(rev 1.1) Is Hu Jintao exposing the most atrocious evil that ...committed against the CHINESE? {HRI

  • Thread starter Koos Nolst Trenite
  • Start date

Koos Nolst Trenite

Is Hu Jintao exposing the most atrocious evil that ... committed
against the CHINESE?

Quote from: 'Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao,
A Criminal Mind As Head Of State' ( )

20 November 2005
{HRI 20051120-V5.2-q1-V1.1}

(Version 5.2
on 23 Aug 2006)

(Quote Version 1.1
on 4 Jan 2008)

(view Summary
by skipping


Criminal Minds have everything in reverse:

Is Hu Jintao exposing the most atrocious evil, that Jiang Zemin,
and that Mao Zedong (Mao Tze Tung) did commit against the

Not at all

- and, as expected, also not his own mass murder, torture
and degradation of the Tibetan population.

Which is only the tip of the iceberg of his evil



You do really want to have one billion people on Earth "governed" by a
malicious individual

and that in a dictatorial, heavily armed country

with open access to YOUR channels and media of communication,
for them,

but with THEIR communication channels and systems almost
completely blocked to you, and their people forced to do
nothing but lying to you, or otherwise to hide any and all

You really want that, do you?



You still have very much to learn about detecting and
treating Criminals - for which you will STUDY the Human
Rights Issues.

These are not edited to total perfection yet -
that's your, and your children's tough luck - but
the basic understanding is all there for you to use.

I will even write 'The First Law of Human Rights'
now for you, as a separate Issue of what I actually
already told you, 'shouted' at you, so many times in
the past few years. (17)

But I found out now, that it is the First Law of
Human Rights

- thanks to my facing some of the individuals

(in particular the most intensely evil
character of Hu Jintao)

pretending to act as 'the "government" of
dictatorial China:'

'There, where all decent and caring and responsible people are
"enemies of the state," and there,

where the greatest Criminals are "governing" most of the
public institutions, and there

where the greatest Criminals on Earth form, since half a century
now, its central, dictatorial "government," of over one billion



YOU (that means you, not the person who is standing in
front of you, or the person who is standing behind you,

So you will realize, that China, and all the
dictatorships it supports and nurtures and tries to
keep alive, globally,

is A REVERSE SOCIETY: The Criminals are putting and
keeping the decent people in prison or concentration
"labor" camps.

Thus the comments of Yahoo and of Google and
of course of Microsoft,

not to mention the illegal and immoral
'Firewall' (immoral, anti-social, the
vast Internet filters in China) built by
the American Cisco Company,

are painfully ridiculous,

because in a REVERSE SOCIETY you have to apply
completely different rules

in order not to slide down and destroy


But Criminal Minds, if it suits their
deception, and it usually does, (they) tell

by using words like 'law,'
'sovereignty,' 'security,'
'police,' etc.,

words that, there, are - and thus mean
there - THE OPPOSITE of what YOU are
used to, words that serve to force on
you the illusion, that

"it is there the same as everywhere else too."


It is a very, very basic trick, if not
THE trick, that Criminal Minds use all
over the society in any activity big or
small, also in personal relationships:

even, while they are the opposite.


Do you understand that now? Then you are certainly
the only one, who does, because

otherwise I would not have to tell you this, then
others would tell you this already.

If others would be explaining this to you,
then I would not have to do so, and I could go
sailing and devoting myself to music and

and do some Fine Particle Physics research for
you, rather than having to keep my attention
on getting you to stop Psychopaths, those who
INTEND, and who ENJOY, to destroy all people -
as they have proven they do to you, only fifty
years ago;

yet still you don't believe it, and you rather
have Germany's Angela Merkel being given
parties in China, for selling a High Tech
(MagLev) passenger train:

JUST what we need, in China "...that's what
the Chinese people need, and what they want
from us, a billion dollar MagLev train,"


Do the Chinese need RIGHTS?


WHO said they do? Why would they need RIGHTS?
They HAVE the right to remain silent, isn't

well, not totally, actually,

not when they do have to sign a confession,
that's not done by being silent, and

not when they are forced to betray their
friends and family, of course - there, 'being
silent' would also not do, and also

not when they have to stay in Concentration
Camps for re-education; but maybe, when they
provide their body as live material to the
medical research and organ transplant trade -
they are allowed to remain silent. (17)

Or when they are force-fed so that they can
not even end by themselves their being
tortured day after day, week after week, in
captivity - so that they cannot, by stopping
to eat and by thus dying, end the torture and

not end it for others, but at least end
it for themselves.


I am sure "the great Peace Activist,"
the late Mohandas (the very un-wise
'Mahatma') Gandhi (that he) has not told
you anything about such a situation, of
ACTUAL evil:

Hinduism is the religion - or the
science as they, themselves, see
it - of hiding evil.



You told me, you prayed, after World War Two, that you wanted this
never to happen again, to you or to anybody, remember?

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


( ) 'Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao, A Criminal Mind As Head Of
{HRI 20051120-V5.2}
(20 November 2005 - Version 5.2 on 23 Aug 2006)
(full text:)

(17) 'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.1.1}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.1.1 on 15 July 2007)

(38) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(38a)'Koos Nolst Trenite on the Essence of Buddhism'
{HRI note 20071109-V1.2}
(9 November 2007 - Version 1.2 on 10 Nov 2007)

(38b)'Purpose For Studying Hinduism And Buddhism'
{HRI 20030608}
(8 June 2003)

(38c)'What is Monotheism, Unconfusing Christianity, Islam and Judaism'
{HRI 20070914-V2.2.1}
(14 Sept 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 7 Oct 2007)
{HRI 20070914-V2.2}



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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