RIP Eddie Guererro..:(


New member
Ok as many of you might know, the Pro Wrestler "Eddie Guerrero" was found dead in his hotel yesterday morning. Many sources have claimed he died of steroids.

This is so depressing..I can't believe he died.... I hope I don't cry tonight during Raw.. :(

R.I.P Eddie Guerrero...We will all miss you....



New member
I know it is so sad :( I will start crying on RAW aswell they r having a tribute 2 eddie

But spike iv already made this thread in the dark room



New member
there's already another thread liek this.. where it's posted is irrelevant, it's about death, which i believe belongs in the dark room lol. regardless, if you think it should be in a different category, PM a mod.. don't make a duplicate thread..


New member
sorry but lmao he died of steriods! im sad hes gone not that i knew he but he died of steriod.


New member
what really hit me hard was that the big show started to cry

R.I.P Eddiy guererro y viva la raza

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