School won't despense pills because of catholics


New member
A couple of you may recognize this from another site I posted it on last year, but I am reposting it for some new views:

The health center on my college campus is affiliated with the local CATHOLIC hospital, and I was told by a nurse that they are unable to dispense birth control pills for this reason. They have condoms on site, but they have to state that they are for the prevention of disease only.

Do you feel that it is alright for a Catholic hospital to deny students birth control simply because it is against the hospitals religious background? I understand that students can go elsewhere for birth control, but that isn't the point. The point is that a health institution is denying adults the right to something based on religious beliefs. The school was once allowed to despense the pills until a couple years ago when they merged with the hospital. As students, we pay a fee each year that is meant to cover the health expenses. For females, this was once a great thing because it covered the yearly "female exam" and the pills. Now female students have a two month wait at the local health department to get the exam and pills.

What do you think about this? Should the hospital have the right to demand the college not despense birth control pills?

NOTE: the college has no stated religious affiliation.



New member
It is the hospital's right to do what they wish.

However, since your school is NOT affiliated with the Catholic Church, I don't think it is fair they deny you the birth control. You should complain to the admin and see if they could do a clinic with a different hospital. That isn't fair to the students.

Oh, and if I were you I'd be really ******...I would walk in and tell them "KEEP YOUR ROSARY OUT OF MY OVARIES!! And then calmly walk away.



New member
Hey if you choose to go to a hospital that is affiliated with any particular religion, then you should do so knowing what that means. may I suggest the local Pharmacy... Sorry, but uless the hospital is run and financed by the state you are **** outa luck. If your school is a STATE funded school you have a case (though I do not believe ANY school is actually REQUIRED by aw to provide BC) but if it a private institution you are again, **** outa luck.


New member
Oh, and I would tell the school you want the healthcare charges removed from your tuition. You aren't getting full coverage.

I read through a few articles-is there any way you can get them to prescribe them to you for something else? Cramps, PMS, acne, will still suck but it only costs about $30/month, so it would be worth it if you could at least get a prescription.



New member
I am not concerned about myself here, but instead about the other girls at the school who perhaps do need the pills-- for other reasons as well as birth control. They will not prescribe them for any reason at all. Odd, since they allow them to give out condoms for "disease prevention".

And to tizz-- It IS a state funded school.

As for the hospital itself, this is a small town, there is no where else to go unless you drive an hour to another town. I keep meaning to find out if the hospital will dispense the morning after pill to rape victims or if they have a policy of NO birth control, no matter what.



New member
Is the hospital the only medical care offered by the school or do you have an on campus clinic? AND are there any off campus pharmacies (they most likely WILL fill the perscription) if not you can advise your friends to contact the closest gynocologist and ask about perscription fills. I am still not sure if a school is required to offer anything more than basic medical care. You would have to take that up with the school legal dept


New member
Is the hospital the only medical care offered by the school or do you have an on campus clinic? AND are there any off campus pharmacies (they most likely WILL fill the perscription) if not you can advise your friends to contact the closest gynocologist and ask about perscription fills. I am still not sure if a school is required to offer anything more than basic medical care. You would have to take that up with the school legal dept
As I said in the post, it is a campus clinic. It bugs me because they WERE allowed to do the exams and give the pills before the catholic hospital started giving them money or whatever it is that they do...



New member
Well a state funded school is not supposed to accept money from a reliious org. My advice is to first consult the legal dept of the school and make sure you have your facts straight and then if you do, you can go ahead and take action (or your friends can or school chapter of teh ACLU)


New member
Well, here is where it gets sticky. The school denies that the reason they quit despensing the pill is because of catholic affiliation, even though a nurse that works there told me directly that it is the reason. The school says they simply didn't have the funds to pay a doctor to do gynocological exams... BUT there is a doctor there as well as nurse practitioners who can do those very same exams-- general doctors and nurse practitioners are allowed to do those exams and despense the pills, so their explanation doesn't make sense. I think they are trying to avoid a legal issue-- because all I have to go on is what a nurse told me, while they can make their silly excuses and get by. I know this isn't that big a deal, but it bugs me.


New member
DO you really want to go to a general practitioner for Gyno stuff?? YIKES!!! Still, I would get the perscription from teh doctor you see at home and have it transfered to the local pharmacy, or else use the internet. I know a few pople in small towns that go that route to kee the familty out of private business. (cheaper too) Also planned parenthood has teh pill and will sell it on a sliding scale (both my sister and I have used the clinic for gyno needs

Crispy Critter

New member
Just give blow jobs or see if the hospital will tie your tubes... STD's will increase without condoms that birthcontrol pills encourages. Just give hand or blow jobs until the guys raise enough **** to have policy changed and stay on higher ground....


New member
Just give blow jobs or see if the hospital will tie your tubes... STD's will increase without condoms that birthcontrol pills encourages. Just give hand or blow jobs until the guys raise enough **** to have policy changed and stay on higher ground....

Gee isn't that an intelligent response. Problem #1: I am married. Women don't give blow jobs after they get married. (haha I couldn't resist) #2: It is almost impossible to get a place to tie your tubes when you in your twenties. #3: The pill is great for those of us who don't have to worry about STD's.

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