RMS - Protectiing documents programmatically



Hi All,

Sorry for posting an OT in this group. But please help me if possible,

as i am deperately trying to find an answer for this.

Here are the details:


How to protect an existing MS Word document programmatically

with RMS. (The location of the document can be in some public

FileShare, which it is accessible to the user).

ENVIRONMENT: I have Windows 2003 RMS SP2 (RMS SERVER), Active

Directory on Windows 2003 (AD) and Microsoft Office 2003, RMS SDK,


Client installed on another Windows 2003 OS (RMS Client)

SET UP: I have successfully installed the RMS Server (in pre-

production mode) and I am able to run couple of sample code provided

with RMS SDK. The machine activation code works fine, where as User

activation only works for temporary activation else it throws an

error. I am able to protect a document using Office 2003 application

but on a different set up (production mode).

I have looked in the RMS Client SDK which has information on creating

Publishing/Consuming Application. But what I understand is, the

Consuming Application should know, how to read the protected content,

the location of Issuance License etc.

In the SDK,DRMEncrypt function encrypts the data provided, but how to

save the encrypted information is not specified anywhere. I assume

that, those particulars are dependent on the consuming application.

In case of Word documents the consuming end is Word 2003, so the

protected document has to be in a format which can be understood by

Office 2003. Is there any way to achieve this using the SDK? Or


I use some other SDKs/libraries provided by some-one else?

What I need is either some documentation or an API or sample code


will allow me to create rights managed documents (using the RMS


already available in the AD or creating a new RMS Policy.) that MS

Word will understand and enforce.

Can anyone help me to solve this?

~Thanks and regards


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