Rob's Chat On LPU - Hightlights !!


New member
Some New Information was said by Rob in the lpu chat last night .... here are some highlights:

The Release Date:

"It should be out by summertime."

"The April release date was bad info. We are currently mixing the songs that we know will be on the album. And there's still a few up in question songs that will be the last to get mixed. After that we will sequence and master the album."

New Single:

"Single sometime in March probably"

Album title:

"Still thinking of one."

LPTV episodes:

"Hopefully [the new episodes will air] sometime this month.

We've worked really hard on the new LPTV episodes, and we went back and recapped a lot of the past, and we also have a lot of great footage from the current project in the studio, working together in all the different environments where we were working on this album"

Regarding Projekt Revolution 2007:

"Yes we are planning to do Projekt Revolution this year, and we're putting together the line-up now."

Progress of Album:

"the band is still selecting songs to go on the album...they are having a select number of songs mixed for the album, then mixing a few more after that and selecting what ones will go on the CD"

Contents In The Album:

"there will be no drum solos on the CD, but there might be a guitar solo"

Playing Live:

"LP is apparently planning to play some of the first songs ever written live with some new songs"

Number of Songs Finalised:

"they have written over 100 songs and they've got 25 ready to mix"

Full Chat Script:

Credit: Official Linkin Park Forums



New member
I don't like the album will be released in summer, that means around june wtf...

But i do like there probably will be a guitar solo on the album:)

And that they will play song of the first songs ever written live, does dat maybe include Carousel and Part Of Me (Demo) That would be so ******* cool!

And 25 songs to mix?Does that mean that there will be more songs on the album than before?

I'm looking forward to the single in march, then i will have something to listen to until Summer



New member
LP neva keep their promises ... i mean they keep delayin' again and again !! ... i hv a feeling whether they would be able to release single in march or not but i am also keepin ma fingerz crossed dat they will release album in 2007 !! *depressed and tired of waiting!! *

p.s. now please dont say again shyt like that good stuff needs time to be prepared ..... i mean with whom u r comparing this time delay?? with Guns 'n' Roses ??? who's new album will finally release after 14 years??



New member
And that they will play song of the first songs ever written live, does dat maybe include Carousel and Part Of Me (Demo) That would be so ******* cool!
exactly what i was thinking, that would be sooo awesome

oh and btw, this was posted at lpu by a member, think of it:

Says Rob, "It should be out by summertime."

BY summertime, not DURING summertime. What's "BY summertime," class? Spring... good. Now, class.. what months are in Spring? March, April and May.. good JOB students! *hands out gold stars*

Barring some further delays (which at this point would be a week or two at most) the album will probably be out in May. Apparently it's not May 8th. Could still be the 1st if we're lucky. Come on people, LPTV will probably be out this month. The single has been SAID to come out next month. And highly anticipated albums usually come out about a month after the single is released. The album willl be out in May. It's a long month. There are 4 other possible release dates in May (stateside) besides the 8th.

Just remember it is possible for a release date to be changed from spring to summer even if it's moved back one week (if it was scheduled for the last week of spring). It just SOUNDS bad because Rob used the word "Summer." Just think about it, it's not that bad. I mean, we'll be getting fresh video material pretty soon to hype us up. And right after that will come the single. That hype will last us a loong time. Look how crazy we went over QWERTY. Just breathe people, enjoy. It's within arms reach.



New member
well as long as they dont delay it after may...

and the single better be in march

weeee i cant wait



New member
I've gotta say as much as I was so looking forward to that chat I came away from it highly disappointed. Its not sour grapes that he didnt reply to my Q, lord knows there was like 300+ ppl in there so it was manic, but the fact he was late aside, the general chat itself was a shambles! The mods appeared to lose control a few times (or direction) and Rob's server went (someone's went, he blacked out for a bit) and then he left early!

I know he was pressed for time, he did say he had come from working on music with Mike and Joe, but his answers for the most part were annoying. They were the A-typical generic playing-around-with-the-press/media/fans/public answers, hardly anything we hadn't heard from any other member in the band at some point prior to this, and they didnt give much insight into anything anyway! It almost felt like a waste of time, in being at least three ppl all asked exactly the same question about the new album's release and name etc, but really it was just so... I dunno... impersonal. Last year it was different. He was funnier. Maybe his mind really was elsewhere today. It was afternoon for him, he was prolly tired or sth. But it was annoying because, beside the fact I know the chat has limitations in general about what not to ask etc, it was almost like he was tutored in how to respond. It was just... dull... sad huh?

Well that's just my humble opinion.

Mind you having said that I did have two moments that made me smile - his comment on his muscles (naturally; its interesting to see how he see's himself in that regard) and his 'What's up Brazil!' statement! Hahaha. And he likes touring in Australia... so that makes me happier. But dang after that lacksidaisical chat I'm almost inclined to avoid the whole thing next time... really, what was the point?


yeah he didnt answer ur qwestion Rav... :(

but i dont know a lot more after this chat than before it... i mean about the album... just that he had listend to it with mike and joe... lol :D



New member
yeah he didnt answer ur qwestion Rav... :(
but i dont know a lot more after this chat than before it... i mean about the album... just that he had listend to it with mike and joe... lol :D
and that's exactly my point, cause it really told us nothing we didnt already know. I dunno - maybe my expectations were too high. If we'd come away from it with actual definitive responses to something then it would've all been worth it. Having said that when the server crashed A LOT of people's questions were ignored, and I bet there's a lot of unhappy ppl out there about the way the system opperated. It was strange. R, M, N, O, P, S, I think... bizarre! The last chat he did stay for 2hrs 45 mins I think, felt like it, maybe it was near 2 hrs, but this time it was barely an hour or so... it went from A-R and stopped at S - and this time it started at R again (good for me, theoretically), but I dunno... when you consider how many ppl were there to ask questions it was pretty brusque really... Can't please everybody all the time, huh?




New member
I've gotta say as much as I was so looking forward to that chat I came away from it highly disappointed. Its not sour grapes that he didnt reply to my Q, lord knows there was like 300+ ppl in there so it was manic, but the fact he was late aside, the general chat itself was a shambles! The mods appeared to lose control a few times (or direction) and Rob's server went (someone's went, he blacked out for a bit) and then he left early!
I know he was pressed for time, he did say he had come from working on music with Mike and Joe, but his answers for the most part were annoying. They were the A-typical generic playing-around-with-the-press/media/fans/public answers, hardly anything we hadn't heard from any other member in the band at some point prior to this, and they didnt give much insight into anything anyway! It almost felt like a waste of time, in being at least three ppl all asked exactly the same question about the new album's release and name etc, but really it was just so... I dunno... impersonal. Last year it was different. He was funnier. Maybe his mind really was elsewhere today. It was afternoon for him, he was prolly tired or sth. But it was annoying because, beside the fact I know the chat has limitations in general about what not to ask etc, it was almost like he was tutored in how to respond. It was just... dull... sad huh?

Well that's just my humble opinion.

100% agreed... they never tell us something we really like to know... and lol that chat was crazy.

sigh at the fact that the album will be delayed.. again,again again... arrrg



New member
exactly what i was thinking, that would be sooo awesome
oh and btw, this was posted at lpu by a member, think of it:

Says Rob, "It should be out by summertime."

BY summertime, not DURING summertime. What's "BY summertime," class? Spring... good. Now, class.. what months are in Spring? March, April and May.. good JOB students! *hands out gold stars*

Barring some further delays (which at this point would be a week or two at most) the album will probably be out in May. Apparently it's not May 8th. Could still be the 1st if we're lucky. Come on people, LPTV will probably be out this month. The single has been SAID to come out next month. And highly anticipated albums usually come out about a month after the single is released. The album willl be out in May. It's a long month. There are 4 other possible release dates in May (stateside) besides the 8th.

Just remember it is possible for a release date to be changed from spring to summer even if it's moved back one week (if it was scheduled for the last week of spring). It just SOUNDS bad because Rob used the word "Summer." Just think about it, it's not that bad. I mean, we'll be getting fresh video material pretty soon to hype us up. And right after that will come the single. That hype will last us a loong time. Look how crazy we went over QWERTY. Just breathe people, enjoy. It's within arms reach.
Well said lol yeah it better just be may, i can live with that, if the single comes out next month..



New member
The only thing i can say is, it was quite a disappointment. Not much new info, and from the sounds of it, Rob coulda been more enthusiastic.

The greatest disappointment would probably be the release date. Delayed again? Screw, i'm not changing my sig.



New member
The Release Date:"It should be out by summertime."
well, just like in every **** interview

let's face it, we'll NEVER get a new album. i do not believe to anything they say anymore.

suck it!



New member
this album better be worth the wait....

i know it will be but they said that it will be out october 2006 <-- lol we are going at may/june now :(

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