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New member
Maybe this will be stupid but i'm new here and i'll ask:

How u guys get Reputation points or somethin?




New member
Hi there. I know you're new but I'll give you the heads up before someone else does in a not so nice way, that before you ask a question/start a new thread you should use the Search function located at the top Right hand side of the screen (second from Right). Failure to do so/creating duplicate threads (that someone else has done before you or similar) will usually result in the duplicate being locked, and don't be surprised if this one is too soon enough. Sorry, that's the rules.

As for the help part, try this thread;

Short answer the small Blue folder icon with the cross and tick on it beneath the username and beside the Online/offline status is what you click on to give good rep.

Read the above thread to get a better understanding of it.

Like I said don't be surprised if this thread end up being locked by a mod (I don't have that power, ;) ) but if/when that happens don't take it personally. Just make sure to use the search function first, ok?

And also note as much as it appears like a popularity contest Rep generally isn't. People will give you Rep if they think you deserve it, not if you ask for it (mostly) Haha.

Hope that helps.

~Rav :D

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