Samsung’s iCloud competitor may be unveiled at Galaxy event on May 3rd


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Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Samsung’s iCloud competitor, <a href="">dubbed S-Cloud</a>, may be unveiled at next month’s <a href="">Galaxy S III announcement in London on May 3rd</a>, a South Korean newspaper reported on Friday. The service is similar to Apple’s offering but without any limitations on the type of content users can upload. The service is also expected to have access to popular TV shows, movies and music with free and paid content that will be available across a range of Samsung devices. The amount of storage allotted to users is rumored to be “more than 5GB,” although it isn’t clear if that will be free or is there is an associated charge. Earlier rumors suggested <a href="">Samsung would delay the service</a> after having trouble developing a suitable infrastructure for the global market. According to <em><em>Maeil Business</em></em>, however, the company has partnered with Microsoft to support its S-Cloud service.<span id="more-136425"></span>
[Via <a href="">The Verge</a>]
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report