
Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005

If you remember reading my review of SAW II you would know I thought that the second movie in this series completely sucked balls.

It was a complete waste of time downloading from the internet. I couldn't see why the MPAA would bitch about me, or others like me stealing it.. Those who actually paid to see that piece of **** were robbed blind themselves..

This time around, the previews actually looked good enough that I decided to actually cough up some cash and go see the 3rd one in the local theatre.

So, I ask Mrs. Phreakwars if she wanted to go, and of course she said no... she hates horror movies... so not wanting to look like a complete ****ing tool by going to the movie myself, I call up one of my spare bitches (Megan) and invite her to come along with me.

So I cough up $13.50 for 2 tickets plus an ungodly amount for 2 ****ing soda's for me and my bitch Megan, and some milk duds for myself, and some other **** she wanted, and we kick back to view the latest installment in the SAW genre..

Now THIS movie, I am happy to report, was worth the price of the ticket..

For one thing it kind of patched up the retarded plot of the second one, and it also explained a bit more, the things from the first one.. The victims in this one were assorted, but they all came together towards the end with a justification..

The blood scenes were pretty ****ing gross... loved em !!!

My 2 favorite parts were Jigsaw's operation, and the black guy... I'll save the key points for people to see on their own... don't want to spoil anything here...

What kind of irritated me though was the ending... no closure to one of the victims...:confused:

But all in all, a great story line, and it makes up for the piece of **** that Saw II was..

Overall, I give this movie a 4 out of 5, and recommend you go see it .
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not too derail your thread or anything...

does it make me cheap that I bring my own snacks to the theatre rather then buying them there???

My daughter is only 9 but she can really put it away while watching a movie.
Hell no that doesn't make you cheap, it makes you smart..

Movie theatre concession prices are the main reason I steal movies, not the ticket prices.

Like $6.00 for nachos ?? WTF is that ??
I have NO intention of ever seeing this movie.. Jigsaw has to be the creepiest mother****er I have ever laid my eye's upon.. The commercials for this movie alone, creep into my head at the most inopportune moments.. Like when I am alone, and trying to fall asleep..

Very much like your wife, I do not like horror movies. My husband finds this all to humerous.. Renting movies like Hostel and Texas Chain Saw massacre, then watching me squirm beside him.. Some people can handle it, some can't. I fall very much into the latter catagory..

Dont get me wrong.. I can watch Poltergeist and movies like that..
Ghosts and such do not scare me.. But dammit, everyone knows something like the senario that took place in SAW 1 can actually ****ing happen.. A supernatural occurance, can no way compare to the antics of
Holy ****, I saw this movie and it's ****ing ten to the power of 99 times groser than the first or second...


Oh and better yet, Saw 4 has been announced...

Btw, phreak, that part with the black guy was just ****ed. The director has to be ****ED in the head to think of that ****.
The part with the black guy had alot of people in the theatre howling... that was ****ing bad ass torture !!
I'll have to see it but probably when it comes to DVD. I love horror movies.

It was a complete waste of time downloading from the internet. I couldn't see why the MPAA would bitch about me, or others like me stealing it..
