Salt Lake Tribune - Favorite novel? For Mitt, its Scientology

  • Thread starter Fredric L. Rice
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Fredric L. Rice

Salt Lake Tribune - Favorite novel?

For Mitt, its Scientology founder's bizarre sci-fi classic

Favorite novel? For Mitt, its Scientology founder's bizarre sci-fi
classicL. Ron Hubbard's 'Battlefield Earth'

The Salt Lake Tribune

MDTPosted: 8:30 AM- Mitt Romney debuted in his first presidential
campaign debate last night at the Ronald Reagan presidential library in
Simi Valley, California.

But KUTV reports today that it was what Romney had to say
before the event that is generating controversy.

It's all about the Republican's favorite book: "Battlefield Earth."

In a TV interview, that work by the late L. Ron Hubbard --
founder of Scientology -- was identified by Romney as his top choice.

Slate magazine jumped on Romney's selection: "No one trying to
look like a common Joe would pick this book. You simply need a deep
level of weird to like Battlefield Earth."

KUTV says Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and 2002
Utah Winter Games chief, later clarified that while Battlefield Earth is
his favorite novel, the Bible is his favorite book.

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