Samsung braces for a tough year, says it will step up patent defense against Apple


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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After numerous mobile lawsuits from Apple, Samsung CEO Choi Gee Sung explained that the company plans to be more aggressive in securing patents that can be used to defend itself, <em>Bloomberg</em> reported on Thursday. During the company’s annual shareholders meeting, Sung said that due to slow industry-wide growth and strong competition, the company was bracing for a tough year. “The electronics industry will enter a low-growth period,” he said. “Reorganization of the industry will gain speed and competition among global players will intensify.” Shareholders also approved the company’s plan to spin off its LCD division on April 1st. Samsung posted record revenue last year — <a href="">thanks largely to its Galaxy smartphones</a> — and looks to enhance its competitiveness in hardware, while strengthening new businesses including medical equipment in 2012. BGR <a href="">exclusively reported</a> last month that Samsung will launch its flagship Galaxy S III smartphone later this year with a 1080p high-definition display, a ceramic case and a quad-core 1.5GHz Exynos processor.<span id="more-132089"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report