Ron Paul Wins Again



It looks like Dr Paul is the only hope for America. There is a lot of
housecleaning to do, and he can't do it all by himself. I hope the
American people are up to the task of hanging the many Zionist and
military industrial complex traitors that have turned their country
into the world's leading terrorist state, with their
protectorate/master Israel a close second. Identify the enemies of the
American Revolution and eliminate them, with polls and voting; and if
the election is stolen again, with any means necessary.


UPDATE Correction: An earlier version of this post had incorrect
straw poll results. Romney was NOT fourth, but second. The post below
is now correct.

From NBC/NJ's Erin McPike
SPARKS, Nev. – Ron Paul won the GOP presidential straw poll conducted
by organizers at the Conservative Leadership Conference held at the
Nugget Casino this weekend “by a large margin,” according to an

Paul won with 33 percent, Romney came in second with 16 percent and
Duncan Hunter was just behind with 15 percent. "Undecided" was fourth
with 11 percent, and Thompson and Giuliani were next and ahead of the
rest of the pack -- all in single digits. Raw numbers haven't been
provided, but there were approximately 430 registrants at the opening
of the conference.

Although many of the Republican presidential teams had surrogates
representing them at the conference, Mitt Romney and Duncan Hunter were
the only candidates to speak at the conference, and the victor himself
was not there.

Libertarian sentiment dominated the conference, and a number of
attendees expressed disappointment with the Republican Party for not
catering to many of their views. Several speakers explained that they
were looking to move on, echoing much of the discontent that came out
of the meeting of the Council for National Policy in Salt Lake City
late last month.

In fact, American Target Advertising Chairman Richard Viguerie, who
said he was part of the strategic meetings in Salt Lake City, said
Thursday night that even though he has agreed not to support Giuliani,
Thompson or McCain, he’s still not close to declaring support for
Romney or any other lower tier candidates because they are still
actively and seriously courting conservatives. “Why would we stop the
flow of flowers and candy?” he said.

Almost on cue, Romney said during his speech the next day to the group,
“I’m from the Republican wing of the Republican Party,” eliciting a
negative response from some rival campaigns and the Democratic National
Committee. The DNC jumped and noted that he stole Chairman Howard
Dean’s line from the previous election when he told voters he was “from
the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party” before losing to John

Out of the malaise over the conference came several questions targeted
to Romney urging him to explain why he could be the candidate who would
change the party’s direction. In particular, vastright founder Joseph
Bentzel, whose start-up Web company with slogan “Powering Digital
Conspiracy” has yet to launch, asked Romney at a town hall how the
party can be re-brand, reform, refocus and re-launch after what he
called is a phase of “pre-emptive defeatism” for the GOP. Romney gave a
four-part answer, starting with his pitch, “Well, I think it helps to
have a new face.”

Romney went on to sound another theme of his: optimism. He called the
Democrats pessimists and said his optimism could go a long way for the
Republicans, and he moved onto a point similar to his first, that the
country ought to be led by someone who hasn’t spent an entire lifetime
in politics. And he ended with a line that played well before the crowd
of Reaganites, implying that his energy and passion could echo that of
Ronald Reagan’s.


Email this EMAIL THIS
I'm sorry but why was the winner of this poll only mentioned once while
the loser, Romney, is in every paragraph?

Nathan, New York, NY (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 2:52 PM)
Romney is in for a very rude awakening if he thinks "optimism" is going
to prevent the GOP from going down in flames if it nominates a pro-war

As the good doctor pointed out in one of the debates, the GOP is doing
nothing but "saving face." At least he's got the guts to admit that the
mistakes the GOP made were not semantical, but fundamental.

Paul (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 2:57 PM)
Its funny, Ron Paul wins, yet you somehow find a way to focus 80% of
this article on Romney, he wasn't even in the top three. This is just
another example of MSM biase. I appreciate that you weren't negative on
Paul, i just think after he beats out Romney who actually attended the
event 80% of your article should have focused on Paul and how he is
massing support.

Michael Cathcart, Spokane Valley, Wa (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007
3:01 PM)
Never have I seen an article about a poll be so much more about the
loser than the winner. That is not HISTORY! History is always
written by the winners about the winners. So, writing about the loser
as oppose to the winner really suggests something about the writer;
losers write about losing.

Glenn, SLC, UT (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:02 PM)
Congrats to Ron Paul, another straw poll victory. Over 500 people
attended this event too. =)

david, honolulu, hi (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:03 PM)
Looks like Ron Paul has some support down in Arizona! Should spend some
time investigating that. People who think Romney could rebrand the GOP
are kidding themselves, he's just more of the same.

Brent Burk, Schertz, Texas (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:05 PM)
Ron Paul also won the Alabama Jefferson County straw poll yesturday in
a landslide
Ron Paul 58%
Thompson 16%
Guiliani 9%
Romney 8%

Ann Dothan Alabama (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:07 PM)
What? Major media reporting on a straw poll? I'm in shock! Ron Paul
has the best record by far in straw polls across the country. This is
his 7th win in the last few weeks. Thanks for reporting on this one.
Perhaps you might consider reporting the whole pattern...

Sam Marsh, Falls Church, VA (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:13 PM)
How about changing that headline to read "DESPITE NOT SHOWING UP IN

Pat Davis (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:13 PM)
Yes, I'm overjoyed to hear that Paul won! He's the only candidate with
the courage to call for an end to the Iraqi occupation. There were no
WMDs, no connection to 9/11, Saddam is dead, and his army is gone. Paul
wants to declare victory and come home. This will save the country
TRILLIONS that can be used to make up the budget gap in the ballooning
entitlement programs like social security. At the same time Paul is
allowing young people to opt out of social security because they know
they're going to get nothing out of it. He wants to end the IRS, Repeal
the patriot Act, and address illegal immigration by ending social
services for illegal aliens. I love this man. His message is powerful
and is spreading despite the attempts of many to ignore or slander him.

Will Penny, Denton, TX (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:14 PM)
Wow why don't we hear more about this Ron Paul guy???? I just looked up
his website and he sounds like the PERFECT candidate for these troubled
times in America. I just don't understand why he is hardly mentioned in
the media when he clearly understands the issues.

I know who I'm voting for in the primaries now!

Jesse Shaffer, Youngstown, OH (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:15 PM)
Romney is "fake." I don't trust him, particularly because he is a
multi-millionaire businessman. I wonder who he would serve?
Certainly not main street!!

Steve, Washington D.C. (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:17 PM)
OK, I know you won't print this... Let me get this straight... Ron
Paul got almost TWICE as many votes as the next guy, a "front runner,
1st tier" candidate? Yet, it was so impossible that he could win
anything that CNBC pulled their poll off of their website because Paul
won in a landslide? Those pesky spammers, those ingeniuos internet
users, are somehow projecting realistic 3-D human looking beings to
participate in these polls. Damn them!

Mitch Covington (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:18 PM)
Ron Paul wins a straw poll, so you write a story about Romney? I'm
thinking you missed the bigger part of that news story.

Brent Sanders, Alexandria, LA (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:21 PM)
Great article. Could you do an article on who lost the straw poll in
Jefferson County Alabama while you are covering losers?

Ryan Reaves (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:23 PM)
Romney loses and still gets an entire article devoted to him?

Jab, NC (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:24 PM)
Funny, the guy who won the poll was barely mentioned. You state
"Libertarian sentiment dominated the conference..." but you ignore the
only libertarian in the race.

John Campbell, Rolling Hills Estates, CA (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007
3:24 PM)
Ron Paul has won 16 straw polls across the country. The
support for him is not just online but in every state. The more his
message of ending the war in Iraq and ending our foreign policies that
the Bush administration advocates the more people flock to Ron Paul. He
warned us against the war and the quagmire it would become and is
warning against the fed printing money to help the banks at the expense
of the dollar, which is a tax on all us working class folks.

Dan Mortenson (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:25 PM)
Ron Paul wins the straw "by a wide margin" and you write a story about

Don (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:26 PM)
Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record:

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the
U.S. treasury every year.

Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation
each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.

Google or YouTube: "Ron Paul"

Jeffrey S. (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:26 PM)
Ron Paul won the poll, yet this entire article talks about Romney and
the others. Ron Paul's name was mentioned only in the beginning. Even
though Ron won the straw poll by a large margin, not a SINGLE mention
of Ron Paul's message or what his campaign is about. Your bias is
sickening and obvious. Hey NBC: We, the American People, pick the
president, not you. Get is through your corrupt heads and stop
downplaying Ron Paul's successes. You're becoming more irrelevant by
the day.

Adam Trojan (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:26 PM)
Nevada is a major win for Mr. Ron Paul. The growth rate of support
seems to double each month for him. From my point of view he is the GOP
front runner.
1. He wins every single debate poll,
2. he has won 16 out of 34 straw polls, coming in 2nd or 3rd in a total
of 28 straw polls. Margins of win average 2-3 times the runner up.
3. He dominates all online polls by an average of 75% (which just
happens to equal the percent of people against the war

The scientific polls can not be used to gauge his performance because
they dont mention his name as an option.
Ron Paul will win NH primary for sure. The other states will follow.
Ron Paul has a secret weapon as well. Every single supporter will be a
primary voter, while the other candidates supporters all say they will
vote for their candidate if they make it to the general election.

ODDS on Ron Paul are now 4-1.

Robert Werden, Liberty Hill TX (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:27 PM)
This is journalism at its worst... You guys completely underplay the
fact that a politician won a straw poll without even showing up.

Eric Appleman, College Park, Maryland (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007
3:27 PM)
this is absurd, ron paul can win a straw poll and be in the title of
the article and still not be mentioned. this is amazing, msnbc has lost
all credibility as a news source. be ashamed. why don't you just call
the article "romney didn't win but we should talk about him anyway."
this is the most ridiculous attack on journalistic integrety i have
ever seen

Ben Carver St. louis, MO (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:28 PM)
Chuck -- Thanks for posting this. I've been reading your team's First
Read stuff more and more lately, because you all report on whatever is
making news with no republican or democrat bias as far as I can see.

I really commend this, because we all have our favorites. I think you
and your team do a great job of just plainly reporting the story,
instead of insinuating some sort of bias like that clown at WaPo Chris

Keep up the straight reporting. I am a pissed off Republican who
probably won't vote for the first time in my lifetime because all the
candidates are just terrible. If one of them emerges as the true
conservative who does NOT pander to special interest groups, I may be
swayed to consider voting.

Frankly my wing of the republican party is doomed in 2008. We have
lost our way to the point that we literally do not stand a chance. It
is sad because conservatives are some of the most generous and
big-hearted people out of their own pockets by their own free will as
opposed to liberals who want the nanny-government to decide who
receives goodwill.

Charlie Cross, Erie, Pennsylvania (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:29
Ron Paul wins the straw poll by a large margin, yet the article
concentrates on Romney??? No media bias here.

Thomas Jefferson, Philadelphia, PA (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:30
This is monumental. Romney is on the cover of Newsweek right now for
pete's sake. Romney showed up and participated while Paul was all the
way across the country. Here's one for anybody who has been looking to
these straw polls as tea leaf indicators of what's to come.

Kurt, Arlington, TX (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:30 PM)
This isn't like those "open to public" straw polls in the past few
months. This story needs airtime and more explanation.

Chris Stelly (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:36 PM)
Another win for Ron Paul. If you look at straw poll showings across the
country he is a front runner. If you look at fundraising he is a front

Frankly official polls don't apply to him..because majority of his base
is not represented in them.

Disenfrachised voters? Nope
Independants? Nope
Young people? Nope
3rd Party converts? Nope
Democrat converts? Nope

Frankly I look forward to all the hurrying we'll see in the media to
cover him when he starts winning primaries

As far as Romney claiming to be a real conservative...yeah right...he
is no differen than the rest of them. These guys should drop the
"fiscal conservative" act because they'll never be able to top Ron Paul
who actaully believes what he praches.

Andrew, NJ (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:36 PM)
It seems strange to me, that Ron Paul won this straw poll, and yet you
spent 40% of the article talking about Romney. The only time you
mentioned Paul was to say that he won and by what percentage. WAKE

Travis Wckline (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:44 PM)
ah yes, optimistic romney. ready to invade iran. the mantra of the
republican party, bomb them all to oblivion, our pockets are deep

different time same station (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:47 PM)
Ron Paul wins a straw poll? There's a surprise. Most people support
Ron Paul because they want more freedom. Me? I support Ron Paul
because I like to see the pig farm media and slanty forehead opinion
polls squirm their way into irrelevance.

Didn't you get the memo? Send Mitt Romney and his intellectually
bankrupt gang of sharp-dressed troglodytes back to the hairstylists, PR
firms and crooked pollsters.

Jeff D., Washington DC (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:48 PM)
Looking forward to John Harwood's piece on how the Conservative
Leadership Conference was hacked and/or the straw poll voters ruined
the purpose of the poll by beating the Ron Paul drum. After all, he
hasn't Ron Paul pull those kind of numbers in any "legit" poll.


Viewer losing interest (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:49 PM)
Ron Paul wins and the story is about the loser??? Is this slanted
reporting or what?

mary hansen (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:52 PM)
Wow, Romney lost to Paul even though Paul wasn't there? I need to look
further at Paul because the current contenders don't have much to offer

Christian Conservative (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:53 PM)
Wow, Romney lost to Paul even though Paul wasn't there? I need to look
further at Paul because the current contenders don't have much to offer

Christian Conservative, Huntsville AL (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007
3:54 PM)
Finally an article by the main-stream media that reports on one of Ron
Paul's victories at the straw polls! It would be nice next time if you
elaborated on Paul's positions within the article and discuss why it is
attractive to voters such as the people who voted at the straw poll.
Perhaps some statements from attendees thrown in would add to it as
well. Its good to see Ron Paul surging in popularity in any case!

Victoria Reynolds, San Diego, CA (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:57
Yawn...Typical McDonald's Media at work. Ron Paul could have had
100,000 people show up but the focus of attention would not be on him.
Instead, here, we get to better understand how Romney didn't do well as
opposed to why Ron Paul did do well. Yawn...

mike (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:57 PM)
Thanks for the article. I would appreciate if it went into some more
detail about Ron Paul, since he was the winner of the poll.

Brandon Yates, Philadelphia (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:57 PM)
Why is it that the looser got the headline?

Chris Kahn (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:59 PM)
Assuming that Mitt Romney is a true conservative (which is highly
suspect in light of his conversion of convenience on core issues
critical to religious/social conservatives), he should not feel bac
losing out to Ron Paul, who has not only been a true conservative much
longer, but who also has been the much more consistent true
conservative. Did Mitt Romney spend in Nevada as he did in the earlier
straw poll in the other state? If so, perhaps the Nevada folks are not
as easily swayed by such expenditures of money. As for Ron Paul, I
hope he will continue to take the fight to the party establishment and
to make his case to the voters.

MIke RC, Rockwall, Texas (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:01 PM)
Great article about Mitt Romney losing yet another poll. Who wants to
read another lame story about Ron Paul winning one more poll in a
landslide. It was starting to get a bit repetitive with all of these
straw poll wins.

William D Berg (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:05 PM)
Thanks for following up on the comment I made to your last story on
this conference, even though it was never approved. But, a little more
on Ron Paul, the winner, whould be nice.

Jackson Atkins, Hartsville, SC (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:07 PM)
Democrats for Ron Paul 2008! Go Ron Go!

David, Mesa AZ (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:13 PM)
Since Nevada's straw poll doesn't make any difference, Mitt's
supporters knew they didn't need to come.
If they voted for Paul then it was probably for the Democrats anyway.

Scott R. (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:19 PM)
You've GOT to be kidding me?
Let me get this straight, Ron Paul wins the straw poll, and you do the
piece on Romney.
You guys have got to be crazy.
I mean, this is ludicrous, you dare compare Romney to Reagan? Why do
you think he got so little votes in NV?
Ron Paul won it because his fiscal, domestic, and foreign policies
almost mirror Reagan's.

If you love Romney so much, why don't you gay marry him?

Tim Cherkassky, Mercer, Maine (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:25 PM)
I think the groundswell of support whisking Ron Paul forward sends a
clear message as to which direction the people want this country to

Marsha Carter, Abilene, TX (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:26 PM)
Romney is the Tin Man. No heart. He is some odd alloy on the outside
and hollow on the inside where it counts. He's a lot like Ronald
Reagan, now, about four years after the poor guy passed away.

Ron Paul wasn't even there and his grassroots support is amazing. The
Republican party had better wake up. Oh, and thanks MSNBC for making
this article all about the fourth place finisher. That's what we need,
more Romney coverage. It shows that you will cover the second tier
candidates if they have 250 million dollars in their bank account.
Thanks for proving that you'll still help out the average American
multi-hundred millionaire. I'm taking up a collection for Romney
myself. I'm buying him a real beating heart.

A.K. Smith (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:27 PM)
So Ron Paul won another Straw Poll? Are you beginning to see a

I went to my first sign Ron Paul sign waving today. Guess what there
were a lot of Ron Paul people there. When we show up for the Primary's
you are going to be stunned!

"Viva la Liberty"

Jimmy A. (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:28 PM)
So Ron Paul won another Straw Poll? Are you beginning to see a

I went to my first Ron Paul sign waving today. Guess what there were a
lot of Ron Paul people there. When we show up for the Primary's you
are going to be stunned!

"Viva la Liberty"

Jimmy A. (Sent Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:30 PM)