RIM: BlackBerry 10 smartphones won’t launch until late 2012


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<center><a href="http://www.bgr.com/2011/12/15/rim-blackberry-10-smartphones-wont-launch-until-the-second-half-of-2012"><img class="size-full wp-image-73015 aligncenter" title="BlackBerry-RIM-sign" src="http://www-bgr-com.vimg.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/BlackBerry-RIM-sign.jpg" alt="" width="652" height="435" /></a></center>
Research In Motion co-CEO Jim Balsillie confirmed during the company’s third-quarter earnings call that its next-generation BlackBerry 10 smartphones will not launch until “the latter part of 2012.” RIM on Thursday <a href="http://www.bgr.com/2011/12/15/rim-reports-q3-earnings-beats-lowered-guidance/">reported third fiscal quarter earnings</a> that beat its lowered guidance, but the firm projected a bleak fourth quarter that will likely fall well short of earlier expectations. BlackBerry 10 is widely seen as a possible turnaround for the firm, but we’re still more than six months away from seeing the first next-generation BlackBerry smartphone hit store shelves according to Balsillie. Mike Lazaridis added that RIM is currently waiting for a new line of dual-core processors to become available before it will be able to push its BlackBerry 10 smartphones out to market. BGR exclusively reported in November that the <a href="http://www.bgr.com/2011/11/14/leaked-blackberry-london-is-real-launching-in-q3/">recently leaked BlackBerry London could be RIM’s first BlackBerry 10 smartphone</a>, possibly launching some time in the third quarter of 2012.
<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/TheBoyGeniusReport/~4/k2JKhTzwtbI" height="1" width="1"/>

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report