Reunification of Great Britain and the US is under way,

Foreign Corporations on US Soil like British Petroleum and the multitude of
Foreign owned Pharmacies and other Foreign Corporations on US Soil, have
broken an all time high of draining the US Society of it's money, causing
millions of Americans to default on Business Loans, Home Loans, Auto Loans,
Educational Loans, and the alliance of British Communist China and
Australian Corporations on the US Stock Market, look like they are going to
keep fooling American investors into bankrupting Americans for the extreme
left alliance of British Communist China and Australian Corporations. All
the profits American investors put into these Foreign Corporations on US
Soil, the profits do not go back into the US Society, they go to the British
Communist China and Australian Societies, so Americans end up on the short
end of the stick for every dollar they spend in these Foreign Corporations
on US Soil.

Tony Blair and George Bush whishing to expand British Petroleum, needed an
excuse to invade Iran and get back from Iran British Petroleum holdings
that they lost in recent years. So even though the US and Israel were
against Fata in Palestine, Tony Blair and George Bush acted like they were
liberating Palestine, betrayed Israel, and started supporting Fata so that
the Palestinians would back HAMAS, an Iranian supported terrorist group,
Tony Blair and George Bush did this intentionally hoping Iran would use
HAMAS and cause such a disastrous attack on Israel, that it would justify
them in the world's eyes for attacking Iran and taking back the lost
holdings of British Petroleum.

Reunification of Great Britain and the US is under way, in a joint effort
with Communist China, Britain gave China Hong Kong, and agreed to get George
Bush to make the US Constitution a political issue, so that they could trick
Americans into doing away with it and reunifying Great Britain and the US
under Communist China's such overwhelming influence that they were able to
take Hong Kong and make it apart of their Communist block with little
objections from Britain or the US.

Prior to the Iraq War all the Oil Companies were not sexy stock on the stock
market.British Petroleum and other Oil Companies want Americans to pay $6 a
gallon like France pays. BP and TotalFinaElf are the primary promoters of
the lie that Global Warming is manmade, so they can say they need $6 dollars
a gallon to prevent gas guzzling too. Our current gas price surge is being
caused by BP in Illinois, US Companies need to buy out everything they have
on our soil, fast, they are taking over our US Oil! (See 1998 FTC letter on
this post) Britain has betrayed us to the Communists and helped them draw
the US into the Iraq War with false Intelligence on WMD, so Britain can
drive up Oil Stocks and help a Global Communist organization destroy our

Prior to Iraq War, look who had oil deals with Iraq,

"And lastly they looked at French oil giant, TotalFinaElf. It has a
sweetheart deal to develop Iraqi oil fields. But if Saddam Hussein is
removed from power, TotalFina will almost certainly lose the deal. Toby
thinks that if France backs the war, this stock is a buy. However if France
does not support the war, TotalFina will be hurt badly. Rob said the stock
has a great dividend. Also, oil's not sexy and not sexy is working very well
on Wall Street right now. Scott does not like any of the major oil
stocks. However, if he had to buy an oil company, he wouldn't buy TotalFina,
but would rather buy British Petroleum (BP) or ExxonMobil (XOM).",2933,79421,00.html

"Type: Public
On the web:
Employees: 96,200
Employee growth: (6.5%)

BP is also BO (Big Oil). It is the world's second largest integrated oil
concern, behind Exxon Mobil. The company, which was formed in 1998 from the
merger of British Petroleum and Amoco, grew by buying Atlantic Richfield
Company. BP has proved reserves of 18.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent,
including large holdings in Alaska. BP is the largest oil and gas producer
in the US and also a top refiner, processing 2.8 million barrels of crude
oil per day. BP operates about 28,500 gas stations worldwide, including
15,900 in the US. With the success of its BP Solar International subsidiary,
BP has created BP Alternative Energy (hydrogen, solar, and wind power
generation) with an initial investment of $1.8 billion."

The Media is deliberately trying to brainwash the public to keep Britain in
good favor by promoting the Queen's visit, but when someone is just getting
close enough to stab you in the back, they are no friend.

Sensitive US technology is now a part of Communist China.

When I was examining parts of road side bombs and weapons in Iraq and Iran,I
found some stuff in Iran that look like it was made in the USA, but it was
made in Communist China, I now know how they got our Sensitive US

Do you people have any suggestions for the President or our Politicians or
our Media?

If those who favor mitigation of Advancing Global Warming, (AGW,) don't wake
up to the truth that the Communists are using a lie fitted to use their
greed and paranoia to lead them by their noses to economic destruction, we
had better all get prepared to live in caves. The Communists are planning on
using so called mitigation of AGW to destroy US Industrial Production so
that they can out produce us with the State owned Sweat Shops, (SSS,) as
they pollute the Planet unregulated!

Hong Kong now part of Communist China since 1997, has allowed China's SSS
to gain a great influence over the FDA.

Even pressing for legalizing the sales of Medical Drugs and Medical
Instruments made in the sweat shops by the Communist State Medical Systems,
which are also buying out many US Medical and Educational Systems.

The sensitive technology that the US and Great Britain and Australia sold to
Corporations in Hong Kong prior to 1997, Great Britain has allowed it to
become part of the State owned Communist Sweat Shops that are using a lie
that AGW is manmade, so that they can destroy our economy.

In service of God and Country




In the Matter of

The British Petroleum Company p.l.c., a corporation, and Amoco Corporation,
a corporation.

Docket No. C-


Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act and the
Clayton Act, and by virtue of the authority vested in it by said Acts, the
Federal Trade Commission ("FTC" or "Commission"), having reason to believe
that respondents The British Petroleum Company p.l.c. ("BP"), a corporation,
and Amoco Corporation ("Amoco"), a corporation, have entered into an
agreement and plan of merger whereby BP proposes to acquire all of the
outstanding common stock of Amoco, that such agreement and plan of merger
violates Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, as amended, 15
Has anyone read the writings left by the Virginia Tech shooter?
This post has many similarities. It both rambles on endlessly
and it is full of fantastic conspiracies. Also, like Seung-Hui Cho,
the Virginia Tech shooter, the author of this piece sees himself
as part of a fantasy movement, something he calls, the "Civil
American Liberties Militia." Is there any way we can get a
copy of his post here to the people around Mr. Joseph R
"Roger Coppock" <> wrote in message
> Has anyone read the writings left by the Virginia Tech shooter?
> This post has many similarities. It both rambles on endlessly
> and it is full of fantastic conspiracies. Also, like Seung-Hui Cho,
> the Virginia Tech shooter, the author of this piece sees himself
> as part of a fantasy movement, something he calls, the "Civil
> American Liberties Militia." Is there any way we can get a
> copy of his post here to the people around Mr. Joseph R
> Loegering?

Good Brainwashed Neo Nazi. Instead of solving the problem of a foreign
Communist takeover, attack and threaten the Life, Liberty and pursuit of
happiness of loyal Americans, to try to get them forced treated with
dangerous mind control drugs and abusive Neo Nazi treatment that makes them
feel like there is no hope of getting their Liberty back, so they kill and
then commit suicide because of your Neo Nazi Brainwashing.

Should we Thank You for being among them whose attitude created the VA Tech
Shooter and most of the other School Shooters?

In service of God and Country

Roger Coppock wrote:
> Has anyone read the writings left by the Virginia Tech shooter?
> This post has many similarities. It both rambles on endlessly
> and it is full of fantastic conspiracies.

What you're seeing is myriad manic delusions in action. From the net.kook,
splattered all over the net x-posting of multiple messages with the same
content, incoherent rambling and nonsensical run-on sentences to the
underlying obviously divergent paranoiac thought patterns, he displays a
classic pathology.

The guy is, at the very least, bi-polar. He could well be schizophrenic.

The guy needs serious help. Or maybe he just needs his meds adjusted.
Whatever, he almost fits in with all of the nuts around here..

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
"Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> Roger Coppock wrote:
>> Has anyone read the writings left by the Virginia Tech shooter?
>> This post has many similarities. It both rambles on endlessly
>> and it is full of fantastic conspiracies.

> What you're seeing is myriad manic delusions in action. From the net.kook,
> splattered all over the net x-posting of multiple messages with the same
> content, incoherent rambling and nonsensical run-on sentences to the
> underlying obviously divergent paranoiac thought patterns, he displays a
> classic pathology.
> The guy is, at the very least, bi-polar. He could well be schizophrenic.
> The guy needs serious help. Or maybe he just needs his meds adjusted.
> Whatever, he almost fits in with all of the nuts around here..
> --
> Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
> ------
> Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
On May 8, 1:30 pm, Roger Coppock <> wrote:
> Has anyone read the writings left by the Virginia Tech shooter?
> This post has many similarities. It both rambles on endlessly
> and it is full of fantastic conspiracies. Also, like Seung-Hui Cho,
> the Virginia Tech shooter, the author of this piece sees himself
> as part of a fantasy movement, something he calls, the "Civil
> American Liberties Militia." Is there any way we can get a
> copy of his post here to the people around Mr. Joseph R
> Loegering?

If you want a ramble then check out Mein Kampf. Yikes.
<net.kook wild x-posting quashed>
Joseph wrote:
> "Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> news:4640d574$0$9885$
>> Roger Coppock wrote:
>>> Has anyone read the writings left by the Virginia Tech shooter?
>>> This post has many similarities. It both rambles on endlessly
>>> and it is full of fantastic conspiracies.

>> What you're seeing is myriad manic delusions in action. From the
>> net.kook, splattered all over the net x-posting of multiple messages
>> with the same content, incoherent rambling and nonsensical run-on
>> sentences to the underlying obviously divergent paranoiac thought
>> patterns, he displays a classic pathology.
>> The guy is, at the very least, bi-polar. He could well be
>> schizophrenic. The guy needs serious help. Or maybe he just needs his
>> meds adjusted.
>> Whatever, he almost fits in with all of the nuts around here..

> Interesting, that is what they said at the beginning of the Iraq War
> when I was looking in Iran and Pakistan for Bin Lade, because they
> said I was delusional for claiming that there was NO WMD in Iraq
> since 1993!

Um, who's "they," exactly? "They" say a lot of things about you, do "they"?

I just can't imagine why "they" would say you're delusional...

> So I must ask what type scientific test can you run that
> would without a doubt scientifically prove your opinionated
> diagnosis?

You just proved it. No further testing required. Now, do us all a favor and
take your meds.

> Their so called professional diagnosis could not be backed
> by any accurate scientific tests then, and their so called
> professional diagnosis could not make WMD appear in Iraq, so why do
> you think your so called professional diagnosis, that can not be
> backed by any accurate scientific tests now, will stop the Communist
> takeover, since the documents showed the Communists are the ones who
> intentionally drew us into the Iraq War with false intelligence on
> WMD, so that they could try to destroy our Economy from another
> angle?

Ah, yes, gotta be ever on the watch for "they"...

Nothing like another run-on, confused, paranoid, incoherent ramble to
convince folks you're sane...

> In service of God and Country

I just talked to God and She asks that you to leave Her name out of it...

Now, please go take your meds. Or is that part of the secret plot "they" use
to control you?

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
You either failed to read my posts, or failed to be able to comprehend it.
It is all there so simple that a fool don't need to err in it, and just
repeating it again you would say it is just more rant, like many Brainwashed
Nazis did and do to people who did and do speak the honest truth.

In service of God and Country


"Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> <net.kook wild x-posting quashed>
> Joseph wrote:
>> "Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
>> news:4640d574$0$9885$
>>> Roger Coppock wrote:
>>>> Has anyone read the writings left by the Virginia Tech shooter?
>>>> This post has many similarities. It both rambles on endlessly
>>>> and it is full of fantastic conspiracies.
>>> What you're seeing is myriad manic delusions in action. From the
>>> net.kook, splattered all over the net x-posting of multiple messages
>>> with the same content, incoherent rambling and nonsensical run-on
>>> sentences to the underlying obviously divergent paranoiac thought
>>> patterns, he displays a classic pathology.
>>> The guy is, at the very least, bi-polar. He could well be
>>> schizophrenic. The guy needs serious help. Or maybe he just needs his
>>> meds adjusted.
>>> Whatever, he almost fits in with all of the nuts around here..

>> Interesting, that is what they said at the beginning of the Iraq War
>> when I was looking in Iran and Pakistan for Bin Lade, because they
>> said I was delusional for claiming that there was NO WMD in Iraq
>> since 1993!

> Um, who's "they," exactly? "They" say a lot of things about you, do
> "they"?
> I just can't imagine why "they" would say you're delusional...
>> So I must ask what type scientific test can you run that
>> would without a doubt scientifically prove your opinionated
>> diagnosis?

> You just proved it. No further testing required. Now, do us all a favor
> and take your meds.
>> Their so called professional diagnosis could not be backed
>> by any accurate scientific tests then, and their so called
>> professional diagnosis could not make WMD appear in Iraq, so why do
>> you think your so called professional diagnosis, that can not be
>> backed by any accurate scientific tests now, will stop the Communist
>> takeover, since the documents showed the Communists are the ones who
>> intentionally drew us into the Iraq War with false intelligence on
>> WMD, so that they could try to destroy our Economy from another
>> angle?

> Ah, yes, gotta be ever on the watch for "they"...
> Nothing like another run-on, confused, paranoid, incoherent ramble to
> convince folks you're sane...
>> In service of God and Country

> I just talked to God and She asks that you to leave Her name out of it...
> Now, please go take your meds. Or is that part of the secret plot "they"
> use to control you?
> --
> Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
> ------
> Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?