Rogue Iran's Evil Muslim Khamenei Says U.S. and Israel Are Main Foes


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Iran's Khamenei Says U.S. and Israel Are Main Foes Wires Saturday, July 28, 2007

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Saturday the United
States and Israel were his country's main enemies, just days after
U.S.-Iranian talks about Iraq's security.

Iran and the United States cut diplomatic ties shortly after Iran's 1979
Islamic Revolution. They held talks in Baghdad on Tuesday to find ways to
restore security in Iraq, after an earlier round in May.

"The Zionist regime (Israel) and the American government are the main
enemies of Iran, and hatred for America is deepening every day around the
globe," Khamenei said in a televised speech.

Khamenei has the last say in all state matters, including resumption of ties
with the United States and Iran's disputed nuclear program.

Washington accuses Shi'ite Muslim Iran of fomenting violence in Iraq. Iran
denies the charge and blames the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 for the bloodshed
between Iraq's majority Shi'ite and minority Sunni Arabs.

During the two rounds of talks in Baghdad, the sides agreed to establish a
trilateral committee to investigate issues such as support for militias and
al Qaeda in Iraq.

Tehran and Washington are also at loggerheads over Iran's nuclear work. The
United States says Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons under cover of a
civilian program. Iran denies this, saying it needs the technology to
generate electricity.

Two sets of U.N. sanctions have been imposed on the Islamic state for
defying repeated U.N. resolutions demanding it suspend all nuclear fuel
activity. A third set is now in preparation.