Saudi Bin Laden Group + Iridium


Iridium satellite #38 (25043, 1997-069E) was launched on
September 11 1997

It looks like all of the relevant Iridium documents were signed on
September 11 1998

The Saudi Bin Laden website domain name was purchased
September 1 2000

and expired
September 11 2001

more here...

Saudi Bin-ladin Group website domain name linked to MURDER ?

Now there is already dirt on the Saudi Bin Laden Group
and dirt on Iridium, but these dates bring all this into a new light
including the fact that the Saudi Bin Laden website domain name
may be linked to a murder, and the fact that Iridium is neck deep in
DOD contracts
not top mention that one of the 9/11 commission members is also
involved with
the Iridium satellite system.
Not to mention Khalid bin Mahfouz

Signed Iridium documents
included that of Hasan Bin Laden (Hasan M. BinLadin)
Hasan is Bother to Osama

Blair Buys New Home Next to Bin Laden Property in Arab Area in London
Hasan (bin Laden) can see Blair's new home through his window.
He said he was a friend of Hasan and sometimes the two of them would
go out to restaurants.

911-Commission - member
Senator Slade Gorton
State of Washington, Iridium China (Hong Kong) Ltd.


Not mentioned on Kean's official Commission biography was his role as
director of Amerada Hess Corporation,
which in 1998 formed joint venture Delta-Hess, with Delta Oil, in part
owned by Khalid bin Mahfouz.
Mahfouz inherited a controlling interest in the National Commercial
Bank of Saudi Arabia, the country's largest bank, and was a director
with 20% interest in BCCI, the now defunct financial conglomerate
involved in money laundering, bribery, support of terrorism, arms
trafficking and other crimes.
Mahfouz paid $225 million to escape prosecution for his role in the
BCCI scandal.

Mahfouz also inherited the assets of the Saudi bin Laden group when
Salem bin Laden died in a 1988 plane crash.

These included an interest in Arbusto Energy, a Houston, Texas oil
company founded by George W. Bush.
Bin Mahfouz's interests were managed in part by James R. Bath, a close
friend of Bush, who served in the Texas ANG with him.
Bath's name was inexplicably redacted in Bush's Air National Guard
military medical reports.

In December 2000, shortly before Cohen left office, the Pentagon
awarded Iridium Satellite LLC a $72 million contract , without
competitive bidding, that helped save the company's communications
satellites from destruction. David R. Oliver Jr., who was a senior
procurement official at the time, said that he and Cohen were the
Pentagon's principal advocates for the Iridium deal.
Over the past two years, Iridium has paid the Cohen Group about
$400,000 to lobby the House, Senate and Department of Defense,
according to lobbying disclosure statements.
"Several months after Secretary Cohen left office, The Cohen Group was
contacted by the Chairman of Iridium to assist with marketing to
several government agencies including DoD, as well as foreign
governments," Tyrer said in writing. "Obviously, we had no such
discussions while in office."

Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 9/11 Terrorists, Part 37:


On 9/11, Iridium 66 was in the custody of the CAI Private Equity Group
- an alleged front for the C.I.A. - which handles investments for
private individuals, including Geneva-based members of the Osama bin
Laden and Saddam Hussein families.

Iridium 38 (25043, 1997-069E) was launched on 1997 September 11. It
entered operational use,
but evidently lost its ability to maintain its position in the
constellation after almost 6 years in service.

Iridium documents signed
September 11 1998$/SEC/Filing.asp?T=svRq.736n_7ph

September 11 1998
-- Independent counsel Kenneth Starr sends 'The Starr Report'
[not to the Star Chamber but one like it]
to the US Congress accusing President Bill Clinton
of 11 possible impeachable offenses

Business as usual for Bin Laden group
BIG Business

Key Iridium players

VHJ: Transcript of BBC Expose on Bush, bin Laden and the Carlyle Group


What Is Iridium?

Originally the company was Iridium, Inc., formed in June 1991 as a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Motorola. In mid 1993, positions were sold
to US and foreign investors on a private placement basis. In July 1996
Iridium LLC (limited liability corporation) was formed and Iridium,
Inc. was merged into the LLC. The partners in Iridium LLC are big
companies you have heard something about before; Motorola, Lockheed-
Martin, Loral, Sprint, Raytheon, Hughes and others. These partner
companies apparently bought their stock positions in this enterprise
for the stock par value of $0.01 per share. Motorola appears to be the
largest participant at 18-25% ownership. The intent of Iridium LLC was
to put a huge array of polar satellites in low earth orbits.

Hopefully, you did not own the publicly traded stock in Iridium World
Communications, Ltd. - at least not during the crash period. Why,
then, should you be at all concerned with this. Consider the

1. The consortium successfully deployed the satellite constellations.
By the way, state-of-the-art satellites � capable of processing
billions of bytes per second (yes, billions with a "B").
2. A significant chunk of the bill was paid by unsuspecting stock
market investors.

3. The rocket guidance technology was illegally delivered to China
with help from our White House. Remember when Loral, and it�s CEO
Bernard Schwartz, first came under fire for this delivery, you were
told that it was simply to be used for a little light weight telephone
communications system � so, don�t get excited. China used the
technology along with the MIRV capabilities when they launched
satellites for Iridium. Russia launched some also. The same guidance
technology can now be used by both to deliver rockets to the USA and
they can deliver multiple warheads using the MIRV technology!
4. There is no more need to worry about manufacturing expensive
telephones that nobody will buy, anyway, because Iridium World
Communications is in bankruptcy.
5. Iridium LLC is alive and well and the partners own the satellite
6. Now the worst part, according to Michael Bunker � Those satellites
are, and always have been, spy satellites. They are being used to
transmit a significantly high portion of all telephone, e-mail, fax,
pager, and internet communications world wide. Furthermore, the plan
is for full involvement in all of these communication transmissions.
Huge computer banks are busy, around the globe on a 24/7 basis,
screening all transmitted communications. Understand that your use of
hit list keywords or key phrases in your communication will trigger
the computer to isolate your communication for further scrutiny by the

Iridium is simply another very clever step, by the global elitists,
toward taking control of peoples lives around the world � remember,
Big Brother and his Telescreen. You see, something as innocuous as a
wireless telephone system venture can take its toll on your privacy,
freedom, and personal security.

Flight Tracking with Iridium
Embedded solutions provide comprehensive and continuous flight
tracking and monitoring

Syncom Funds
D. Colussy: Rob. We, like any private equity fund, are not going to
disclose all of our investors, other than to say we are very strongly
capitalized. Syncom, which Herb Wilkins represents, has kind of a
special interest in this project. He and I joined up together
originally, going back to our first interest in this project, so
that's why I did introduce the Syncom Funds. But beyond that, we will
not be getting into who our private equity investors are. What was the
second part of your question?

R. Kaiser: About whether this deal would have been completed without
the support from the Defense Department?
D. Colussy: We're actually going to start service with the DOD
tomorrow. They have been using the system throughout the bankruptcy.
As you may know, they have their own gateway that they built and
invested in, located out in Hawaii, which is dedicated strictly for
DOD use. We now have the security module fully developed and tested
and ready to go as well, so DOD will have a system that's up and
running today, because of course the satellites are up there and
they're functioning.

�We have certain weapons we don't talk about,� said Maj. Gen.. Charles
Wald. In line with info-war strategies, he noted that an electrical
outage �confuses command and control, it disconnects and confuses

Bush Sr. met members of the Bin Laden Group, together with the Carlyle
Group and James Baker III on the day of September 11th.

Nile outbreak and the anthrax mailings began with the 1998
BioVax meeting held in the Truman Room of the White House, attended by
SAIC's Jerry Hauer and William Patrick. Another participant at the
was William Cohen, who, as a Republican Senator, signed off on the
heavily-spun Cheney-Hamilton ran-contra report. In 2004, he was
elected to the American International Group's (AIG) Board of
Cohen is also a member of the Center for Strategic and International
Studies, the Cold War propaganda mill nd ultracon academic base of Ray
Cline, John Hamre, Admiral Crowe, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Kenneth
Langone,Henry Kissinger and others central to 911 and subsequent
through privatization.
