Romney Turning Out to Be a Major Embarrassment for Conservatives

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9 Trillion Dollar Republican Natio

“Conservative Elites” Covering Up Romney’s Betrayals on Marriage,
Life, Children and Constitution

January 1, 2008

Lawyers, Leaders and Activists Issue Warning to Voters:
“Conservative Elites” Covering Up Romney’s Betrayals on Marriage,
Life, Children and Constitution.

A growing list of conservative leaders are circulating a strong public
warning about “the conservative establishment’s aggressive cover-up of
the pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-gay adoption policies” of Mitt
Romney while governor of Massachusetts. The letter accuses Romney’s
stable of prominent “conservative” leaders, lawyers and pundits of
gross malpractice, ruthless ambition and dishonesty toward voters.

It calls on principled conservatives to firmly condemn the rent-a-
conservative feeding frenzy on Mitt Romney’s money and the cover-up of
his actions as governor — most of which he did while pretending he was
forced to either by judges or non-existent laws. Their letter details
numerous stunning aspects of Romney’s record that are known to few
Americans. These include:

boosting funding for pro-homosexuality indoctrination of
schoolchildren, and refusing to order his education officials to
enforce parents’ legal right to protect their own children from
unwanted indoctrination about homosexuality
falsely claiming Massachusetts law required Catholic adoption
and foster care agency to give children to homosexual couples
personally issuing over 180 special same-sex marriage
certificates purely at his own discretion, and claiming a law forced
lying about the state constitution by pretending Massachusetts
judges have legal authority to create “gay marriage” and using that
deception to force officials to issue marriage licenses illegally
modified without the legislature’s approval and perform the
ceremonies, thus fulfilling a secret 2002 campaign promise to
homosexual groups
claiming that a law somehow “forced’ him to sign a new law
subsidizing abortions at $50 each with Planned Parenthood established
as the fox guarding the henhouse and many other actions in return for
campaign promises Romney made to gay groups and the pro-abortion

“The entire record of Mitt Romney’s political career is that of a man
whose Mormon background has no more influenced his zigzagging
statements, positions and policies than Ted Kennedy’s or Hillary
Clinton’s religion influences theirs,” said John Haskins, of the
Parents’ Rights Coalition, who like the other signers from
Massachusetts, regrets having voted for Romney four years ago.
“Romney’s traveling circus is just political special effects, issue
after issue. He looks good, but he’s a walking mannequin. There’s
absolutely no core in this man,” added Haskins, who has spent the last
three years communicating with law professors, lawyers and judges and
documenting the legal malpractice of supposedly “conservative” legal
experts covering up how Romney misrepresented the state constitution
to claim a court opinion had imposed “same-sex marriage.”

“Behind the empty gestures and deceptive rhetoric, Romney was not pro-
life or a defender of marriage by any stretch of the imagination. He
was a disaster,” said John O’Gorman, a member of the board of
directors of Massachusetts Citizens For Life (MCFL), the state-wide
group Romney has been deceptively claiming awarded him a pro-life
leadership award. ” The award Romney arranged for himself with the
local Pioneer Valley Chapter was the Mullins Award for Political
Leadership, not a pro-life award and not approved by MCFL’s state
board of directors. We’re blowing the whistle to warn voters who are
being lied to by the crowd that makes big money off the pro-life
cause. Real moral conservatives must alert the voters to the ongoing
deception by cash-driven, pseudo-conservative elites who’ve allied
themselves with a lying politician,” added O’Gorman.

”We who have been in the trenches since 1973 know Mitt Romney has not
switched to a pro-life stance, as he claims. He has merely switched to
a ’states’ rights’ pro-abortion position - attaching a ‘pro-life’
label to it,” said Ray Neary of ProLife Massachusetts. “Just
overturning Roe v Wade would not legally prevent a single unborn child
from being destroyed - but only change the locale,” added Neary, who
is also a past President of Massachusetts Citizens For Life (MCFL),

Three other senior persons at MCFL agreed the pro-life award Romney
has been boasting about is very dubious and does not represent any
decision taken by the group’s state-wide leadership. MCFL had
considered Romney a hard-core pro-abortion politician who had no
interest in meeting with them. To get the award, Romney paid $15,000
and went around MCFL’s state headquarters to deal with a willing local
politician who arranged the award through a local chapter.

“MCFL was in financial difficulty when Romney’s check came in and has
been reluctant to contradict him publicly,” Haskins said. “There are
some very fine people associated with MCFL, but to let Romney hustle
voters with this conveniently cooked-up pro-life award is a tragic
mistake. It allows lawyers and consultants like Jay Sekulow, Jim Bopp
and Mark DeMoss, who have gotten rich over the years wheeling and
dealing with the Republican elites, to call the honest pro-life heroes
liars and to mislead voters. We have no choice but to speak up. If
Mitt Romney outruns his record in Massachusetts and buys his way into
the White House it will be partly because people who know the facts
did not expose this pro-life award as not much more than a dime-store

William Cotter, president of another Massachusetts pro-life group,
Operation Rescue-Boston, agreed: “It’s just not possible to honestly
call Romney’s record ‘pro-life — even after the just-in-time staged
conversion. Mitt Romney is not pro-life. On balance, his policies were

“The state constitution is brutally clear that the judges had no power
to legalize same-sex ‘marriage’ or to order the governor or the
legislature to. To hide the fact that he is personally responsible for
it, Romney’s been buying up big-name conservatives like cattle at an
auction,” said “Atty. Robert Paine,” the pen name of a prominent
attorney who wrote the unrefuted and authoritative proof that Romney
lied about the state constitution and misrepresented the Goodridge
court opinion as having “legalized” homosexual marriage. “Lots of the
lawyers and law professors covering up for Romney or who are silent
have a vested interest or have close colleagues who do,” added Paine,
whose legal arguments (”The Governorʼs New Clothes; How Mitt Romney
Brought Same-Sex Marriage To America”
) have been affirmed by numerous law professors, attorneys and retired
judges. “There’s no way to describe this other than malpractice.
Romney and his lawyers are lying about judges and laws forcing his
actions on homosexual marriage, gay adoption and $50 abortions,” Paine

“For some bizarre reason the mere fact that Romney’s never been
divorced and goes to a temple regularly is supposed to negate the fact
that he’s extremely liberal,” said Linda Harvey, President of Mission
America, an author, columnist and national expert on the rapid
expansion of the pro-homosexuality curriculum in schools. “Gullible
conservative voters eat that clean image stuff up,” she added. “That’s
why the media and the establishment thinks he can part the Red Sea.
He’s the perfect Republican liberal who can seduce conservatives and
then leave them heartbroken as he did in Massachusetts. He used his
Republican and Mormon identity to push through radical policies on gay
marriage, abortion and pro-homosexual school programs that Ted Kennedy
always dreamed about.”

“A clean-cut family man who after six decades in Mormonism was still
strongly pro-abortion and pro-homosexual unions, pushed gay adoption,
actively funded pro-homosexuality indoctrination in schools over
parents’ objections and was far sloppier than any Democrat with
constitutions… Now there’s a politician the establishment can trust,”
said Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth.

“The Mitt Romney that governed Massachusetts was a man totally without
the core principles that Mormons espouse,” said Gregg Jackson, a talk
radio host in Boston and author of Conservative Comebacks to Liberal
Lies. This man is throwing tens of millions of his own dollars into
projecting a conservative, pro-family, pro-traditional marriage, pro-
life image since he decided to run for president. He wasn’t even a
real economic conservative, if you scratch beneath his smooth talking
points. He’s the Wizard of Oz, a fake. I’m a professional and Romney
fooled me for a good while.”

“He kept on saying he was being forced to do these things, by the law,
by the judges,” Haskins said. “Who bothers to do the research to find
out if the law or the state constitution says what he claims? The
media sure didn’t. They were beside themselves with glee. And he kept
on finding supposed ‘conservatives’ to vouch for him. We’d find out
months later there was money or career opportunities involved…like Jay
Sekulow’s son — a student — getting paid as a consultant for Romney.
Most of the conservative establishment rolled over for this con man or
went silent when their friends did. The only word for it is
malpractice,” Haskins added.

“Anyone who takes seriously the high-flying conservatives vouching for
him has no clue how terribly money and power have corrupted once
respected conservatives,” said Diane Grimly, president of the American
Family Association of Pennsylvania.

The letter documents how the Massachusetts Constitution — and previous
admissions by the court itself, including one year earlier —
obliterate Romney’s, Sekulow’s and Bopp’s dishonest claim that
Massachusetts judges forced Romney to bypass the Legislature and
illegally order officials to perform homosexual “marriages.”

Besides veteran social conservative leaders and writers, the signers
include a retired administrative judge and former Assistant Minority
Leader of the Massachusetts Senate, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney
and other attorneys from Massachusetts. The overwhelming majority have
no loyalties to any other candidate, none have cited Romney’s
Mormonism as a primary concern, and all have investigated Romney’s
record far more than many of those vouching for him. Almost all of
those in Massachusetts voted for him four years ago.