Dope" <> wrote in message
> news:4697bd96$0$3157$
> > And what about Pelosi, Reid and the democratic controlled congress

> > the worst favorability poll number in US history?

> And what about the results on the November 2006 election???
> Or maybe you'd like to forget about that one.

What's there to forget? Repukes got their ass handed to them. Since then
they've been obstructing everything the Democrats do. That's why.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > On November 8, 1923, Hitler held a rally at a Munich beer hall and
> > proclaimed a revolution. The following day, he led 2,000 armed
> > "brown-shirts" in an attempt to take over the Bavarian government. The
> > small Nazi Party first won national attention in the Beer Hall Putsch of
> > November 1923, when the Ruhr crisis and the great inflation were at

> > height
> > "thats@fact" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Unpopular Bush risks little by staying course
> >>
> >> Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau
> >>
> >> Friday, July 13, 2007
> >>
> >> (07-13) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Facing rock-bottom poll numbers and
> >> the judgment of history, President Bush has little to lose politically
> >> in using the last 18 months of his presidency to try to prove critics
> >> of his war policy wrong. The president followed that path Thursday,
> >> finding promise in a "young democracy" in Iraq despite descriptions by
> >> his own administration of a deeply fractured society.
> >>
> >> The rest of his Republican Party, however, is looking at something
> >> entirely different: elections for the House, Senate and the presidency
> >> that, absent a miraculous turnaround in Iraq or a suicidal stumble by
> >> Democrats, are headed for a debacle.
> >>
> >> Republicans are watching their private poll numbers plunge, said Larry
> >> Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of
> >> Virginia.
> >>
> >> "They just simply cannot let the status quo continue for much longer,
> >> or they are cooked gooses," he said. Unless things change by November
> >> 2008, he predicted, Republicans "lose seats in both houses, and even
> >> the weakest of the major Democrats, probably Hillary Clinton, will
> >> win" the presidency.
> >>
> >> The poll landscape shows "Republicans who ought to be completely
> >> secure that are maybe in the upper 40s, low 50s," Sabato said, "and
> >> then you have the weaker ones ... being blown away in landslides."
> >>
> >> As the Senate debated and the House passed another troop withdrawal
> >> plan on Thursday, Bush saw cause for optimism in an interim report by
> >> his National Security Council that showed mixed military results from
> >> the surge of 30,000 troops to Baghdad and surrounding provinces. But
> >> the report showed scant progress on the political reconciliation that
> >> Bush said is the goal of the troop increase and "essential to lasting
> >> security and stability" in Iraq.
> >>
> >> Bush said political progress is a "lagging indicator" that would
> >> improve only after military stability has been achieved. He also
> >> praised the "bottom-up reconciliation" that relies on local, not
> >> national leaders, modeled on the Sunni tribal sheikhs of Anbar
> >> province who have joined U.S. forces against the Sunni terrorists who
> >> call themselves al Qaeda in Iraq.
> >>
> >> Bush acknowledged that he worried "whether or not the American people
> >> are in this fight." But he said the full troop increase has been in
> >> place only for a month and would wait until a final report in
> >> September by Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and
> >> Ambassador Ryan Crocker to judge its progress.
> >>
> >> Jim Pinkerton, a top political aide to former President George H.W.
> >> Bush's administration, now at the center-left New America Foundation,
> >> said the president might be "the only one in Washington who still
> >> talks the language of 'freedom changes people.' The neocons have given
> >> up on that, the neocons have become in their own way realists -- the
> >> Arabs and especially the Iranians are the enemy. And we have to fight
> >> them. And Bush is still talking the language of 'no, we're going to
> >> transform the world through democracy.' "
> >>
> >> "As he said in past, 'If it's just Laura and Barney who are sticking
> >> with me, I'm going to do this,' " Pinkerton said of the president's
> >> view of Iraq. "I wouldn't at all be surprised if we're in a situation
> >> extremely similar to what we see now on Jan. 20, 2o09."
> >>
> >> Democrats have expressed rising outrage and astonishment at what they
> >> call Bush's refusal to face reality and have said the only thing
> >> likely to change between now and mid-September is that more American
> >> troops will die in a war that is in its fifth year.
> >>
> >> "The president has his head in the sand," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-
> >> Calif. "The Iraqis have not met a single of the 18 benchmarks we laid
> >> out, and yet this president has the audacity to ask for more patience
> >> while our troops are getting killed every day policing a civil war."
> >>
> >> Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, defeated by Bush in 2004,
> >> said the Iraqi government has shown no indication it can unify the
> >> country.
> >>
> >> "No general, no administration official has come to us ... in our
> >> secret briefings and said this is a winning strategy," Kerry said.
> >> "What we have is a hope, a wing and a prayer that somehow these Iraqis
> >> are going to come together and make some decisions."
> >>
> >> Republicans have so far largely stuck with Bush on major votes and
> >> many defend the war despite its cost of more than 3,600 American lives
> >> and $500 billion. Democrats remain four votes short of the 60 senators
> >> needed to break the procedural hurdles in the Senate and gain approval
> >> of legislation setting dates to withdraw American forces from Iraq.
> >>
> >> Pinkerton believes Bush knows he can hang on because no one wants to
> >> be tagged with losing the war.
> >>
> >> "What the Dick Lugar, Pete Domenici-type Republicans and the Nancy
> >> Pelosi, Steny Hoyer-type Democrats would love, is some sort of
> >> bipartisan deal that backs us out of Iraq, even if we lose, because
> >> then it would be bipartisan and nobody will get blamed," Pinkerton
> >> said, referring to two prominent Senate Republicans who have broken
> >> with Bush on Iraq and the Democratic House speaker and majority
> >> leader. "But that bipartisanship has to include Bush."
> >>
> >> Lugar, of Indiana, and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., are working on a
> >> measure calling for a change in the U.S. force posture and mission in
> >> Iraq.
> >>
> >> A clearly frustrated Warner said the interim report showed the Iraqi
> >> government "is simply not providing leadership worthy of the
> >> considerable sacrifice of our forces, and this has to change
> >> immediately."
> >>
> >> House Republicans remained unified behind Bush, though Minority Leader
> >> John Boehner called the waverers "wimps" in a closed-door caucus.
> >>
> >> Boehner on Thursday slammed Democrats for undercutting the military
> >> with another withdrawal vote.
> >>
> >> "To just pull the rug out on Gen. Petraeus ... is absolutely the most
> >> negligent action yet I've seen the House take on this issue," Boehner
> >> said.
> >>
> >> The House voted 223-201 for the proposal to begin withdrawing troops
> >> within 120 days and pull out all American combat forces by April 2008
> >> except those charged with hunting terrorists, defending the U.S.
> >> Embassy in Baghdad and training Iraqi forces. The bill is similar to a
> >> measure Democrats hope to push to a vote in the Senate next week,
> >> although neither is likely to override a promised Bush veto.
> >>
> >> But Pelosi promised to keep forcing votes to end the war "until
> >> pressure from the American people causes the president to change his
> >> mind and change his policy."
> >>
> >> Bruce Schulman, a political historian at Boston University, said
> >> support for the war remains in the South, a GOP stronghold.
> >> Republicans "don't want to admit that it's a failure, that's the
> >> dynamic here. They don't want to take responsibility for losing."
> >>
> >> "As a historian, I can't help but draw a comparison with the Johnson
> >> and Nixon administrations," Schulman said. "They were constantly
> >> trotting out new initiatives, more troops, more bombings, expanding
> >> the conflict to nearby countries, asking to give it time to turn
> >> around. It didn't -- and the same kind of process is at work here."
> >>

> >
> >

"??????????" <???????????@???????????.com> wrote in message
> "thats@fact" <> wrote in message
> ===================
> Sorry , no mate rhow much we despise you democraps, we wont be eating you
> anythime.

Have you been drinking?
"john" <> wrote in message
> "Go Mavz" <> wrote in message
> news:6ePli.31$gC5.15@trnddc04...
>> it shows how much Americans value Democrat by needing Republicans to be
>> cooked in order to win...

> To an extent you are right. The American public gave the Republicans a
> chance because the spun such a great story out of rhetoric. But the
> majority of those supporters, myself included, have realized that
> EVERYTHING that they have said is a bunch of lies!!!

Seminar poster.....<plonk>

Drivel snipped .