Russian Bombers Invade US Airspace



WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two U.S. Air Force F-15s escorted two Russian Bear
long-range bombers out of an air exclusion zone off the coast of
Alaska, U.S. military officials said Wednesday.

Two U.S. Air Force F-15s were dispatched to meet the Russian bombers.

U.S. radar picked up the Russian turbo-prop Tupolev-95 planes about
500 miles off the Alaska coast.

The U.S. fighters from Elmendorf Air Force Base were dispatched to
meet the bombers and escorted them out of the area without incident,
the officials said.

The United States maintains the air exclusion zone off the coast of
Alaska, barring unidentified aircraft or aircraft that don't file
flight plans inside that area.

The last case of Russian aircraft approaching the U.S. coastline or
ships in the Pacific was in February.

Then, four Bear bombers flew near the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz,
with one of them flying about 2,000 feet from the Nimitz's deck.

Russia's Defense Ministry said at the time there was no violation of
flight regulations during the incident. A ministry official described
the flights as standard operating procedure for air force training.

Meanwhile, U.S. military officials say the incidents are not a
concern. They say it's the Russian military flexing its ability and

- - - - -

The Cold War ... it's BAAACK !!!

And you thought Iraq was expensive ...
> If BRRAAACCCKK was President he'd go to Moscow,get on his knees and
> ask very politely that the ruskies stop invading our airspace.That
> would help to make the rest of the world like us.

No, more likely he would give their bombers an escort and allow them
to bomb all those typical white people.

Obama going negative against Hillary Clinton: "The natural reminder
here is O.J. [Simpson]--how does an African-American candidate attack
a white woman?" - Jesse Jackson Jr(Obama campaign's national co-

For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because
it feels like hope is finally making a comeback - Obama's racist wife

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I
began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"
- Obama's racist book "Dreams from My Father"

"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and
animosity against my mother race" - Obama's racist book "Dreams from
My Father"

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to
my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, the son of
Africa, that I'd packed all the I sought in myself" - Obama's racist
book "Dreams from My Father"

"If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance
himself from me...I said it to Barack personally, and he said yeah,
that might have to happen." - Racist Pastor Wright said with a shrug

"The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial
animosity, but that she is a typical white person." - Obama committing
political suicide
In article <>,
> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two U.S. Air Force F-15s escorted two Russian Bear
> long-range bombers out of an air exclusion zone off the coast of
> Alaska, U.S. military officials said Wednesday.
> Two U.S. Air Force F-15s were dispatched to meet the Russian bombers.
> U.S. radar picked up the Russian turbo-prop Tupolev-95 planes about
> 500 miles off the Alaska coast.
> The U.S. fighters from Elmendorf Air Force Base were dispatched to
> meet the bombers and escorted them out of the area without incident,
> the officials said.
> The United States maintains the air exclusion zone off the coast of
> Alaska, barring unidentified aircraft or aircraft that don't file
> flight plans inside that area.
> The last case of Russian aircraft approaching the U.S. coastline or
> ships in the Pacific was in February.
> Then, four Bear bombers flew near the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz,
> with one of them flying about 2,000 feet from the Nimitz's deck.
> Russia's Defense Ministry said at the time there was no violation of
> flight regulations during the incident. A ministry official described
> the flights as standard operating procedure for air force training.
> Meanwhile, U.S. military officials say the incidents are not a
> concern. They say it's the Russian military flexing its ability and
> presence
> - - - - -
> The Cold War ... it's BAAACK !!!
> And you thought Iraq was expensive ...

And the Europeans sit back smiling, knowing that Russia went
bankrupt fighting the Cold War against the US, and the US didn't do
itself many favors. And some people think the mafia killed Kennedy...
geez. Isn't it obvious to everyone that when he said he wanted to end
the Cold War in his second term, the Europeans went apeshit and demanded
of their American counterparts that he be gotten rid of?
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:29:15 GMT, (B1ackwater) wrote:

>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two U.S. Air Force F-15s escorted two Russian Bear
>long-range bombers out of an air exclusion zone off the coast of
>Alaska, U.S. military officials said Wednesday.
>Two U.S. Air Force F-15s were dispatched to meet the Russian bombers.
>U.S. radar picked up the Russian turbo-prop Tupolev-95 planes about
>500 miles off the Alaska coast.
>The U.S. fighters from Elmendorf Air Force Base were dispatched to
>meet the bombers and escorted them out of the area without incident,
>the officials said.
>The United States maintains the air exclusion zone off the coast of
>Alaska, barring unidentified aircraft or aircraft that don't file
>flight plans inside that area.
>The last case of Russian aircraft approaching the U.S. coastline or
>ships in the Pacific was in February.
>Then, four Bear bombers flew near the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz,
>with one of them flying about 2,000 feet from the Nimitz's deck.
>Russia's Defense Ministry said at the time there was no violation of
>flight regulations during the incident. A ministry official described
>the flights as standard operating procedure for air force training.
>Meanwhile, U.S. military officials say the incidents are not a
>concern. They say it's the Russian military flexing its ability and
>- - - - -
> The Cold War ... it's BAAACK !!!
> And you thought Iraq was expensive ...

I doubt if they will do anything about any incursions. The
Mexican Army has penetrated our borders hundreds of times and our
people are told to back from any confrontation. Be a shame if they
couldn't deliver their drugs.
On Mar 27, 4:29 am, (B1ackwater) wrote:
> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two U.S. Air Force F-15s escorted two Russian Bear
> long-range bombers out of an air exclusion zone off the coast of
> Alaska, U.S. military officials said Wednesday.
> Two U.S. Air Force F-15s were dispatched to meet the Russian bombers.
> U.S. radar picked up the Russian turbo-prop Tupolev-95 planes about
> 500 miles off the Alaska coast.
> The U.S. fighters from Elmendorf Air Force Base were dispatched to
> meet the bombers and escorted them out of the area without incident,
> the officials said.
> The United States maintains the air exclusion zone off the coast of
> Alaska, barring unidentified aircraft or aircraft that don't file
> flight plans inside that area.
> The last case of Russian aircraft approaching the U.S. coastline or
> ships in the Pacific was in February.
> Then, four Bear bombers flew near the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz,
> with one of them flying about 2,000 feet from the Nimitz's deck.
> Russia's Defense Ministry said at the time there was no violation of
> flight regulations during the incident. A ministry official described
> the flights as standard operating procedure for air force training.
> Meanwhile, U.S. military officials say the incidents are not a
> concern. They say it's the Russian military flexing its ability and
> presence
> - - - - -
> The Cold War ... it's BAAACK !!!
> And you thought Iraq was expensive ...

This kind of thing happened hundreds of times during the sixties and
seventies. We "wandered" into their air space, they into ours.
B1ackwater wrote:
> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two U.S. Air Force F-15s escorted two Russian Bear
> long-range bombers out of an air exclusion zone off the coast of
> Alaska, U.S. military officials said Wednesday.
> Two U.S. Air Force F-15s were dispatched to meet the Russian bombers.
> U.S. radar picked up the Russian turbo-prop Tupolev-95 planes about
> 500 miles off the Alaska coast.

Is the Bear the oldest serving heavy bomber in history? I thought it
was first produced even before the B-52.

Steven L.
Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.
"Steven L." <> wrote in news:13uq62n5rbftp06

> B1ackwater wrote:
>> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two U.S. Air Force F-15s escorted two Russian Bear
>> long-range bombers out of an air exclusion zone off the coast of
>> Alaska, U.S. military officials said Wednesday.
>> Two U.S. Air Force F-15s were dispatched to meet the Russian bombers.
>> U.S. radar picked up the Russian turbo-prop Tupolev-95 planes about
>> 500 miles off the Alaska coast.

> Is the Bear the oldest serving heavy bomber in history? I thought it
> was first produced even before the B-52.

Mitchell Holman wrote:
> "Steven L." <> wrote in news:13uq62n5rbftp06
>> B1ackwater wrote:
>>> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two U.S. Air Force F-15s escorted two Russian Bear
>>> long-range bombers out of an air exclusion zone off the coast of
>>> Alaska, U.S. military officials said Wednesday.
>>> Two U.S. Air Force F-15s were dispatched to meet the Russian bombers.
>>> U.S. radar picked up the Russian turbo-prop Tupolev-95 planes about
>>> 500 miles off the Alaska coast.

>> Is the Bear the oldest serving heavy bomber in history? I thought it
>> was first produced even before the B-52.

> Correct.

Oldest and fastest prop driven aircraft in the world, I believe. The
vibration created by the double prop at each engine is suppose to be
horrific. I'll bet the Russian crew flying these things were looking for
an opportunity to defect.
darlenearmstrong <> wrote in news:pOhHj.28244$vr3.21011

> Mitchell Holman wrote:
>> "Steven L." <> wrote in news:13uq62n5rbftp06
>>> B1ackwater wrote:
>>>> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two U.S. Air Force F-15s escorted two Russian Bear
>>>> long-range bombers out of an air exclusion zone off the coast of
>>>> Alaska, U.S. military officials said Wednesday.
>>>> Two U.S. Air Force F-15s were dispatched to meet the Russian bombers.
>>>> U.S. radar picked up the Russian turbo-prop Tupolev-95 planes about
>>>> 500 miles off the Alaska coast.
>>> Is the Bear the oldest serving heavy bomber in history? I thought it
>>> was first produced even before the B-52.

>> Correct.

> Oldest and fastest prop driven aircraft in the world, I believe. The
> vibration created by the double prop at each engine is suppose to be
> horrific. I'll bet the Russian crew flying these things were looking for
> an opportunity to defect.

I don't know about that. Not only did no Tu-95 crew defect,
but the bomber was later used as the foundation of one of the
most successful passenger planes in the Russian inventory, the
Tu-144. For awhile the largest passenger airplane in the world.

PS: Turbo-prop engines are still in use today (ATR's, Dash 7's
Dash 8's, Twin Otters, among others). The ones I have flown in
have been as quiet as jets, and more fun to watch.......

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