#SCOTUS allows Student's Anti-Bush T-Shirt


Amanda Williams


Court Allows Student's Anti-Bush T-Shirt
Jun 29 10:22 AM US/Eastern

WASHINGTON (AP) - Putting its recent ruling on student speech into
practice, the Supreme Court on Friday rejected a school district's
appeal of a ruling that it violated a student's rights by censoring his
anti-Bush T-shirt.

A seventh-grader from Vermont was suspended for wearing a shirt that
bore images of cocaine and a martini glass
> On Monday, the court said schools could regulate student expression if it
> advocated
> illegal drug use. Justice Samuel Alito cautioned that schools could not
> censor political
> speech.

And drugs are not politicized?

Another aspect of Free Speech is that the judge is not permitted to rate the
politics of the speech itself. They are supposed to be neutral on that, and
they are supposed to rate only if the speech was a call to action, such as
inciting a riot.

But conservatives hate free speech anyway, so some state somewhere is
"correct" in the eyes of the law to permit a vanity license plate saying
