ROLLCALL dumont night drags june 23rd!


Active Members
NSDR is putting on night drags at dumont june 23rd. Will be a huge turnout with the best grudge racing on the west coast. DPATV will be there with a group of phoenix guys. Lets make a big 450 turnout and show the raptor/banshee boys whats up!


New member
Hey Matt,

Is your new build ready?

At the Dumont Drags, do we need whips or lights on the bikes? I assume not but don't want to get ticketed.

What time does the racing start? end?



Active Members
Well its in the works. Have everything but a cam and motors on the bench. Flags are required and a bicycle light will suffice. As far as time im not sure but i think brent is right in the ballpark
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