Russia test-fires RS-24 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile



By Michael Stott

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia successfully test-fired a new
intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday featuring multiple
warheads designed to overcome missile defense systems such as the
planned U.S. shield in Europe.

At the same time, President Vladimir Putin stepped up his attacks on
the missile shield, saying its deployment in Europe would turn the
continent into "a powder keg".

Russian military experts said the new missile was part of the "highly
effective response" promised earlier this year by President Vladimir
Putin to the shield, which is fiercely opposed by Moscow as a threat
to its security.

"It can overcome any potential entire missile defense systems
developed by foreign countries," Colonel-General Viktor Yesin told the
official Russian Today television channel.

A ministry spokesman said the RS-24 missile was fired from a mobile
launcher at 1020 GMT from the Plesetsk cosmodrome about 800 km (500
miles) north of Moscow.

Less than an hour later, Russia's Strategic Missile Forces command
said the missile had hit its targets at the Kura test site on the
sparsely inhabited far eastern peninsula of Kamchatka to the north of

"The RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile will strengthen the
military potential of Russia's strategic rocket forces to overcome
anti-missile defense systems and thereby strengthen the potential
nuclear deterrent of Russia's strategic nuclear forces," the Strategic
Missile Forces command said in a statement.

Russia says the U.S. missile defense shield is a threat to its
security and will change the strategic balance in Europe but
Washington dismisses such fears, saying the shield is intended to
counter "rogue states".


Putin issued his latest broadside against the shield after meeting
visiting Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates at the Kremlin on

"We consider it harmful and dangerous to turn Europe into a powder keg
and to stuff it with new weapons," Putin told Socrates, whose country
assumes the European Union's rotating presidency on July 1.

"It creates new and unnecessary risks for the whole system of
international and European relations".

First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, speaking separately, said
the deployment of medium and short range missiles by Russia's
neighbors to the east and south now posed a "real threat".

"The Soviet-American treaty (on intermediate nuclear forces) is not
effective because since (its signature) scores of countries have
appeared that have such missiles while Russia and the United States
are not allowed to have them," Ivanov told a military-industrial
commission in the southern city of Znamensk.

"In these conditions, it is necessary to provide our troops with
modern, high-precision weapons."

Ivanov, a former defense minister and leading hawk, is widely seen as
a front-runner to succeed President Vladimir Putin in an election next
March although he has not said whether he will run.

The new RS-24 missile can be armed with up to 10 different warheads
and is intended to replace Russia's earlier generation
intercontinental missiles such as the RS-18 and RS-20.

Its development is part of a drive to re-equip Russia's military with
updated weaponry and replace hardware dating from the Cold War.

Missiles carrying multiple independently targeted warheads are more
difficult to intercept and destroy completely once they have been
fired, making them much harder to defend against.
In article <>,
AirRaid <> wrote:

> By Michael Stott
> MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia successfully test-fired a new
> intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday featuring multiple
> warheads designed to overcome missile defense systems such as the
> planned U.S. shield in Europe.

"w" should do a "shock and ow" on those evil russian WMDs.

They are there somewhere... we have proof... we have the receipts of

Coffee in a BodyBaghdad Factory
On May 29, 4:05 pm, AirRaid <> wrote:
> By Michael Stott
> MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia successfully test-fired a new
> intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday featuring multiple
> warheads designed to overcome missile defense systems such as the
> planned U.S. shield in Europe.

Tthe russkies have been yapping about their 'Topol' for years. Maybe
the fact that one finally successfully launched will shut them up for
a couple weeks.]
> At the same time, President Vladimir Putin stepped up his attacks on
> the missile shield, saying its deployment in Europe would turn the
> continent into "a powder keg".
> Russian military experts said the new missile was part of the "highly
> effective response" promised earlier this year by President Vladimir
> Putin to the shield, which is fiercely opposed by Moscow as a threat
> to its security.
> "It can overcome any potential entire missile defense systems
> developed by foreign countries," Colonel-General Viktor Yesin told the
> official Russian Today television channel.
> A ministry spokesman said the RS-24 missile was fired from a mobile
> launcher at 1020 GMT from the Plesetsk cosmodrome about 800 km (500
> miles) north of Moscow.
> Less than an hour later, Russia's Strategic Missile Forces command
> said the missile had hit its targets at the Kura test site on the
> sparsely inhabited far eastern peninsula of Kamchatka to the north of
> Japan.
> "The RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile will strengthen the
> military potential of Russia's strategic rocket forces to overcome
> anti-missile defense systems and thereby strengthen the potential
> nuclear deterrent of Russia's strategic nuclear forces," the Strategic
> Missile Forces command said in a statement.
> Russia says the U.S. missile defense shield is a threat to its
> security and will change the strategic balance in Europe but
> Washington dismisses such fears, saying the shield is intended to
> counter "rogue states".
> Putin issued his latest broadside against the shield after meeting
> visiting Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates at the Kremlin on
> Tuesday.
> "We consider it harmful and dangerous to turn Europe into a powder keg
> and to stuff it with new weapons," Putin told Socrates, whose country
> assumes the European Union's rotating presidency on July 1.

[Notice russkie logic in action here... the russkies plan to flood
their section of europe with hundreds of MIRVed offensive ICBMs...
but consider it anathema when NATO hopes to deploy ten (10)
defensive missiles in their european territory.]

> "It creates new and unnecessary risks for the whole system of
> international and European relations".

[No it doesn't. It's just good insurance against rogue state mis-

> First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, speaking separately, said
> the deployment of medium and short range missiles by Russia's
> neighbors to the east and south now posed a "real threat".

[Yeah.. right.. and russkie MIRVs are just]

> "The Soviet-American treaty (on intermediate nuclear forces) is not
> effective because since (its signature) scores of countries have
> appeared that have such missiles while Russia and the United States
> are not allowed to have them," Ivanov told a military-industrial
> commission in the southern city of Znamensk.
> "In these conditions, it is necessary to provide our troops with
> modern, high-precision weapons."

[Same here.]

> Ivanov, a former defense minister and leading hawk, is widely seen as
> a front-runner to succeed President Vladimir Putin in an election next
> March although he has not said whether he will run.
> The new RS-24 missile can be armed with up to 10 different warheads
> and is intended to replace Russia's earlier generation
> intercontinental missiles such as the RS-18 and RS-20.
> Its development is part of a drive to re-equip Russia's military with
> updated weaponry and replace hardware dating from the Cold War.
> Missiles carrying multiple independently targeted warheads are more
> difficult to intercept and destroy completely once they have been
> fired, making them much harder to defend against.

You is for to understend, yes?
Russkieland to have many many missile..
And you is not to hev any.

The bastards are drunk again.
"AirRaid" <> wrote in message
> By Michael Stott
> MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia successfully test-fired a new
> intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday featuring multiple
> warheads designed to overcome missile defense systems such as the
> planned U.S. shield in Europe.
> At the same time, President Vladimir Putin stepped up his attacks on
> the missile shield, saying its deployment in Europe would turn the
> continent into "a powder keg".
> Russian military experts said the new missile was part of the "highly
> effective response" promised earlier this year by President Vladimir
> Putin to the shield, which is fiercely opposed by Moscow as a threat
> to its security.
> "It can overcome any potential entire missile defense systems
> developed by foreign countries," Colonel-General Viktor Yesin told the
> official Russian Today television channel.
> A ministry spokesman said the RS-24 missile was fired from a mobile
> launcher at 1020 GMT from the Plesetsk cosmodrome about 800 km (500
> miles) north of Moscow.
> Less than an hour later, Russia's Strategic Missile Forces command
> said the missile had hit its targets at the Kura test site on the
> sparsely inhabited far eastern peninsula of Kamchatka to the north of
> Japan.
> "The RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile will strengthen the
> military potential of Russia's strategic rocket forces to overcome
> anti-missile defense systems and thereby strengthen the potential
> nuclear deterrent of Russia's strategic nuclear forces," the Strategic
> Missile Forces command said in a statement.
> Russia says the U.S. missile defense shield is a threat to its
> security and will change the strategic balance in Europe but
> Washington dismisses such fears, saying the shield is intended to
> counter "rogue states".
> Putin issued his latest broadside against the shield after meeting
> visiting Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates at the Kremlin on
> Tuesday.
> "We consider it harmful and dangerous to turn Europe into a powder keg
> and to stuff it with new weapons," Putin told Socrates, whose country
> assumes the European Union's rotating presidency on July 1.
> "It creates new and unnecessary risks for the whole system of
> international and European relations".
> First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, speaking separately, said
> the deployment of medium and short range missiles by Russia's
> neighbors to the east and south now posed a "real threat".
> "The Soviet-American treaty (on intermediate nuclear forces) is not
> effective because since (its signature) scores of countries have
> appeared that have such missiles while Russia and the United States
> are not allowed to have them," Ivanov told a military-industrial
> commission in the southern city of Znamensk.
> "In these conditions, it is necessary to provide our troops with
> modern, high-precision weapons."
> Ivanov, a former defense minister and leading hawk, is widely seen as
> a front-runner to succeed President Vladimir Putin in an election next
> March although he has not said whether he will run.
> The new RS-24 missile can be armed with up to 10 different warheads
> and is intended to replace Russia's earlier generation
> intercontinental missiles such as the RS-18 and RS-20.
> Its development is part of a drive to re-equip Russia's military with
> updated weaponry and replace hardware dating from the Cold War.
> Missiles carrying multiple independently targeted warheads are more
> difficult to intercept and destroy completely once they have been
> fired, making them much harder to defend against.

Russia is not even a global player.
Who cares what they want of think.
Who would want to attack a State that is has nothing to offer.
They are safer than the Netherlands for sure.

Jim E
On Tue, 29 May 2007 22:30:10 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:

>Russia is not even a global player.
>Who cares what they want of think.
>Who would want to attack a State that is has nothing to offer.

hey meathead they sell Oil to Europe
>They are safer than the Netherlands for sure.
"Lockheed Martin" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 29 May 2007 22:30:10 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:
>>Russia is not even a global player.
>>Who cares what they want of think.
>>Who would want to attack a State that is has nothing to offer.

> hey meathead they sell Oil to Europe
>>They are safer than the Netherlands for sure.


And we feed beaners for free.
Both can stop.
So what.
No global effect, just a rearrangement of trade.

Jim E
On Wed, 30 May 2007 01:46:30 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:

>"Lockheed Martin" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 29 May 2007 22:30:10 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:
>>>Russia is not even a global player.
>>>Who cares what they want of think.
>>>Who would want to attack a State that is has nothing to offer.

>> hey meathead they sell Oil to Europe
>>>They are safer than the Netherlands for sure.


>And we feed beaners for free.
>Both can stop.
>So what.
>No global effect, just a rearrangement of trade.

If anyone would heaven forbid threathen the flow of oil to America
they would automatically get bombed i.e. Saddam Hussein but the
resulting targets ended up being 655,000 Iraqi civilians, 2 million
Iraqis displaced civilians refugees and more then 3400 american troops
and a growing deficits into the trillions while bush is lavishing
"Leave No Billionaires Behind" with more Tax Loopholes.
> Jim E
On May 30, 12:36 pm, Lockheed Martin <>
> On Wed, 30 May 2007 01:46:30 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:
> >"Lockheed Martin" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Tue, 29 May 2007 22:30:10 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:

> >>>Russia is not even a global player.
> >>>Who cares what they want of think.
> >>>Who would want to attack a State that is has nothing to offer.
> >> hey meathead they sell Oil to Europe
> >>>They are safer than the Netherlands for sure.

> >And we feed beaners for free.
> >Both can stop.
> >So what.
> >No global effect, just a rearrangement of trade.

> If anyone would heaven forbid threathen the flow of oil to America
> they would automatically get bombed i.e. Saddam Hussein but the
> resulting targets ended up being 655,000 Iraqi civilians, 2 million
> Iraqis displaced civilians refugees and more then 3400 american troops
> and a growing deficits into the trillions while bush is lavishing
> "Leave No Billionaires Behind" with more Tax Loopholes.

And if anyone (read Moskow) should choose to stop the flow of energy
stocks to Europe (which is the largest market in the world - greater
than the US market), Europe couldn't do... anything.

And the world economy (probably US included) would go rapidly down the

Talk about asymmetry...!

The same asymmetry applies to rogue missiles from any Xstan.
On 30 May 2007 13:00:46 -0700, wrote:

>On May 30, 12:36 pm, Lockheed Martin <>
>> On Wed, 30 May 2007 01:46:30 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:
>> >"Lockheed Martin" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> On Tue, 29 May 2007 22:30:10 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:

>> >>>Russia is not even a global player.
>> >>>Who cares what they want of think.
>> >>>Who would want to attack a State that is has nothing to offer.
>> >> hey meathead they sell Oil to Europe
>> >>>They are safer than the Netherlands for sure.

>> >And we feed beaners for free.
>> >Both can stop.
>> >So what.
>> >No global effect, just a rearrangement of trade.

>> If anyone would heaven forbid threathen the flow of oil to America
>> they would automatically get bombed i.e. Saddam Hussein but the
>> resulting targets ended up being 655,000 Iraqi civilians, 2 million
>> Iraqis displaced civilians refugees and more then 3400 american troops
>> and a growing deficits into the trillions while bush is lavishing
>> "Leave No Billionaires Behind" with more Tax Loopholes.

>And if anyone (read Moskow) should choose to stop the flow of energy
>stocks to Europe (which is the largest market in the world - greater
>than the US market), Europe couldn't do... anything.
>And the world economy (probably US included) would go rapidly down the
>Talk about asymmetry...!
>The same asymmetry applies to rogue missiles from any Xstan.

so when Bush said "We are fighting a War against Terrorism"

the war in Iraq had nothing to do with OIL

Just a strange coincidence that Iraq just happens to have the 3rd

Bush was saying: "We are fighting the WAR ON TERROR and then he
changed his tune when things didn't turn out like his GOD'S PLAN to
emancipate his RICH BILLIONAIRES BACK HOME who couldn't wait to get
their greedy hands on the third largest reserve of oil on this planet

On May 30, 1:23 pm, Lockheed Martin <> wrote:
> On 30 May 2007 13:00:46 -0700, wrote:
> >On May 30, 12:36 pm, Lockheed Martin <>
> >wrote:
> >> On Wed, 30 May 2007 01:46:30 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:

> >> >"Lockheed Martin" <> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >> On Tue, 29 May 2007 22:30:10 -0700, "Jim E" <> wrote:

> >> >>>Russia is not even a global player.
> >> >>>Who cares what they want of think.
> >> >>>Who would want to attack a State that is has nothing to offer.
> >> >> hey meathead they sell Oil to Europe
> >> >>>They are safer than the Netherlands for sure.

> >> >And we feed beaners for free.
> >> >Both can stop.
> >> >So what.
> >> >No global effect, just a rearrangement of trade.

> >> If anyone would heaven forbid threathen the flow of oil to America
> >> they would automatically get bombed i.e. Saddam Hussein but the
> >> resulting targets ended up being 655,000 Iraqi civilians, 2 million
> >> Iraqis displaced civilians refugees and more then 3400 american troops
> >> and a growing deficits into the trillions while bush is lavishing
> >> "Leave No Billionaires Behind" with more Tax Loopholes.

> >And if anyone (read Moskow) should choose to stop the flow of energy
> >stocks to Europe (which is the largest market in the world - greater
> >than the US market), Europe couldn't do... anything.

> >And the world economy (probably US included) would go rapidly down the
> >pipes.

> >Talk about asymmetry...!

> >The same asymmetry applies to rogue missiles from any Xstan.

> so when Bush said "We are fighting a War against Terrorism"
> the war in Iraq had nothing to do with OIL
> Just a strange coincidence that Iraq just happens to have the 3rd
> Bush was saying: "We are fighting the WAR ON TERROR and then he
> changed his tune when things didn't turn out like his GOD'S PLAN to
> emancipate his RICH BILLIONAIRES BACK HOME who couldn't wait to get
> their greedy hands on the third largest reserve of oil on this planet

Most of us know that it was a LIE.
Some of us even before it happened... and we said so.

That wasn't my point.
The point was that Europe has gotten itself between a rock and a hard
place when it comes to energy dependency on russkie oil.

They were warned... but they went ahead and continued to increase
reliance upon Moskow's goodwill. Now it is apparent that Moskow's
goodwill is politically based. Piss off russkieland and there's no
telling when the heat will be shut off.

It has become a security issue.
The 'westies' ie; Germany, France..etc .. all are responding softly to
Moskow's bragadaccio.. while the eastern europeans still remember
russian atrocities and want those missiles.
On 30 May 2007 13:38:25 -0700, wrote:

>The point was that Europe has gotten itself between a rock and a hard
>place when it comes to energy dependency on russkie oil.
>They were warned... but they went ahead and continued to increase
>reliance upon Moskow's goodwill. Now it is apparent that Moskow's
>goodwill is politically based. Piss off russkieland and there's no
>telling when the heat will be shut off.
>It has become a security issue.
>The 'westies' ie; Germany, France..etc .. all are responding softly to
>Moskow's bragadaccio.. while the eastern europeans still remember
>russian atrocities and want those missiles.

The same comparison could be made with Bush and Saudi Arabia.

9/11 Money, 19 Hijackers and Osama Bin Laden came from Saudi Arabia
Why is Bush soft with Saudi Arabia
On 29 May 2007 16:05:13 -0700, AirRaid <> wrote:

>By Michael Stott
>MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia successfully test-fired a new
>intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday featuring multiple
>warheads designed to overcome missile defense systems such as the
>planned U.S. shield in Europe.
>At the same time, President Vladimir Putin stepped up his attacks on
>the missile shield, saying its deployment in Europe would turn the
>continent into "a powder keg".
>Russian military experts said the new missile was part of the "highly
>effective response" promised earlier this year by President Vladimir
>Putin to the shield, which is fiercely opposed by Moscow as a threat
>to its security.
>"It can overcome any potential entire missile defense systems
>developed by foreign countries," Colonel-General Viktor Yesin told the
>official Russian Today television channel.
>A ministry spokesman said the RS-24 missile was fired from a mobile
>launcher at 1020 GMT from the Plesetsk cosmodrome about 800 km (500
>miles) north of Moscow.
>Less than an hour later, Russia's Strategic Missile Forces command
>said the missile had hit its targets at the Kura test site on the
>sparsely inhabited far eastern peninsula of Kamchatka to the north of
>"The RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile will strengthen the
>military potential of Russia's strategic rocket forces to overcome
>anti-missile defense systems and thereby strengthen the potential
>nuclear deterrent of Russia's strategic nuclear forces," the Strategic
>Missile Forces command said in a statement.
>Russia says the U.S. missile defense shield is a threat to its
>security and will change the strategic balance in Europe but
>Washington dismisses such fears, saying the shield is intended to
>counter "rogue states".

The missile shield is not what Russia needs to worry about.
Missile interceptors are obvious, but the weapons the US has developed
to eliminate the threat of ballistic missiles are not.

>Putin issued his latest broadside against the shield after meeting
>visiting Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates at the Kremlin on
>"We consider it harmful and dangerous to turn Europe into a powder keg
>and to stuff it with new weapons," Putin told Socrates, whose country
>assumes the European Union's rotating presidency on July 1.
>"It creates new and unnecessary risks for the whole system of
>international and European relations".
>First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, speaking separately, said
>the deployment of medium and short range missiles by Russia's
>neighbors to the east and south now posed a "real threat".
>"The Soviet-American treaty (on intermediate nuclear forces) is not
>effective because since (its signature) scores of countries have
>appeared that have such missiles while Russia and the United States
>are not allowed to have them," Ivanov told a military-industrial
>commission in the southern city of Znamensk.
>"In these conditions, it is necessary to provide our troops with
>modern, high-precision weapons."
>Ivanov, a former defense minister and leading hawk, is widely seen as
>a front-runner to succeed President Vladimir Putin in an election next
>March although he has not said whether he will run.
>The new RS-24 missile can be armed with up to 10 different warheads
>and is intended to replace Russia's earlier generation
>intercontinental missiles such as the RS-18 and RS-20.
>Its development is part of a drive to re-equip Russia's military with
>updated weaponry and replace hardware dating from the Cold War.
>Missiles carrying multiple independently targeted warheads are more
>difficult to intercept and destroy completely once they have been
>fired, making them much harder to defend against.