Rockefeller Owned Exxon, 9-11 Profits, Global Genocide

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Corporate Profiteering in the Wake of 9/11/01

It is widely known that the profits of oil and gas companies and of
weapons manufacturers soared in the years immediately after 9/11/01,
largely as a consequence of the invasions and occupations of
Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which were predicated on the myth that
al Qaeda perpetrated the attack.

e x c e r p t
title: Waking Up From Our Nightmare
authors: Don Paul and Jim Hoffman

company 2002 2003
Royal Dutch/Shell 4.5 8.2
ExxonMobil 4.7 17.2
British Petroleum 3.4 5.9
Chevron Texaco 1.1 3.5

Net income of major oil companies for first six months in billions of
dollars. USA Today, 8/28/03

Many of us already know that the quarterly earnings of the biggest oil-
and-gas corporations surged after the U.S./U.K. invasions of
Afghanistan and Iraq. Business Week of 2/23/04 reported that 2003 U.S.
corporate profits were the largest in 31 years, led by 'Big Oil': '
The group's earnings more than doubled, to $45.2 billion. Exxon Mobil
Corp. accounted for the bulk of the industry's gain and ranked No. 1
in total profits: Earnings rose 90%, to $21.5 billion, on a 22%
increase in sales, to $222.9 billion. ' We also know that profits by
sub-contractors to the largest oil-and-gas corporations, such as
Halliburton and Schlumberger, have surged. All these corporations
share in the flow of oil and gas from war-torn Iraq. ChevronTexaco
showed a record quarterly profit in the first three months of 2004,
$2.56 billion, as the price of gas in the U.S. rose despite the output
of oil from Iraq also rising toward its pre-invasion level of 2.4
million barrels a day. 1

In 1972, long before the enormous corporate mergers of the past
decade, the then Chase Manhattan Bank held 5.2% of the voting stock of
Mobil Oil and 4.5% of Atlantic Richfield (now Arco). Through ownership
of shares or membership on Boards of Directors, the Rothschild,
Rockefeller, and Morgan families also controlled the largest U.S.
insurance, pharmaceutical and food corporations in 1972. 2

company 2001 2002 2003
Lockheed Martin 14.7 17.0 21.9
Boeing 13.3 16.6 17.3
Northrop Grumman 5.2 8.7 11.1
General Dynamics 4.7 7.0 8.2
Raytheon 5.6 7.0 7.9

totals 43.5 56.3 66.4

Department of Defense contract awards to top five corporations in
billions of dollars.

Many of us also know that profits have surged since 9/11/01 for
corporations which manufacture weapons. Department of Defense awards
for the top five weapons contractors grew from $43.5 billion in 2001
to $66.4 billion in 2003. 3 During the first 24 hours of the 2003
war on Iraq the U.S. fired 500 of Raytheon's Tomahawk missiles at a
cost of $600,000 per missile. 4

site: page:

Less well known than the profiteering by the oil and armaments
industries is that by the insurance industry.

e x c e r p t
title: Insurance Company Profits
authors: Don Paul

Berkshire Hathaway year sales profits
2000 24,028 1,557
2001 33,976 3,328
2002 37,668 795
2003 42,353 4,286
AIG year sales profits
2000 40,656 5,055
2001 45,972 5,636
2002 62,402 5,499
2003 69,923 5,518

[Sales and profits are in millions of dollars.]

Wall Street Journal November 15, 2001: Moreover, in response to Sept.
11, insurers are already raising prices by 100 percent or more on some
lines of commercial and industrial insurance. ... For much of the
1990s, carriers had engaged in a price war, keeping premiums
relatively low. The prospect of large payouts related to the attacks
gave the industry grounds for demanding substantial increases....

In speech to Berkshire Hathaway stockholders, Buffet warned that a
dirty nuclear bomb attack in the U.S. was "inevitable".
site: page:

Note that while sales soared following the attack, profits remained
relatively flat. Further research would be required to discover why
the soaring sales were not reflected in the profits.


1. , San Francisco Chronicle, May 1 and May 9, 2004
2. Power, Inc, The Viking Press, 1976
3. Procurement Statistics, Directorate for Information Operations and
4. Corporate Research E-Letter, April 2003


In response to "Illuminati" genocide plans for the genetically
superior Asian races, Japanese Yakuza Call For The Assassination of
The "Illuminati" (read: US/UK industrialist profiteers) starting with
the Rockefeller family, then the Rothschild family.:
"" <> wrote in message
> Corporate Profiteering in the Wake of 9/11/01
> It is widely known that the profits of oil and gas companies and of
> weapons manufacturers soared in the years immediately after 9/11/01,
> largely as a consequence of the invasions and occupations of
> Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which were predicated on the myth that
> al Qaeda perpetrated the attack.

Huh? Who carried our the attacks on 9/11? Didn't Osama make the claim that
his group was behind the attack?
On 2007-07-27, Jerry Okamura postulated:
> "" <> wrote in message
>> Corporate Profiteering in the Wake of 9/11/01
>> It is widely known that the profits of oil and gas companies and of
>> weapons manufacturers soared in the years immediately after 9/11/01,
>> largely as a consequence of the invasions and occupations of
>> Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which were predicated on the myth that
>> al Qaeda perpetrated the attack.

> Huh? Who carried our the attacks on 9/11? Didn't Osama make the claim that
> his group was behind the attack?

First thing he was reported to have said was that he was not
behind the attack, but praised those that were. Only when it
became obvious that the NeoCons had grand plans for a very
profitable war did he get "on side" and play the role his
CIA masters had set up for him.

covers this reasonably well.

And when you add

into the mix, a familiar pattern emerges.

" We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis and the
nations will accept the New World Order. "
(David Rockerfeller)

" No one has to direct an assasination- -it happens.
The active role is played secretly by permitting it
to happen. "
(Colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty)

"...ensures continuity of operations throughout the
Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center by providing
communications and computer systems management for
over 100 computer systems and 600 communications
circuits in support of NORAD and US Space Command
missile warning, space control, and air defense
missions. "

So who left the door open, and who gave the loonies the go signal?

"... A December 14-21, 2000 Harris poll asked "If
everyone who tried to vote in Florida had their
votes counted for the candidate who they thought
they were voting for -- with no misleading ballots
and infallible voting machines -- who do you think
would have won the election, George W. Bush or Al
Gore?". The results were 49% for Gore and 40% for
( - "2000_Florida_results")

"... Besides, states that rise quickly, just as all
the other things of nature that are born and grow
rapidly, cannot have roots and ramifications; the
first bad weather kills them, unless these men who
have suddenly become princes, as I have noted, are
of such ability that they know how to prepare
themselves quickly and to preserve what fortune has
put in their laps, and to construct afterwards those
foundations that others have built before becoming
princes. ..."
(Niccolo Machiavelli)

"... the people can always be brought to the bidding
of their leaders. That is easy. all you have to do
is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce
the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in any
country. ..."
(Hermann Goering - Gustave Gilbert's "Nuremberg Diary")

"... After all that, I do not see that one can blame
the majority of Germans who, in 1933, believed that
the Reichstag fire was the work of Communists. What
one can blame them for, and what shows their
terrible collective weakness of character clearly
for the first time during the Nazi period, is that
this settled the matter ..."
(Sebastian Haffner - "Defying Hitler")

"... You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists! ..."
(Dubya - An Enron fan)

Join the dots...

Oh my goodness!!!

"ACOG" <A.Cantankerous@Old.Git> wrote in message
> On 2007-07-27, Jerry Okamura postulated:
>> "" <> wrote in message
>>> Corporate Profiteering in the Wake of 9/11/01
>>> It is widely known that the profits of oil and gas companies and of
>>> weapons manufacturers soared in the years immediately after 9/11/01,
>>> largely as a consequence of the invasions and occupations of
>>> Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which were predicated on the myth that
>>> al Qaeda perpetrated the attack.

>> Huh? Who carried our the attacks on 9/11? Didn't Osama make the claim
>> that
>> his group was behind the attack?

> First thing he was reported to have said was that he was not
> behind the attack, but praised those that were. Only when it
> became obvious that the NeoCons had grand plans for a very
> profitable war did he get "on side" and play the role his
> CIA masters had set up for him.
> covers this reasonably well.
> And when you add
> into the mix, a familiar pattern emerges.
> " We are on the verge of a global transformation.
> All we need is the right major crisis and the
> nations will accept the New World Order. "
> (David Rockerfeller)
> " No one has to direct an assasination- -it happens.
> The active role is played secretly by permitting it
> to happen. "
> (Colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty)
> "...ensures continuity of operations throughout the
> Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center by providing
> communications and computer systems management for
> over 100 computer systems and 600 communications
> circuits in support of NORAD and US Space Command
> missile warning, space control, and air defense
> missions. "
> So who left the door open, and who gave the loonies the go signal?
> "... A December 14-21, 2000 Harris poll asked "If
> everyone who tried to vote in Florida had their
> votes counted for the candidate who they thought
> they were voting for -- with no misleading ballots
> and infallible voting machines -- who do you think
> would have won the election, George W. Bush or Al
> Gore?". The results were 49% for Gore and 40% for
> Bush..."
> ( - "2000_Florida_results")
> "... Besides, states that rise quickly, just as all
> the other things of nature that are born and grow
> rapidly, cannot have roots and ramifications; the
> first bad weather kills them, unless these men who
> have suddenly become princes, as I have noted, are
> of such ability that they know how to prepare
> themselves quickly and to preserve what fortune has
> put in their laps, and to construct afterwards those
> foundations that others have built before becoming
> princes. ..."
> (Niccolo Machiavelli)
> "... the people can always be brought to the bidding
> of their leaders. That is easy. all you have to do
> is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce
> the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing
> the country to danger. It works the same in any
> country. ..."
> (Hermann Goering - Gustave Gilbert's "Nuremberg Diary")
> "... After all that, I do not see that one can blame
> the majority of Germans who, in 1933, believed that
> the Reichstag fire was the work of Communists. What
> one can blame them for, and what shows their
> terrible collective weakness of character clearly
> for the first time during the Nazi period, is that
> this settled the matter ..."
> (Sebastian Haffner - "Defying Hitler")
> "... You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists! ..."
> (Dubya - An Enron fan)
> Join the dots...
> --
> ACOG_in_the_machine