Rich prominent New York Jew goes crazy in can be very SURE that the jews will now make




New York Politician Says Stepdaughter-in-Law 'Manhandled' by Phoenix
Police Before She Died
Monday, October 01, 2007

By Catherine Donaldson-Evans


Carol Anne Gotbaum
The family of Carol Anne Gotbaum said Monday that the mother of three
appears to have been "manhandled" by Phoenix police when she was
arrested and handcuffed for disorderly conduct at the Phoenix airport
- and that contributed to her mysterious death in a holding cell.

Gotbaum's stepmother-in-law, New York City Public Advocate Betsy
Gotbaum, also revealed that her stepson's 45-year-old wife was on her
way to rehab for alcoholism treatment when the tragedy happened.

"We are not jumping to any conclusions, but the circumstances
surrounding Carol's death appear to be unusual enough to raise serious
questions and warrant a thorough investigation. Carol, who was only
5'7" tall and 105 pounds, appears to have been manhandled by the
Phoenix Police Department," Betsy Gotbaum said in a statement released
Monday afternoon.

"She was a loving and devoted mother of three children under the age
of nine who was on her way to an alcohol rehabilitation facility to
seek treatment for herself. She cried out for help at the airport, but
her pleas appear to have been met by mistreatment."

Phoenix police and the Gotbaum family were awaiting an autopsy report
that could determine how Carol Anne died while handcuffed. The
Maricopa County Medical Examiner's office said Monday that the exam
had been rescheduled for Tuesday morning at the request of the family.

Daughter-In-Law of New York Politician Found Dead in Phoenix Airport
Holding Cell "They want to have a representative there," Dave Boyer,
acting director of the medical examiner's office, told
"We should have at least a tentative result by tomorrow. If the doctor
has a cause and manner, we'll release it. If we're awaiting toxicology
results, we'd let you know."

The autopsy examination could take up to a couple of hours, Boyer

Gotbaum had been taken into custody for disorderly conduct Friday at
Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix after reportedly becoming
irate and out of control when she couldn't get on her flight.

Several witnesses reported that 45-year-old Gotbaum was "yelling and
screaming and running around the concourse" before Phoenix police, who
have a bureau at the airport, got there, Sgt. Andy Hill told The two officers who arrived on the scene were
unsuccessful in calming her down, so they took her into custody for
disorderly conduct, he said.

Gotbaum continued to scream and yell in the department holding cell -
where she was locked up alone, according to Hill, a Phoenix police
spokesman. When she stopped shouting after about five or 10 minutes,
officers became concerned, checked on her and found her unresponsive,
he said. Efforts to revive her failed.

"No one knows what happened yet. All I know is the way she was found,"
Hill told "She was handcuffed behind her back and somehow
she got them up around her neck area."

He said Gotbaum was discovered with her arms up and her handcuffs
"pressed up against her neck area," and added that it's not unusual
for people handcuffed at the back to maneuver their hands around to
the front.

Police didn't use a Taser or pepper spray in Gotbaum's arrest,
according to Hill, and policy prohibits video cameras in holding cells
- so there were no eyewitnesses to her death.

The Maricopa County Medical Examiner was conducting an autopsy into
the cause and manner of death, but there was no word on when
pathologists would have the results.

"According to investigators, it appeared as though Ms. Gotbaum had
possibly tried to manipulate the handcuffs from behind her to the
front, got tangled up in the process, and they ended up around her
neck area," Hill wrote in the police press release on the incident.
"She went into medical distress, where she lost consciousness. Again,
this is a possible explanation only from investigators, and the
medical examiner will have to make a determination as to the manner
and cause of death."

It wasn't immediately known whether Gotbaum was under the influence of
any medication, illegal drugs or alcohol, or whether she had any
mental problems. Hill said the autopsy report and the family would
hopefully help fill in the blanks, but police were refraining from
speculating until the investigation was complete.

"Was she under the influence of drugs and alcohol? Was she not under
the influence of drugs and alcohol? Was it intentional? Was it
accidental?" Hill said, making a check-list of what the autopsy and
investigation would look into. "We know there were some issues because
she was screaming and running around the concourse."

The chief of staff for Betsy Gotbaum, who held a brief news conference
on Sunday in which she called her stepdaughter-in-law a "wonderful"
woman, said Monday that the family had spent the past 24 hours telling
Carol Anne's three children about their mother's death.

"We have no further information at this time," Anat Gerstein told

Betsy Gotbaum said Sunday that her stepdaughter-in-law was "sweet and
kind and loving."

Carol Anne Gotbaum wasn't allowed to board her US Airways Express
flight to Tucson Friday because she arrived late, according to a
report in The Arizona Republic newspaper. She was booked on another
flight, but witnesses and airport workers told police that she got
into an argument with gate crews and began running through the
concourse yelling. She was arrested in Terminal 4.

Hill said police didn't know that Carol Anne Gotbaum was from a
prominent New York City family and treated her the way they would have
anyone else arrested for disorderly conduct.

Only 24 hours earlier, police had revived someone with a defibrillator
who had gone into cardiac arrest at the airport, according to Hill.

"The officers had just saved a life the night before," Hill said. "And
then tragedy struck."


This addicted jew bitch was spoiled and used to getting her

she didnt...she acted out...

There is only one law for everyone in one is special....

except if you are a jew.
"Rightwinghank" <> wrote:

> This addicted jew bitch was spoiled and used to getting her
> way....when
> she didnt...she acted out...
> There is only one law for everyone in one is special....
> except if you are a jew.

One of the primary problems in our society today is that too many people are
trying to fit 36 hours into a 24 hour day, and it simply doesn't work. I see
people like that driving around on the roads all the time, causing accidents
and nearly causing accidents. They are the same ones who race around in the
supermarket, talking loudly on their cell phones, and charging through
crowds of people.

This woman became enraged when the world didn't accomodate her selfish wants
this time, so she acted out, and then she paid for it with her life. Now,
there is one less self-centered person in the world to cut other people off
and talk out of turn. Good riddance.

The only way the outcome of this story can get any better will be if a few
corrupt coppers lose their jobs. Heh.

Jolly Rogers

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
On Oct 2, 1:57 pm, "Jolly Rogers" <> wrote:
> "Rightwinghank" <> wrote:
> > This addicted jew bitch was spoiled and used to getting her
> > way....when

> > she didnt...she acted out...

> > There is only one law for everyone in one is special....

> > except if you are a jew.

> One of the primary problems in our society today is that too many people are
> trying to fit 36 hours into a 24 hour day, and it simply doesn't work. I see
> people like that driving around on the roads all the time, causing accidents
> and nearly causing accidents. They are the same ones who race around in the
> supermarket, talking loudly on their cell phones, and charging through
> crowds of people.
> This woman became enraged when the world didn't accomodate her selfish wants
> this time, so she acted out, and then she paid for it with her life. Now,
> there is one less self-centered person in the world to cut other people off
> and talk out of turn. Good riddance.
> The only way the outcome of this story can get any better will be if a few
> corrupt coppers lose their jobs. Heh.
> --
> Jolly Rogers
> ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==----http://www.newsfeeds.comThe #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
> ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----

The autopsy should be out in a day or two. Might be very interesting.
We know she was heading
for a Tucson drying-out clinic.

On Oct 2, 7:45 pm, Ted <> wrote:
> On Oct 2, 1:57 pm, "Jolly Rogers" <> wrote:
> > "Rightwinghank" <> wrote:
> > > This addicted jew bitch was spoiled and used to getting her
> > > way....when

> > > she didnt...she acted out...

> > > There is only one law for everyone in one is special....

> > > except if you are a jew.

> > One of the primary problems in our society today is that too many people are
> > trying to fit 36 hours into a 24 hour day, and it simply doesn't work. I see
> > people like that driving around on the roads all the time, causing accidents
> > and nearly causing accidents. They are the same ones who race around in the
> > supermarket, talking loudly on their cell phones, and charging through
> > crowds of people.

> > This woman became enraged when the world didn't accomodate her selfish wants
> > this time, so she acted out, and then she paid for it with her life. Now,
> > there is one less self-centered person in the world to cut other people off
> > and talk out of turn. Good riddance.

> > The only way the outcome of this story can get any better will be if a few
> > corrupt coppers lose their jobs. Heh.

> > --
> > Jolly Rogers

> > ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==----http://www.newsfeeds.comThe#1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
> > ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----

> The autopsy should be out in a day or two. Might be very interesting.
> We know she was heading
> for a Tucson drying-out clinic.

Well, everything from New York eventually ends up in an Australian
Crocodile farm,
somwhere, But's that's only because Rupert Murdoch bought Israel,
rather than
because there's jets in New York.

> ted- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -