Roaming Profiles simply not working.


Mathew J. Edlund

I am trying to fix an issue with Roaming profiles. I have gone through all the responses here and none of them even appear to touch on this issue.
First off, I have to mention that Roaming profiles work perfectly on the network. Except for a very few users we are all using roaming profiles and windows 7. Right up and until I re installed two machines. Those two machines will not use Roaming profiles. Log on to a different Win7 machine with the same username and it works perfectly. You can't even change to a roaming profile in the User Profiles under the Advanced Computer Settings as it is grayed out. The machine is in the exact same context as every other machine that is running Roaming Profiles without any issues.
This makes no sense. There doesn't seem to be any information on what would be causing this issue at all. And every troubleshooting guide seems to assume that the issues will be global or it will work "Automagicly". Anyone have any idea what is going on here?
(BTW this edit box is retarded. Please get rid of the idiotic "always add a double space!" bullshit in every single product you have. Other than the "lets paste in the formatting!" bullshit that makes me have to click 10 times just to paste in a single word.. or better yet having a pop-up box obscure the text every time I paste, it is one of the singularly most annoying things about Microsoft products and has to be change EVERY time I use the stupid things on a new machine)

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