School is open

Crispy Critter

New member
Public school opened last Tuesday here and my other son starts this coming Tuesday in private school. Just wondering if you folks are ready?

I have two teenaged sons and one is in private and the other in public school. They were both in private school but one was expelled for bad behavior so he now attends public school which started three days ago here. My other son starts next tuesday in a new and improved private school...

Every year we are hussling used texts books and buying new ones and if you don't have children in private school you can't appriciate the fact I sold some used eighth grade French and Physical Science text books for $125.00 today.

Everyone here in Puerto Rico in public and private school must wear school uniforms and that freaks out my oldest son who shed his little tie when he was expelled last year.

How would your children or if you are a school aged member like to have uniforms in school?

Would you pay for your school books if the government didn't provide them? My son in public school isn't provided books... they must copy information from the board and lecture and use library reference... Both kids regardless of situation learn equally but the older must work harder without books...



New member
I would hate to have uniforms. I guess it all depends on what kind it is. If I was forced to wear a skirt every day, then *** no! But, if I got to wear pants, then maybe. I enjoy the fact that I go to a public school and I don't have to wear a uniform. I would hate to pay for books. I can't at the moment, so it would suck. majorly. I guess going to a private school might have it's advantages. you might not get stuck with all the stupid idiots that have nothing better to do than pick on other kids. but, there is still the possibility that you get stuck with those kids. if so, then that sucks for everyone.


New member
I remember when schools started doing the uniform thing when I was a senior. Luckily our school has such a strict dress code that they didn't imply it on us. Plus we were an agricultural HS. What a stupid idea!


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I lived in Albuquerque while it's public school system was in the middle of a complete transition to school uniforms. I had the oprotunity to speak to kids that had gone through a year of it allready as well as those about to enter their first year with it. Now the was entering into it had teh predictable reactions and "NO WAY!!" "It will strip us of our individuality" ect. But the kids who had allready experienced it had quite the opposite. They faught in a large majority to KEEP the uniform in thier schools. Now the uniform was very open. Lght or dark pants or casual skirts with white tops. No baggy pants, short shirts, sleeveless tops, high heels, earings past the shoulder, shirts with any kind of logo ect. (the ususal for public school uniforms in the states). These kids told me they were happy not to have to spend so much time getting ready or stressing about how they looked and were very happy to have extra money from mom and dad to buy the clothes they WANTED for socailizing. Grades in teh schools that adopted the uniform policy jumped by as much as %15 by mid term, and fighting went down by as much as%45. (violence is a big deal out there, lots of gangs). As a parent I am all for uniforms and hope they are in the local public school by the time my daughter starts. It will save me BIG bux since I can buy a full outfit for under $20 easy!. I also feel that as far as personality goes, it is far more important to learn to express yourself through thoughts, actions and words than by appearance alone. I think kids in uniforms have to go that extra mile to make their personalities stand out. I also hate that schools around here have become a freak show of fashion. Young girls in **** that as a kid NO ONE would wear unless they were HOPING to get the **** reputation without haviong to actually BEthe ****. Self image should not rely only on teh clothes you wear, but on teh confidence you gain by being able to be yourself and to stand out when everyone looks like you. PLus taking the stress of wearing that WRONG outfit and the ambarrassment that goes with it along with the daily competition of who looks hottest., will leave more time for actually LEARNING something while you are stuck there


New member
Yeah schools are open here. Its great because all the little ***** in my neighbor hood are gone most of the day. I was tired of seeing them and them getting into my kids stuff who are 3 and below. ITs nice every once in awhile to have kids out and about but not all the **** time. And oh well school started earlier...that just means either more hoilday time or get out earlier.


New member
schools not open yet down here in homer, its not until late August, but i cant say i want the day to come any sooner


New member
I have two teenaged sons and one is in private and the other in public school. They were both in private school but one was expelled for bad behavior so he now attends public school which started three days ago here. My other son starts next tuesday in a new and improved private school...
not to dwell on stereotypes crispy, but it is often said problems at school start with problems at home........

DO NOT GET ME not calling you a bad parent, but from some of the things you have said on here have to have bled into your kids minds...even subtlely...please keep that in mind......

back to the subject at hand

Every year we are hussling used texts books and buying new ones and if you don't have children in private school you can't appriciate the fact I sold some used eighth grade French and Physical Science text books for $125.00 today.
Sounds like college to me.....but here is the thing that strikes me as odd...
When i was in high school we used used text books every year (less it was the the year the school brought out new books because the old ones were, basically dead). Now the only subject i can see as ever changing and needing updating every single year is; History. This changes with every moment. Cept current events is usuually a subject in your later years of high even that removes the need for new textbooks every year. (less this changed since my day.............I graduated in 92')

highschool is about the basics, and the basics rarely change, if it strikes me as odd that schools are killing parents with book prices when they can be used year by year by year till they are all falling apart.....

isnt that why we had to cover our books, to protect them from wear and tear because they were to be used again?? (and got in big trouble if we didnt cover them)

Everyone here in Puerto Rico in public and private school must wear school uniforms and that freaks out my oldest son who shed his little tie when he was expelled last year.
Conformity is a bad thing...but not always. Personally i wish i grew up with uniforms. I grew up in the snottyiest (sp) school in nebraska, or at least one of the worst. That would be Elkhorn High School. You were basically NOTHING unless your parents made X-amout of dollars...or what you were wearing (at that time it was Generra, swatch watches, gerbos(not going to look up that spelling). ). Granted i had all those things and more....however got screwed over by a friend who decided to lock himself in my sisters room......throw on clothing of hers and prance around to be funny.......later to tell all of my school it was I that did it and i got labeled as "gay" before i even realized i was....It was ****

back to the point...if everyone is wearing the same thing, then how can you criticize those less fortunate than you? You get to judge those, in your learning years of life, on their personalities and their own merrits....not by what they were wearing. (yes i had the best of the best in my day, but i still wish it was different now because i coulda made better choices of friends because i gave a rats *** what people wore..not who they were.....

and that is a better life lession to learn when you are young, then who has what)

Would you pay for your school books if the government didn't provide them? My son in public school isn't provided books... they must copy information from the board and lecture and use library reference... Both kids regardless of situation learn equally but the older must work harder without books...
so much for bushes crappo "no kid left behind plan"

there are so many flaws about not having books i cant even think about it.....

its no wonder we are getting lower and lower in the world as far as school goes!



New member
I went to a private school when I was 6-7. I cant say I didnt like it but then again I was still pretty young to rebell. Lookin back I think it was pretty gay. I also got expelled from schools for a couple years until I realized I wasnt a people person. I had to be home schooled which worked out because I got to teach myself.

As far as what VORTEX said "not to dwell on stereotypes crispy, but it is often said problems at school start with problems at home........

DO NOT GET ME not calling you a bad parent, but from some of the things you have said on here have to have bled into your kids minds...even subtlely...please keep that in mind......

If thats true my kids are ******


Crispy Critter

New member
I went to a private school when I was 6-7. I cant say I didnt like it but then again I was still pretty young to rebell. Lookin back I think it was pretty gay. I also got expelled from schools for a couple years until I realized I wasnt a people person. I had to be home schooled which worked out because I got to teach myself. As far as what VORTEX said "not to dwell on stereotypes crispy, but it is often said problems at school start with problems at home........

DO NOT GET ME not calling you a bad parent, but from some of the things you have said on here have to have bled into your kids minds...even subtlely...please keep that in mind......

If thats true my kids are ******
Chucle chucle...

My kid got kicked out of school for chocking out his ***** girlfriend who accepted a jewelry gift and then dumped him... He watches way too much WWF and Smack down... I have never hit or abused my wife and show nothing but respect towards women. He was in a class with filthy rich kids and another rich kid had held a boys head in a commode and flushed it the week before and didn't get expelled.

Vortex is my bud! He is full of **** except when his boyfriend pulls out of his **** with a load on his ****. He is just tring to support my arguement that gays shouldn't adopt since the kids may go to school and pork someone in the shower at gym class when he drops the soap in the shower...

Vortex is the man... girlie man and to him safe *** is seeing an inside out rubber full of **** like him as he licks the come off...



New member
Children Behave!

My oldest started Kindergarten and my middle child started Pre-K. I feel so old. Next year they will all be in school.

I'll have to save my education system rant for another day, but let me say this...Our education system was screwed up long before the no child left behind program. At least Bush is trying to do something about it, of-course he is going about it the wrong way. When thirty percent of student just out of high school have to go into remedial classes for Math and English, there is a problem. Alright, saving that rant...

I think uniforms are a good idea. School is for learning, and the children that would rather socialize and 'express individuality' better get used to wearing a uniform, because McDonalds requires one be worn by all employees.



New member
Now that I think about it, sure let them have the uniforms in high school and below! I'm not in school so who gives a ****? :) This generation sucks *** anyways. And I thought mine sucked! (and it does btw)


New member
Chucle chucle...
My kid got kicked out of school for chocking out his ***** girlfriend who accepted a jewelry gift and then dumped him... He watches way too much WWF and Smack down... I have never hit or abused my wife and show nothing but respect towards women. He was in a class with filthy rich kids and another rich kid had held a boys head in a commode and flushed it the week before and didn't get expelled.
Yikes....he doesnt do this stuff often to pepople does he?
Uniforms are a good idea because it helps kids use their personalities rather than their clothing...and there are far too many people in this world that had a personality bypass because they rely too much on what they wear to say who they are.....

Vortex is my bud! He is full of **** except when his boyfriend pulls out of his **** with a load on his ****. He is just tring to support my arguement that gays shouldn't adopt since the kids may go to school and pork someone in the shower at gym class when he drops the soap in the shower...
Vortex is the man... girlie man and to him safe *** is seeing an inside out rubber full of **** like him as he licks the come off...

Awww im blushing, i didnt know you cared! Still want me to come over tommorow with the jar of crisco?

I was happy as a pig in **** to get out of that **** hole back in 2002.

Buying textbooks? I think that's bullshit. And then there are public schools which STILL use textbooks made in the mid 70's that have my PARENT'S names in them. They often claim that there is no money for new textbooks, yet at the same time these schools can seem to afford build a big fancy new gymnasium. Hmmm.....

school uniforms do look tacky as **** (trust me I've seen plenty of these things, there's a christain school close to where I work and I also have a friend who's a stripper 'nuff said.), but then again if they have **** like this, we won't have people forming teenage subcultures that ARE based on fashion trends (no matter what some dipshit elitist says otherwise) which leads to conflicts amongst the groups, people ******** about posers, rejection and other horseshit.



New member
I think my high school would've been better off with uniforms. Alot of people were WAY too concerned with what they looked like. As was I the first year and a half. By the time my junior year rolled around, I honestly didn't give a **** anymore and would go to school in my pajamas half the time. I'd rather get that extra 30 minutes of sleep than get up and do my hair and make up and pick out a cute outfit...If only I could still get away with it, I would...


New member
When I was in high school, senior to be exact, Hypercolor t-shirts were in style, mullets with shaved sides, acid-wash jeans, Converse, and neon bracelets were in style. Man... what a bunch of tools.


New member
Sounds like we went to the same school.. Makes me glad I was too poor back then to really afford to get into the "fashion" of the 80's.





New member
Sounds like we went to the same school.. Makes me glad I was too poor back then to really afford to get into the "fashion" of the 80's.

I had a white and red Swatch, well... it was a Swootch... the inferior Rwandan knock-off.



New member
OOO Swatches and hyper colors LOL don't forget the pants tucked into neon wigwams sox LOL YA I think we had issues in the 80's EEEEEEP!!!! The girls from the cheerleading squad might have been single handedy responsible for the holes in the ozone layer with their ultra hold Aqua net hairspray YIKES!!!!!!!! Jelly shoes and bracelets, blue eyeliner and "sun-in" OK, it is only recently that I have come to terms with the acid wash days.
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