riverfire afterburner

  • Thread starter the unicycle man(one of many)
  • Start date

the unicycle man(one of many)

riverfire afterburner

i ****in missed it

was out chasin th dogs

didnt see th F111's

do a dump and burn

violent femmes
'jesus walking on the water'

no computer

tell womble

we arent surfin at
surfers paradise tonight

in th white water

on one wheel


not that we can afford to do it for em anyway

they dont deserve it


i washed my hair

i cant be goin out anywhere

chris isaak
'wicked game'

i didnt go out and perform

for our spring carnival

why would i wanna do yours


surfers paradise
never quite

lets go


friday night


last weekend

surfers paradise on th phone

chasin the unicycle man

**** ya

i'm not talkin to ya


it's a week later

saturday night and

it still bites



if th surf unicycle

didnt have it's seat fall off

when i shifted th shed today and

had to move it


i cant cum and sing with ya womble

black's still too cut


water fire
fights are

not as bad as a month ago

this personality went


'everything in it's right place'

there are two colours in my head

hey thom


twin brother black

head brother ?


"no singin jennifer"



it didnt play

since you;ve been gone

"cant be missed then"



"i can wait"
"to have a rooster tail"
"of white water behind my unicycle"


not why he wants us to come


he never gets that we're two ppl does he ?


cant sing with jenny if black's not happy


after that unpleasant business

with th psychic council

from th future


black had control of our head for a month man

maroon 5
'she will be loved'

"yr girlfriends put up with it"

u were drinkin with em


black wont sing for good karma

like i did for six yrs


ya ****s

black took me out clean

while i was still reeling

wasnt used to bein

secondary personality


**** he had a good time


in one month he

pissed off half my friends


was a little weird cause

most of em had never met im before

hunters and collectors
'the slab'

i wouldnt of known how to tell ya this

but i've turned into my long dead

male personality

didnt touch th unicycle

not even to dance on it

for a month


hadnt seen th **** since

he was vice president of th
bundaberg motorcycle club

and for a month

he walked around sayin

they never let im leave

th club


who gives a ****

we pointed th bone of death at dr deatha nd

didnt get th


dr death doctor from bundaberg

and got dr azahari

bomb maker for kuat beach instead

it boomeranged

our religion is kuta

was kuta's

dr death

so ****in wot i say

but not my brother


he likes it when
he points th bone of death at em and

they drop ****in dead




wot it is to be locked inside th skull

of a witchdoctor

flight sim 95
'i still havent found what i'm looking for'

get im to mellow about it kuta


**** wot th bike club think

its not our fault


cmon dr death
mellow out


u've killed 600 since




it was a misfire

took five days more than th usual seven
i'm still happy with it


"***** shoulda still died"

maybe kuta judged him not worthy of death

"gotten two for one before"

was a good kill all th same man

"as good as th earthquake ?"


planet funk
'who said'(stuck in the uk)

did ya see that
psychologists eyes go wide when

he heard we had
pointed th bone of death

on th internet
at all th islamic terrorist ****s

seven days after th second kuta beach attacks and

northern pakistan earthquake hit
th next morning

**** my tally went up that time

the very soul of th problem

this psychic blog did say pls kuta


i'll teach u

not to kill aussies

big audio dynamite II
'the globe'

welcome to the

lethal kadaitcha man of kuta's



when will we move to a
burning water economy

"when it happens"

4 Non Blondes
'What's Going On'(Techno Remix)

but we will

burn water for fuel

hydrogen oxide

black ?


tryin to peer thru my brothers knowledge about steam

all those days in the

steam museum

for not wearin a helmet

on a unicycle


it'll have to purify it's own

water paulie

bootstrap i get


i see injector blockages otherwise

"makes starting harder"

it's steam man


we just need that one


of an idea

to figure out how to make

th burning

self sustaining

'something in the way'

there must be a way
"there's always a way"

"just like in programming"


we gotta pull out
more energy than we put in

"not initially"


"it's water jennifer"
"there'll be a way"

"they'll figure it out"

they cant figure out

for every action there's an
equal and opposite reaction

we put fires out

with water


i cant put my vision of this thing in words and

i cant understand wot u say

"there there"

ram jam
'black betty'

u can sell anything to a human being with bullshit

show them truth and they'll run a ****in mile

the stoners bible


look at harry potter

and then do wot i did

jump on th phone for half a day

tryin to find anyone

in your government

who places any credence in

paranormal activities


harry aint even real

and he makes more money than any other briton


"proves he's full of ****"


he'll fall out of favour

if he hasnt already

cant actually

do anything



but then
some folk would say

there's more magic in

how i jump a unicycle

into a skatebowl than

pointin th bone of death

at th islamic terrorist ****s

the very soul of th problem

before half th worst islamic schools in th world went

under th rubble with th kids in em


maybe they're as magic as each other


a half black
middle aged man

jumpin into a skatebowl on a unicycle
completely ignored

in australia


bruise too many egos

i got enough ppl

try to run over me on th street already

it aint six months since th last attempt


least it aint th seventies

i wouldnt have gotten in th bowl

alex lloyd
'coming home'
nine inch nails
'**** you like an animal'

i got off th plane from amsterdam

comin back to oz in th seventies

ah man

wot a shithole


i had th longest hair

of any boy

in school

and my skin was th wrong colour


and i'd just been six months on holiday

around europe

and genrally speakin

th most exotic thing

anyone i met

had met

while i was there


little black *******

from down under


**** i payed for it



i ripped open
windows 95's
front end

in basic and

gave th desktop
to th visual basic community

bein psychic has it's

nice bits


my desktop icon tools did
things th c++ community were
struggling with

i know

i stole their code

translated it and

found why their's wasnt working


was funny as

c++ programmers comin cap in hand and

can ya give us a

c language version

which i did


th programmers page
i had for four yrs went

with th rest

when i got banned from th www

'where did you sleep last night'

dont blame em
my blog was

kinda out there


course i'd

only killed
125 thousand ppl at that stage

we're past double that


where am i rock spider ?

instead of bein in

the fortitude valley

singin and drummin with you

on a strete corner

doin secret mens business man


like many
before me

i leave a journal of my thoughts
good, bad and


violent femmes
'waiting for the bus'
black eyed peas
'my humps'

so many deaths on my conscience and

black just says

we see th future backwards

i dunno


do i have to bee

the oracle of kuta

uk squeeze
'cool for cats'


i tell someone my tale and

they always think it's a great gift

just point th bone of death and

th ****ers drop dead right


the savages testicles

are part of th package

still want th gift ?

ache every ****in day

female pheremones can

kill you


ok ****

33 yrs of

sore nuts

how ya travellin now ?


still bee alive ?


course in a straight swap

u'd have to take my

murderous stepfather

knockin himself off

and th old lady

when i was eighteen and

i was th only survivor

still got th balls ?

big audio dynamite II
'the globe'

gunna have a ball tonight - lyric


th feminisation of th human race

will be complete when

th boys have to wear a helmet

if they wish to continue


standing up

u could slip in yr urine and

it costs th community money to nurse u back to health

it's fr yr own good man


and all those ****in girls are

really wanna go out and



arent they


too ****in concerned in livin forever


u'll run out of resources


smart move is go to th stars

when did a human ever make a smart move


"when they invented th wheel"


shutup kuta


i wont be truly happy till

th ****in greenies are complainin

oh great

now we're ****in two planets

'oh yeah'

<<<smile >>>


drop u ****s on th first one we find

kinda how we settled


yr ****in scum

pink floyd
'pigs'(three different ones)

**** that'd be fun

round up a thousand

dole bludging hippies and

ship to em another planet as



i hope we get to use cattle prods

i'll make em productive


fly be free


"u have to land th spaceship first"

"ya cant just kick em out of th lock at twenty feet"


at least it's over a swamp


"it's th half moon isnt it"


<<<smile >>>


we'll never get
for real space travel

till we convince our lords and masters
the women

that they'll look better in free fall


dont sell them th

resource boom and

riches for all humanity line


make em stand in th mirror
take their tops off and

stare at their titties


cause they'll bounce back


wot would i know

****wit half of a



how is equality
possible when

one party has

100% control


a huge slice of yr



if she has
100% control
of our sexual relationship

where's my


wot's weighed against that

she who must be obeyed

or she wont **** me


burned yr bras

jumped up and down and

yr **** got saggy so ya

bought new ones

painted yr

highlighted sexual signals back on yr face and

sprayed some


pheremones under yr armpits


dressed provocatively enough ya

are way more sexier than ya are



jump up and down

the red hot chilli peppers
'track no07'

cheer up
i might not actually be

st paul

at all


well i couldnt be

i'm jennifer

'oh me'


i just figured it out

my copy of

"the society for cutting up men"

went in th rubbish today

off th face of my shovel


**** you bitch


i wonder if she'd take on a male

who had sore nuts for

thirty three years

specially one as

lethal as i am


be liek that guy at th fire

th other week

when i arroved with two redheads and

i was dr death

th witchdoctor comin to visit


told im

yeah man i am the devil

dont tell anybody ok

he thought he was tough

for about a millisecond

there's an emergency in progress -lyric

4 non blondes
'what's goin on'

downloaded this very song for

one of th two stacked redheads i had with me

hi kuta lady


jeez he **** bricks


asked for a repeat and

**** bricks a second time


meet my male personality

all 33 yrs of these sore nuts

is in that low growly voice


for all that

i arrived at th party as
dr death at

three Am

out in hippy country and

coldest ****in night in th year


half th party cuddled me hello


and left before th
first rays of dawn

crept into our


star vista

we were partying under

'chemical heart'

i cannot tell a lie computer

we were very stoned




i ejaculate

therefore i am
pirate jenny
"the land surfer"

flight sim 95