Schwanzenegger, Nutless RINO, Afraid to Support a Candidate


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Schwarzenegger Staying Neutral During Primaries

Sunday, January 20, 2008

LOS ANGELES -- California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said on Saturday he
would not endorse any Republican candidate during the presidential
nominating contests, defying speculation he might back Arizona Sen. John

"I respect all the candidates in the Republican lineup, and of course I have
my preferences, I don't get involved in that," he told a news conference
with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is the subject of speculation he
might run for president as an independent. Bloomberg has said repeatedly he
is not a candidate.

"I said I would not endorse anybody," said the Republican governor of the
country's most populous state. "I think it doesn't help me and it doesn't
help the state of California. I don't need to go and endorse anybody."

Schwarzenegger had been asked if was holding off endorsing McCain in case
Bloomberg runs as an independent. Schwarzenegger replied, "Good try," and
Bloomberg laughed heartily.

Schwarzenegger described McCain last year as a "great senator" and a "very
good friend," and McCain helped raise millions for the former actor during
his re-election campaign in 2006.

On Saturday, Schwarzenegger termed billionaire businessman Bloomberg a "soul
mate." Along with Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a Democrat, they held a news
conference underneath a Los Angeles freeway to draw attention to America's
crumbling infrastructure.

California holds its presidential primary on February 5, or "Super Tuesday,"
when nearly half the states hold contests to choose Democratic and
Republican candidates for the November presidential election.