Scared shitless White House plans to block testimony from former top Rove aide


Harry Hope

Earlier testimony in the congressional investigation made it clear
that Taylor and Miers were both intimately involved in various aspects
of the firing of the US Attorneys which got underway at the end of

D. Kyle Sampson, the former chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales, noted in his May 29 appearance that "I remember speaking
with Harriet Miers and Bill Kelley about that. Sometimes this subject
would come up after a Judicial Selection Committee meeting, which was
a once-a-week meeting that happened in the Roosevelt Room."

He added, "The issue of replacing U.S. attorneys most frequently came
up as sort of a pull-aside after a Judicial Selection meeting."

Former Justice Department White House Liaison Monica Goodling also
suggested Taylor had been a key decision-maker in the Attorneys
firings in June.

Saturday July 7, 2007

Michael Roston

The White House appeared set for an expanded showdown with
congressional investigators in the probe of the firing of eight US
Attorneys over the weekend.

An attorney for Sara Taylor, a former top aide to White House adviser
Karl Rove, notified the Senate that she was unlikely to appear before
the Senate Judiciary Committee July 11.

At the same time, former Counsel to President George W. Bush Harriet
Miers told RAW STORY she did not know if she would appear before the
House Judiciary Committee July 12.

An attorney for Taylor informed the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee that the White House sought to block her testimony.

"Ms. Taylor expects to receive a letter from Mr. Fielding on behalf of
the President directing her not to comply with the Senate's subpoena,"
wrote W. Neil Eggleston, counsel to Taylor, in a Saturday letter to
Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Arlen Specter (R-PA).


The criminal Bush White House should expecting a criminal contempt

On Jul 7, 3:46 pm, Harry Hope <> wrote:
> Earlier testimony in the congressional investigation made it clear
> that Taylor and Miers were both intimately involved in various aspects
> of the firing of the US Attorneys which got underway at the end of
> 2006.
> D. Kyle Sampson, the former chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto
> Gonzales, noted in his May 29 appearance that "I remember speaking
> with Harriet Miers and Bill Kelley about that. Sometimes this subject
> would come up after a Judicial Selection Committee meeting, which was
> a once-a-week meeting that happened in the Roosevelt Room."
> He added, "The issue of replacing U.S. attorneys most frequently came
> up as sort of a pull-aside after a Judicial Selection meeting."
> Former Justice Department White House Liaison Monica Goodling also
> suggested Taylor had been a key decision-maker in the Attorneys
> firings in June.
> Saturday July 7, 2007
> Michael Roston
> The White House appeared set for an expanded showdown with
> congressional investigators in the probe of the firing of eight US
> Attorneys over the weekend.
> An attorney for Sara Taylor, a former top aide to White House adviser
> Karl Rove, notified the Senate that she was unlikely to appear before
> the Senate Judiciary Committee July 11.
> At the same time, former Counsel to President George W. Bush Harriet
> Miers told RAW STORY she did not know if she would appear before the
> House Judiciary Committee July 12.
> An attorney for Taylor informed the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary
> Committee that the White House sought to block her testimony.
> "Ms. Taylor expects to receive a letter from Mr. Fielding on behalf of
> the President directing her not to comply with the Senate's subpoena,"
> wrote W. Neil Eggleston, counsel to Taylor, in a Saturday letter to
> Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Arlen Specter (R-PA).
> ____________________________________________________
> The criminal Bush White House should expecting a criminal contempt
> citation.
> Harry

This may be the beginning of the end for Mr. Bush. The Republican
leadership has grasped that he is destroying the Republican Party.
It's the Party, or Mr. Bush. They've decided to choose the Party.
"Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
> This may be the beginning of the end for Mr. Bush. The Republican
> leadership has grasped that he is destroying the Republican Party.
> It's the Party, or Mr. Bush. They've decided to choose the Party.

Bush doesn't care about the party. Bush cares about Bush. Caring for
anything but yourself is considered a "weakness" in Texas. Bush will bring
his party down (unless Cheney has him shot first).