Robert Gibbs Dumbass Liberal Logic


New member
$100 million in Obama cuts is awesomely huge, but $8 billion in wasteful pork, is minimal.

[ame=]YouTube - Jake Tapper & AP Drill Gibbs on Meaningless Barack Obama $100 Million Budget Cut -- 4.20.09[/ame]

I really didn't think anyone could make Scott McClelen look like a great White House press secretary. I was woefully mistaken.



New member
$100 million in Obama cuts is awesomely huge, but $8 billion in wasteful pork, is minimal.
Obama can get a lot of mileage with the $100 million mark because to most Americans, it sounds like a lot when compared to 3.6 trillion. They have no idea of the relativity between a Million and a Trillion. But they do understand that 100 is bigger than 3.6.

I think that all news should print the numbers all the way out:

Obama has charged his cabinet with reducing $100,000,000 from his $3,600,000,000,000 budget.



New member
Look at that...

State lawmakers in budget hole

By Nate Jenkins The Associated Press
LINCOLN -- After crafting one of the leanest spending plans in years, Nebraska lawmakers will have to come up with another $94.5 million to balance the state?s budget following a grim revenue projection.

?You either cut spending or go to the cash reserve or raise taxes, and I?m not in favor of raising taxes,? said Sen. Lavon Heidemann of Elk Creek, chairman of the Legislature?s budget-writing Appropriations Committee. ?And you can?t raid the cash reserve too much.?

That leaves spending cuts, which the committee will begin looking for on Monday. The preliminary, two-year budget the Legislature may have to pare is already bare-bones: It calls for annual spending growth of a little more than 1 percent over the next couple years, much less than the 7 percent, annual growth over the past two decades.
State lawmakers in budget hole - News - Local - The Columbus Telegram - Columbus, Nebraska's Community Newspaper

My state is cutting it's budget almost as much as what the President is cutting the federal budget.

Cutting spending and limiting government growth to get a balanced budget? Who could have thought that would be a good idea?

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