****** Scam Artist Rev. Al Sharpton Thinks He Is Above The White Man's Law


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Sharpton Denounces Reports of Probe

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Rev. Al Sharpton on Thursday angrily denounced reports of an
investigation into his 2004 presidential bid and suggested that federal
authorities were retaliating against him for his civil rights advocacy.

"I have probably been under every investigation known to man and I can't
remember a time that I've not been under investigation," Sharpton said at
the Harlem headquarters of his civil rights organization.

He continued: "The issues raised are issues that we've learned over and over
again, particularly when we are approaching an election season."

Newspapers reported Thursday that federal authorities subpoenaed financial
records and employees in an apparent probe of his presidential bid,
nonprofit civil rights group and for-profit businesses.

Sharpton said he thought the timing of the investigation was suspicious,
coming just weeks after he led a march on the Justice Department to demand
federal intervention in the Jena Six case in Louisiana and better
enforcement of hate crimes.

As many as 10 Sharpton associates were subpoenaed Wednesday to testify
before a federal grand jury in Brooklyn on Dec. 26, his lawyer told the
Daily News.

They were told to provide investigators with financial records from the
campaign and roughly six Sharpton-related businesses, as well as personal
financial documents of Sharpton and his wife, the newspaper said.

The FBI and Internal Revenue Service are seeking the records, which go back
to 2001, according to the Daily News.

An FBI agent who answered the phone at the agency's New York headquarters
declined to comment, and an agency spokesman did not immediately return a
telephone message. An IRS spokesman did not immediately return phone calls.

The charges against the six black students accused of attacking a white
student in Jena, La., led to the September demonstration by Sharpton and
other activists who alleged local authorities were prosecuting blacks more
harshly than whites.