Resident Evil2:apocalypse


New member
so...maybe any1 of u have seen it?itll start goin in like week in my country and i want 2 ask all of u wat u think bout this movie...i, probably, will see it anyway but i wanna hear ure opinions about it...


New member
I thought it was ok. I liked the first one better, and I didn't think this one was anything special, but I say see it and judge for yourself :) I always like to see movies for myself, it happens to me to disagree with the opinions of critics and such sometimes lol


New member
I dont like Paul Anderson....I saw RE:A and it ruined the storyline of the games...and since Paul Anderson is in it whe have to make there be a scene of pure bullshit that wouldnt happend even in a Tarentino film...(GraveYard where the cast of the movie all know martail arts and fight the zombies with no guns...and alice flys across the graveyard punching holes in the zombies,And Alice DRIVING A FUCING MOTERCYCLE THREW A GODAMN WINDOW NOT HARMED AND KILLING THE LICKERS WITH FUCING EASE!!)...The only good parts of the movie are where alice is naked and when Jill and the Pimp with the custom guns do anything (And that rare cuz the whole movie is about Alice being so cool)


New member
I dont like Paul Anderson....I saw RE:A and it ruined the storyline of the games...and since Paul Anderson is in it whe have to make there be a scene of pure bullshit that wouldnt happend even in a Tarentino film...(GraveYard where the cast of the movie all know martail arts and fight the zombies with no guns...and alice flys across the graveyard punching holes in the zombies' date='And Alice DRIVING A FUCING MOTERCYCLE THREW A GODAMN WINDOW NOT HARMED AND KILLING THE LICKERS WITH FUCING EASE!!)...The only good parts of the movie are where alice is naked and when Jill and the Pimp with the custom guns do anything (And that rare cuz the whole movie is about Alice being so cool)[/quote']

well there excuse for that is Alice has been physical enhanced....


Active Members
I don't. The first one was pretty bad, so I can't expect much from its sequel. Paul Anderson is a hack who specializes in patchworking overplayed themes and cliche characters into a plot comparable to a Quentin Tarintino film, but unlike Quentin Anderson actually tries to make it look serious.

I am going to have defend him though, because many people judge him on AVP and RE, and they don't seem to remember Event Horizon. Its a good movie and I was shocked when the credits displayed the name of the amatuerish director.

As for you Executioner, I would say go see the film if you want to see crazy, almost improbable action and tons of zombies and freaks getting blown away by a superhuman woman who can run up walls. :p

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