• Thread starter AnAmericanCitizen
  • Start date


Romney scores big in Maine caucuses

Winning 52%, the former governor could sweep all 18 delegates. McCain is a distant
second with 21%, Ron Paul a close third..

From the Associated Press February 3, 2008

AUGUSTA, MAINE -- Mitt Romney coasted to a win in presidential preference voting by
Maine Republicans on Saturday, claiming his third victory in a caucus state and
fourth overall.

The former Massachusetts governor had 52% of the vote with 68% of the towns holding
caucuses reporting.

Arizona Sen. John McCain trailed with 21%, Texas Rep. Ron Paul was third with 19%,
and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee had 6%.

Undecided votes accounted for 2%.

The nonbinding votes, the first step toward electing 18 Maine delegates to the
Republican National Convention, took place in public schools, Grange halls, fire
stations and town halls.

The Associated Press uses presidential preferences expressed in those caucuses to
project the number of national convention delegates each candidate will have when
they are chosen at Maine's state convention, calculating that Romney will wind up
with all 18 delegates when all is said and done.

Campaigning in Minnesota, Romney noted that his victory in Maine came despite
McCain's endorsement by the state's U.S. senators, both Republicans.

"The people of Maine joined those from across the nation in casting their vote for
conservative change in Washington. . . . Like many Americans, the people of Maine are
tired of Washington promises made but broken," Romney said in a statement.

Most of Maine's caucuses were held Saturday, but a scattering of towns will hold
theirs today and later this month. Turnout was heavy, delighting party leaders. The
showing was driven by the most hotly contested race in two decades, they said.

Besides Paul, who visited Maine on Monday, Romney was the only candidate to show up
or send a surrogate to campaign as the caucuses drew close.

Romney's oldest son, Tagg, campaigned Friday and appeared at caucuses Saturday.

Romney has also won in the caucus states of Nevada and Wyoming, and finished first in
Michigan's primary.

Kim Pettengill, a party activist for more than three decades, said Saturday's was the
largest Kennebec County caucus turnout since 1980, the year Ronald Reagan won his
first GOP nomination for president. Party Executive Director Julie A. O'Brien said
other counties reported similarly heavy turnouts.

Overall, the Associated Press tracks the delegate races by projecting the number of
national convention delegates won by candidates in each presidential primary or
caucus, based on state and national party rules, and by interviewing unpledged
delegates to obtain their preferences.

In some states, like Iowa, Maine and Nevada, local precinct caucuses are the first
stage in the allocation process.

Maine Democrats hold their presidential preference votes at municipal caucuses on
Feb. 10.
"AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
> Romney scores big in Maine caucuses
> Winning 52%, the former governor could sweep all 18 delegates. McCain is a
> distant
> second with 21%, Ron Paul a close third..


Go MITT!!!
You like magic underwear?

Hell, I guess it beats the grandma style that fat cow wife of yours wears.

I could imagine "boy pants" on that sow.

"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
> > CAMPAIGN '08
> > Romney scores big in Maine caucuses
> > Winning 52%, the former governor could sweep all 18 delegates. McCain is

> > distant
> > second with 21%, Ron Paul a close third..

> HA!
> Go MITT!!!
Patriot Games wrote:

> "AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
>> Romney scores big in Maine caucuses
>> Winning 52%, the former governor could sweep all 18 delegates. McCain
>> is a distant
>> second with 21%, Ron Paul a close third..

> Go MITT!!!

John McCain is a gigantic warhawk much worse than Bush.
If you want endless war vote for McCain.

Wars invading countries of the Middle East countries represent America's
worst enemy!
Self-defeating wars represent the ultimate terrorism & injustice that
spawns tons of hatred toward America!
The straight talking Express is a lie. Book, "The Myth of a Maverick."
- udarrell


"The Center for Public Integrity," 935 Documented False Statements in two years so Bush & company could invade Iraq." (A page full of links to my pages.)

"Reality Is Not An Easy Thing To Be Confronted With, or to ACCEPT." - Darrell
On Feb 4, 2:25 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> Go MITT!!!

But, Patriot Games! You just recently stated that combat veterans are
"fully superior" to those who have "not been test".

Thus according to logic, McCain is FULLY SUPERIOR to Romney. Just as
John Kerry is FULLY SUPERIOR to George H.W. Bush.

Why are you supporting the completely inferior Mitt as your
Republican presidential candidate?

You must want the GOP to loose in November! SHOCKING!

-Tom Sr.