Rob's Christmas vacation


New member
I know Rob's jewish and all but this is an idea from rav. its a one shot story so here it is

Rob sighed as he hauled all the bags to the car. He and Rav were happily married together with a 16yr old daughter that was addopted and was ten years younger then the couple. They were about to go to west virgina for a christmas vacation in the mountains.

"Come on Rav, Mel, we need to get moving its almost lunch time!"

He shouted. Two women ran out of the house.

"Well if you wouldnt have slept till lunch, dear, we would have been able to get out faster."

Rav said as their daughter climbed up in the SUV. She noisily started to play her PSP.


Rob muttered as he got into the car. RAv slipped in the front seat beside him.

"Hun, just breathe and relax, I'm sure that Chester and Mike are late as well. "

Rav said as she lovingly patted him on the shoulder. (and now they live on the east coast so humor me)

"Alright alright."

Rav smiled at Rob as he pulled out of the driveway. Mel sat in the back seat with her Totoro doll playing a japanese game that mike had given her for her birthday.

"Mel, can you please turn that down? youre distracting your father."

Rav said. Mel made a face as she turned the volume down. They had just barely turned onto the highway before mel's eyes went wide.

"Dad, I have to go."

"No you dont."

Rob said irritatedly as he moved over a lane.

"Yeah I do. You didnt give me a chance to go back at the house!"

Mel whined. Rob gave an exasperated growl as he tossed a trevel cup back at mel.

"Go in that."

"Girls can't Pee in cups."

Rav said sternly. Rob gave a sigh and pulled in at the next rest stop. Mel ran out and used the port-o-potty. once they were all back in the car, Rob continued to drive. they had been driving for three hours.

"Rob, hun, I think you missed the turn."

"No i didnt."

"Dad! I'm hungry!!"

Rob gritted his teeth together.

"Dont make me turn this car around!"

He said as he took his hat off and tossed it in the back seat.

"mom, dad hit me with his hat."

Rav chuckeled as she picked up the hat from the back seat.

"Mom, I think dad's lost."

"Maybe we should just ask for directions."

"No we have a map."

Rob said as he changed traffic lanes. It had started to snow.

"What is it with women and asking for directions?!"

"What is it with men and their maps?!?"

They both said exasperatedly at the same time.



"were here."

Rob ran an exasperated hand over his face and sighed.



New member
That was a crack up! Thoroughly enjoyed the ride! *oi!* When can we do it again???

Man... still grinning like an idiot. Glad to see out midnight chats (yes, it's like, 1:31am here) can act as a cipher for your creative 'juices' as well. Dang. Cipher. I like that word. Hmm. But that story rocked. What happened when they got to the vacation house? Hmmm... now I see why you stopped... this is a 'public' forum... ho-hum. But still fun.

Thanks for entertaining me.




New member
glad you like it but over here its 10:35 in the morning. so im pretty much bored and theres nothing to do. just wait till I put up my other lp christmas story


New member
ooooh, can't wait! *salivating*

Yeah, must have been my appeal that won your father over *laughs*

But seriously, it's that time of the morn over there? Carolina, right? Wild.

I should go to bed - I have Xmas shopping to do tomorrow and gym then work after that, but *meh* I'm being stubborn. It happens. When I run out of things to say then I'll go to bed.


Thanks for the vacation. View was amazing! XD



New member
Uh, I don't think Phi actually intended to update this. It was fun though. Gal certainly has talent to whip this up off the top of her head just all spur-of-the-moment like... swish.

Having said that though I'd personally be happy if it went on - and on - and on... mmm... has Rob in it. Has me in it. Has Phi in it! What more do we need? *chuckles*



New member
alright after a bunch of people wanting an update here ya go.

Rob groaned as he picked up the bags. Rav helped him but mel just ran off because she saw Brad. She really liked brad, he was a good friend to her.

"Dad can I go snowboarding with dave and brad, please please please!!"

Rob sighed as he easily lifted up the box of presents that he brought.

"Wait till tomorrow, I wont be able to keep an eye out for you its too dark out"

Rob said as he went to get the room. Mel pouted as she twirled her drumsticks in her hands.

"Hey mel!"

Brad shouted in her ear.

"Hi brad!"

She shouted back getting the stares from a bunch of people. Brad whispered in her ear, a big grin came over her face and she nodded. They snuck off.

"Rob, I think you friends just corrupted our daughter."


WHACK!! WHACK!! There was a bunch of laughter as Rob turned around. WHAP WHAP!! Rob shivered as water and snow dripped down the back of his shirt. Brad, Chester, Mike, and Mel were laughing as they held some more snow *****. Rav chuckeled as Rob was pelted by four more snowballs. Rob took his hat off and shook the water out of his hair.

"At least they didnt....."

There was a loud racket and crash. Rob groaned

"Shatter the vases and the crash into the room service cart."

Rob picked up mel by the collar.

"Now dont go getting into trouble with these idiots."

Rob said sternly. Mel gave a sheepish grin as rob pulled the bowl of pasta off of her head.

"But being as I'm not your father, I cant lecture you. but Are you off your ******* rocker?! Mike I expected better then this from you."

The guys blushed in shame as Rob started with his infamous I-expect-much-more-since-millions-adore-you speach. Mel yawned.

"Dad, your bad at giving lectures. Anyways, Can I go swimming with the guys, there's an indoor pool."

Rob gave an exasperated sigh. Mel wasn't listening. go figure.



New member

Sounds like National Lampoon's Vacation or something... go figure, indeed.

****** rock stars...

But cute. I'm not too sure I'd approve of my 16 year old daughter being corrupted by one of my *ahem* partner's work colleagues, that would make life interesting, not to mention make for some intersting conversations around the dinner table, Christmas or not, but I suppose she could do worse. At least he'd support her (I'm hoping not just financially BTW), so that's a plus. But then again, Rob being Brad's father-in-law would be quite bizarre, being that Rob's the baby of the band. Hmm. At least they get on, that's also a good thing.

Rob sounds like a grumpy-***, but then I'm assuming having a teenager will do that to anyone (sorry, I used to live with three of them. No offence intended to teens etc, but I'm older and like to forget that I actually used to be one, hmpf!) Stubborn perfectionist Capricornian goat. And so close to Aries I'm thinking that's a pretty accurate description.

Still, very sweet.

Thanks for entertaining us, well, me. Now go clean your room. (joking of course :rolleyes: ) No seriously... *laughs*





New member
i laughed....alot...
Not as hard as I laugh every time I read your 'izzle' sig! *rotflwtime - kinda*

But yeah, Phi. Can't wait for more Bourdon-madness. Mel Bourdon. *cackles* Go figure-izzle. :rolleyes:



New member
Hehe... that's really cute. It nice that you can do something purely comical and your more dramtic stories. I've said it before and I'll say it again, your an awesome writer!


New member
"Just dont....."

Rob didnt get to finish before Mel ran off. He ran an exasperated hand over his face.

"Can't you do something about your daughter?"

Rob asked exasperatedly as she flying tackeled Mike. Rav shook her head.

"What do you mean my daughter? she's your daughter too."

Rav said back. Rob made a face. Teenagers were imposiable. Rob suddenly picked rav up as Mike and mel slid on the floor under where rav was standing. They were play wresteling again. Rob rolled his eyes as they fell into the water fountain. Rob fished his sopping wet daughter out of the fountain and pulled the little fish out of her hair.

"Think you can actualy go some place with the guys and not totaly distroy the place?"

"Its not my fault Joe gave me red bull."


Rob shouted as he let his daughter down. Joe came wimpering to Rob.

"You know you cant give her red bull. she's like you!"

"Just dont eat me Rob!"

Rob gave an exasperated growl as he got some room keys and handed them out.



New member
Funny thing I've noticed that may/mot be intentional. Ever notice how Rob's exasperated at the last sentence of every update? Poor ******. Who'da thunk (intentional mispelling) raising teenagers would be so ****** difficult?? Well, admittedly, if the Bourdon's of this story were a regular (I'm assuming American) family then maybe it wouldn't be such a hassle. But throwing 6 grown men - who for their own amusement occasionally act like teenagers - into the mix would certainly complicate matters.

Poor Rob. My hero.

Thanks as always Mel. Love the humor. Very lighthearted. :D




New member
Not as hard as I laugh every time I read your 'izzle' sig! *rotflwtime - kinda*
But yeah, Phi. Can't wait for more Bourdon-madness. Mel Bourdon. *cackles* Go figure-izzle. :rolleyes:
hehehe i thought someone might like that!!!! wait areizzle youizzle makeizzle ofizzle meizzle......hehehehehe ya! that was an awesome update!!!!

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