Ron Paul supporter kicked out of Tea Party rally


New member
Just proves the T(errorist) party has been taken over by a bunch of Sarah Palin worshipping Neo-Cons. Not TRUE conservatism.



New member
You know what's PATHETIC? Is I, along with MANY MANY MANY other progressives WANT to see Ron Paul as the Republican nominee.

Progressives are center left fence sitters, just a few socialist policy's away from being libertarians... TRUE PALEO CONSERVATIVES, who hate the same thing the REAL tea party of old hated... Corporations who suck Government ****!!

The REAL criminal element in America.

The RON PAUL tea party needs to take back it's cause from the neo-con supporters who fukked it all up. They would FOR SURE, get many Democrat progressive votes away from Obama.

The rest would take care of itself.

Hey, don't get me wrong.. I like Obama, and the only reason I defend the guy is because I feel conservatives don't show enough patience with him. Ron Paul is also a great contender for POTUS because he has something NOT ONE *** **** REPUBLICAN propaganda spreading, mindless fukking drone, do it for the RNC money rep has, and that would be vision.

Obama got my past Republican vote for one key reason... He offered vision.

Ron Paul is the man that can, and WOULD beat Obama in a POTUS race. I don't understand why any SANE person would ever fukk around with even considering a stupid fukking idiot as Palin to even be a contender.






New member
Progressives are center left fence sitters, just a few socialist policy's away from being libertarians... .
Most libertarians do not believe in socialist policies, but more of the self actualization and freedom to realize your full potential without constraint. True libertarians believe in complete social and economic freedom. It is more a pure capitalism/free market view. Libertarian socialists are like neo-conservatives…They just don’t get it.



New member
Most libertarians do not believe in socialist policies, but more of the self actualization and freedom to realize your full potential without constraint. True libertarians believe in complete social and economic freedom. It is more a pure capitalism/free market view. Libertarian socialists are like neo-conservatives…They just don’t get it.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

Thomas Jefferson



New member
Progressives are center left fence sitters, just a few socialist policy's away from being libertarians...

If a person is center-anything, they aren't a Progressive. Progressivism is the antithesis of Libertarianism.



New member
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

Thomas Jefferson
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others.

-Ayn Rand



New member
Oh ***, your one of those Ayn Rand/Atlas Shrugged nuts too?


You can give it the same credibility as H.G. Well's "Time Machine"





New member
Libertarians are a monstrous, disgusting bunch of people: they plagiarize my ideas when that fits their purpose, and they denounce me in a more vicious manner than any communist publication, when that fits their purpose. They are lower than any pragmatists, and what they hold against Objectivism is morality. They’d like to have an amoral political program.

~Ayn Rand





New member
Ayn may not have liked the idea but objectivists are a subset of libertarians.Works of fiction are frequently used to express a political philosophy. I consider anyone who wishes to reduce the size of government an ally.


New member

You can give it the same credibility as H.G. Well's "Time Machine"


That's wrong, and I'll tell you why. She didn't write it as an entertaining fictional book; she wrote it as an expression of her philosophical views and a way to explain objectivism. It is more like Plato's The Republic, only with a plot. :)



New member
That's wrong, and I'll tell you why. She didn't write it as an entertaining fictional book; she wrote it as an expression of her philosophical views and a way to explain objectivism. It is more like Plato's The Republic, only with a plot. :)
Or Sinclair's The Jungle.



New member
Here's the problem I have with that... taking ANYBODYS word about what life's all about and how society should function. Everybody has an answer, everybody has a Utopia, everybody has their own new wave religion/philosophy on life. Everyone knows what the real problem with the world is.

Rod Serling was just as good a conveyor of what society is to people with the Twilight Zone series as Rand could ever hope to be. Both, fictional story tellers. I give them both equal credibility about my own thoughts on life.





New member
Whether you are liberal or conservative you should condemn the debt we are leaving our children and grandchildren as immoral.

We all have our influences. My top influences politically are Milton Friedman,Barry Goldwater. Hayek, JS Mill, The Founding Fathers, Jefferson and Madison in particular, and on foreign policy, Pat Buchanan and Hans Morgenthau. I give these individuals much more credibility than Marx, Keynes and Geoorge McGovern, others disagree.



New member
Here's the problem I have with that... taking ANYBODYS word about what life's all about and how society should function. Everybody has an answer, everybody has a Utopia, everybody has their own new wave religion/philosophy on life. Everyone knows what the real problem with the world is.

Rod Serling was just as good a conveyor of what society is to people with the Twilight Zone series as Rand could ever hope to be. Both, fictional story tellers. I give them both equal credibility about my own thoughts on life.


I agree that everyone has their own view of the world and what it should be, but that doesn't really fit with your credibility argument. By the logic of your first statement, everyone should be given the same amount of credibility because opinions are like a--holes.

However, you then go on to imply that Rand somehow deserves less credibility than other people because she expressed her views through fiction as well as non-fiction books. I believe that is actually a common trend among philosophers who are trying to make a point. There are a lot of fictional book written to make a point and some do it quite well. It does not degrade the credibility of a philosopher to apply ideas to a fictional story.

Love Twilight Zone, by the way. Lots of good observations about society in them.

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